Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1337: Black sacred flag

"All are coming back!"

Destroyed by the black hole in the space, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the people back to the Qiankun, so that everyone would be hurt by the sharp space cracks.

About more than a dozen breaths, Ye Chenfeng passed through the Qiankun environment and found himself in a space filled with dead air and solitude. He simply took a rest and restored the consumed soul and body injuries and appeared outside.

"A desolate space!"

Looking at the gray space in front of him, there is a thick and dead space. Ye Chenfeng feels a bleak heart in his heart, looking at it, all of them are hills and hills, and many hills still have a tomb. The aura that floats in the air is very thin, and it doesn't feel like it.

Observed the surrounding environment, Ye Chenfeng sat on the cold ground on the knees, controlling the speed of the brain, and sensing the reality of the desolate space.

"Well, the power of the dojo, this space turned out to be a small dojo!"

The brain is speeding up for a long time, and Ye Chenfeng’s brow is tightly screwed together. He found that this space was evolved from a small dojo. He wanted to break the space wall and leave it almost. may.

"Where is the dojo left in the sky?"

Ye Chenfeng is completely certain that the Tian Cang domain is a dojo, and the space in which he lives is a dividing field.

But after devouring the brain, Ye Chenfeng found that this dividing field was very mysterious and could not forcibly leave with the power of his own control.

"Hey, let's explore the virtual reality of this space first!" Ye Chenfeng sighed softly and chose a direction to fly deep into the space evolved from this dojo.

"Blood bones, how come there are so many bones here!"

When Ye Chenfeng passed through a narrow canyon, he found that there were dense bones in the canyon. These bones were big and small. Some people had demons. Two of them were bones, hundreds of feet long. The sharp bones were as sharp as swords. It spurs the sky and exudes a terrible smell.

"Well, is this the bone of the sacred beast?"

Flying and flying, Ye Chenfeng saw a large and unimaginable bone skeleton scattered in the depths of the canyon. Each bone has more than ten feet, or even a hundred feet. If it is scattered around the bones, it will be put together. It can be set up with thousands of feet of animal bones.

More importantly, in this giant skeleton, the pressure of the holy beast is revealed, and Ye Chenfeng suspects that this is a bone of a sacred beast.


When Ye Chenfeng fell to the bones of this holy beast and wanted to move a huge bone spur, a crack suddenly spread on the surface of the spur, and between the blinks, I don’t know how many years existed. The eroded grave of the sacred beast was weathered and turned into a large piece of bone powder, which drifted with the wind.

"Hey, the essence of life in this bone of the beast has been lost, no value!" Looking at the weathered sacred bones, Ye Chenfeng sighed softly, revealing the color of regret.

Flying out of this canyon with a lot of white bones, Ye Chenfeng continued to fly into this deserted space, looking for an exit that might leave.

Suddenly, he felt the space in front of him swayed, and tens of thousands of souls drilled the taupe land, filled the space, forming a black storm of black pressure, covering the world and sweeping him. .

"Soul Storm!"

Looking at the soul storm that swiftly swept away, Ye Chenfeng did not show the color of panic, nor did he hide in the hustle and bustle. Instead, he sat cross-legged on a hill and watched quietly. The soul storm of the screaming ghosts is getting closer and closer, engulfing themselves.

In the soul storm, Ye Chenfeng immediately felt that tens of thousands of souls were madly biting their flesh and blood, wanting to swallow their flesh and blood and drink their own blood.

But his body is comparable to the ancient Taobao. After he applied his golden body, he covered his body with a layer of defensive golden light. The soul of the soul storm could no longer hurt his body.

"Deeping your mind, swallowing!"

With the intimidation of the dead souls, Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the brains of the gods and emerged into a sea of ​​souls, turning into a black hole, madly devouring the soul of the soul storm.

The brain is the nemesis of all souls. As it is swallowed by madness, the brain is beginning to split the brain cells and grow stronger.


Suddenly, a very penetrating whistle passed into the sea of ​​Ye Chenfeng. Ye Chenfeng suddenly opened his eyes and saw a long number of souls in the darkness of the soul. Baizhang, the whole body is covered with thick scales, and there is a single angle on the forehead. The five-clawed sharp dragon twists the huge body and hits it.

"Soul of the soul!"

Looking at the killing of his own one-horned dragon, Ye Chenfeng’s sharp and powerful eyes show that this dragon is not real, but is made up of thousands of dead souls, but the energy contained is terrible. .

The soul of the dragon hits, Ye Chenfeng will lift the power of the brain to the limit, constantly expand the space black hole of the illusion, and swallow the dragon that vomits the light of the soul.


Under the madness of the brain, the huge body of the soul dragon is constantly being smashed.

With just a dozen breaths, the brain has swallowed up this soulful dragon that has become a dead soul, and continues to split brain cells.

Soon, more than half an hour passed, and the storm of the soul that swept the world gradually dispersed, revealing Ye Chenfeng, who was sitting cross-legged and unharmed.

The brain is engulfing tens of thousands of dead souls, splitting a lot of brain cells, but as the brain is changing again and again, it needs more and more energy, just swallowing is not enough to make it further Metamorphosis, splitting the brain.

"I don't know when this space will form a soul storm."

In the face of the soul storm that makes people chill and tremble, Ye Chenfeng reveals the color of expectation. If you let the brain continue to devour, you can definitely evolve again. The chance of leaving this ghost place will be greatly improved. .

With the expectation, Ye Chenfeng continued to fly in the dojo space, flying and flying. He found a smooth mirrored mountain wall not far from the front. The wall was portrayed with a strong and powerful word. And a broken old flag.

"My great string celestial sacred, since the time of knowing the life, I will leave the Chinese sacred treasure black sacred flag to the lover, I hope that one day, the black sacred flag can reproduce the heavens and the earth."

Looking at the ancient characters inlaid on the mountain wall, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes immediately looked at the broken ancient flag, and the eyes suddenly lit up.

"Here is a burial of a Tianzu Tiansheng, and he left a Chinese treasure!"

With his current strength, he can play half of the power of Zhongpin Shengbao, and the consumption is not big. It can be said that the Chinese treasure is in his hands, and it is more useful than the best holy treasure Jiulong.

"Primary, if you don't want to die, don't get close to the ancient flag." Suddenly, a low voice rang in the ears of Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, there are still people in this space!"

Ye Chenfeng’s brows stunned, revealing the color of the accident, and immediately controlled the minds of the brain, but did not find the soul of the soul.

The black sacred flag is too tempting. He meditates and walks toward the smooth mirrored mountain wall.

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng did not listen to dissuasion, the mysterious voice did not speak again.

When Ye Chenfeng reached out and touched the black sacred flag embedded in the light, the endless black light filled the holy flag and sealed the space around Ye Chenfeng's body.

The next moment, the smooth mountain wall cracked a crack, a dry skin, and the white-haired old man came out of the mountain wall.

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