Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1344: 擎天古木

"Primary, where do you say the way to leave this ghost place?"

Cang Kunwu floated in the cold lake water, releasing a powerful soul to cover the entire bottom of the lake, repeatedly inducing several times, failed to find abnormalities, whispered.


Ye Chenfeng was a little empty, and the bronze sword spirit shot out and stabbed the thick mud at the bottom of the lake.

The next moment, Cang Kunwu's powerful soul clearly felt that the bottom of the lake attacked by the bronze sword spirit was distorted, and the space wall showed a crack in the space, revealing the power of a space outside.

"Primary, how did you find out here!"

Feeling the change of space, Cang Kunwu showed a strong excitement, and the voice asked a little trembling.

Until now, he still can't believe that he has been trapped for hundreds of thousands of years, but Ye Chenfeng easily found the opportunity to leave.

"How to find the confidentiality of the younger generation." Ye Chenfeng said vaguely: "Predecessors, you will go back to my Qiankun environment and prepare for it, so that I will move the spirit of the bottom of your black pool to the Qiankun territory. , we will blast here and leave."


Cang Kunwu knows that with his power alone, I am afraid that I will not be able to wear the weak point of this space, and I will return to the environment of Qiankun by pressing my inner excitement.

About three days, Ye Chenfeng moved the spirit of the bottom of the Black Pool to the Qiankun environment, returned to the bottom of the lake, summoned all the helpers from the Qiankun environment, ready to gather the power of everyone, to blast through Space left here.

"Everyone is ready to listen to my password and attack!"

When everyone is ready to summon their treasures, Ye Chenfeng will kill them, and everyone will show their strongest killings, control the strongest treasures, and attack the weak points of this dojo space.


The sound of an earth-shattering explosion sounded at the bottom of the lake, and the terrible force continually tore the relatively fragile space wall and collapsed the bottom space.

Looking at the power of the crowd to smash the wall of the collapsed space, suddenly, a powerful force of the dojo came from all directions to repair the space cracks and collapse space at a speed visible to the naked eye, let Ye Chenfeng and others The attack fell short.

One blow failed, Ye Chenfeng and others were not discouraged, and continued to gather the power of everyone to attack together. Among them, Ye Chenfeng summoned the attack of Jiulong Yuxi, still failed to repair under the force of the dojo, and pierced Space wall.

"Spirit fish, do you summon the true **** blood shadow attack to try?" The hard attack has no fruit, Ye Chenfeng pondered.


The soul has a little head, burned the blood of the true god, summoned the blood of the **** of the tall, **** sky, attacking the space wall that was quickly repaired by the power of the dojo.


After being attacked by the **** of blood, the power of the dojo in all directions suddenly broke, and the wall of the cracked space was broken like a broken glass.

"Everyone helps me!"

The blood of the gods smashes the power of the dojo, and the space of the dojo has smashed a big hole. Ye Chenfeng gathers the power of the people and melts into the jade of the Kowloon, condensing three lore mad dragons into the darkness. In the black hole of the ink space, the space wall is forcibly penetrated.

Finally, the dojo space was bombarded, and Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul felt the breath of the outside world.

"Jinpeng blood is burning!"

Ye Chenfeng decisively took everyone into the Qiankun environment, burning Jinpeng blood, summoning the golden wing feathers, and raising his own speed to the peak, such as a golden light, flew into the chaotic space black hole, flew to the outside world. .

Before the repair of the outer space wall, the amazing speed of Ye Chenfeng flew out of the chaotic space black hole, and came to a space where the sky and the sky were green and the scenery was pleasant.

And the aura in this space is very rich, bringing together a thin mist, winding in the distant mountains, and ancient wood branches, do not have a fairy.

"Hey...how did you come out!"

When Ye Chenfeng resumed the consumption of soul power, an angry scream sounded when the space in front of the eyes was heard. The fire unicorn that had brought Ye Chenfeng into the dojo space appeared, cracked the **** mouth and shouted loudly. .

"Nature is to break it out!"

Looking at the extraordinary fire of the unicorn, Ye Chenfeng started the idea of ​​conquering it with the soul-sucking brain.

If he can conquer the middle-aged sacred fire unicorn, he will have the capital to fight Nirvana's natural power. When he goes to gossip to the gods of the gods, he also has to rely on it.

"Impossible, with your strength, it is impossible to leave there alive." The fire in Kirin's nostrils was sprayed with a flame, not screaming.

"Whether you believe it or not, I have already come out. Now, it is time to find your account!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng took an ancient Dao Dan, quickly recovered the soul of consumption, and sent Cang Kunwu, Lei Yi and others.

"Predecessors, help me suppress this fire unicorn!"

Ye Chenfeng yelled at the outside world, and Cang Kunwu, who was excited to speak, shouted.


After living, leaving the dojo space alive, this made Cang Kunwu full of gratitude to Ye Chenfeng, and he did not hesitate to agree, and controlled the attack of Kunwu to the fire unicorn.

When Cang Kunwu shot, Lei Yi, Qian Ming Hou and others also summoned their own holy treasures. Quasi-Shengbao blocked the route of the fire unicorn escape and attacked him together.

"Battle Form!"

After being attacked by Cang Kunwu and others, the fire unicorn immediately changed into a battle form, holding a huge Chinese sword, a knife, a flame, and a full-fledged attack.

Now, Cang Kunwu, Lei Yi, Sword Ling and the Golden God of War attack is so amazing, and instantly restrained its offensive, forcing him to retreat.


Ye Chenfeng burns the blood of the gods, increasing the power by three times, and the eighty-one swords that surround his body are integrated into one, forming a huge sword of the Qiankun, filled with more than 300 million A sword of Jin directly shocked the strong legs of the fire unicorn into the hard formation.

"True God Blood Shadow!"

The spirit fish condenses the shadow of the true god, slamming the body on the body of the fire unicorn with limited mobility, and hits it out with a single blow.

"The true blood, how can you flow the blood of the true god!"

The fire unicorn has a big copper bell and looks at the blood of the true **** behind the spirit fish, revealing an incredible color.

When it was shocked, Cang Kunwu, Lei Yi controlled two of the best Chinese holy treasures to kill, terrible mirrors and nine black squad bombarded on its strong body, smashing covering it all over the body The red scales of the fire blasted it hundreds of meters away.

"I don't play with you!"

Fire Kirin looked at the spirit fish deeply, suddenly changed the cost body, and the power of the explosion broke through the defense line of the sword spirit and the golden **** of war, and fled to the distance of this fairyland-like space.

"Where to escape!"

Ye Chenfeng and others have accelerated, chasing the wounded, the fire unicorn that Cangjie escaped...

Looking at Ye Chenfeng and others to catch up with the fire unicorn that escaped from the emperor, suddenly, they saw a strain of nearly a hundred feet high in front, so large that it was unimaginable, and the lush canopy covered more than ten miles of Qingtian ancient wood.

Under this Optimus ancient wood, sitting cross-legged in this man wearing broken armor, closing his eyes, there is no trace of life fluctuations, gray hair.

The fire unicorn that just fled, is kneeling beside this man who seems to have died for a long time, staring at the big bells and watching the slowly approaching Ye Chenfeng and others.

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