Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1347: 金血克能能

"A good space treasure!"

The man’s brows were slightly wrinkled. When he saw Ye Chenfeng’s life hanging on the line, he hid in the Qiankun’s realm, and he made a full blow, failing to penetrate the defense of Qiankun’s territory, revealing a strange color.

When he turned his gaze to Lei Yi, Qian Ming waiting, etc., Ye Chenfeng timely sent Lei Yi and others into the Qiankun environment.

"Boss, the hair outside is too powerful, what should we do?"

Seeing the man’s punch, the chaotic beast is also scared.

"Wait, maybe the spirit fish can save us!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and said his face was dignified.

In the face of the invincible man, Ye Chenfeng felt a bit weak, and felt that even if he used all the cards, he could not beat him.

At this time, he can only gamble, gambling on the life of the spirit fish, he guessed that the life of the spirit fish is absolutely related to the domain of the heavens. Once the soul of the spirit fish is solved, it should be able to save them.


When Ye Chenfeng pinned his hopes on the spirit fish, while waiting for the healing, the man took back the dragon-shaped ancient seal suspected of the highest quality of the holy treasure from the fire unicorn, attacking the Qiankun environment and shaking the environment. Violent tremors.

"Not good, the situation is broken!"

When Kun Kun was subjected to the dragon-shaped ancient seals and attacked one time, Ye Chenfeng was surprised to find that there was a crack in the indestructible defense of Qiankun.

Although the crack is not large, the appearance of the crack is enough to prove that the man has the strength to break through the defense of the Qiankun.

Thinking of the consequences of the smashing of the Qiankun defense, Ye Chenfeng couldn’t calm down anymore, constantly thinking about ways to get out.

In the case of Ye Chenfeng’s method of thinking, nearly 100 feet high, the ancient wooden canopy covering more than ten miles of space began to wither, and large pieces of dead branches fell off the canopy, scattered on the ground and turned into ashes.

Looking at the rapid wilting of Qingtian Gumu, there was a trace of panic on the man's face.

Qingtian ancient wood is an ancient species, and the second strain can no longer be found in the world. This ancient wood is closely related to his life. Once it is dead, it will cause fatal damage to him.

"Fire Kirin, let's work together to crush the five-color **** wood, and then slowly deal with those few people!"

The man gave up attacking the thoughts of Qiankun, and quickly appeared on the side of the celestial ancient wood that was quickly lost. He attacked Chaos Shenmu with the fire unicorn and wanted to rely on absolute power to crush it.

A fierce attack by men and fire unicorns, Chaos Shenmu suffered tremendous pressure, and the five-color canopy shook violently.

The Optimus ancient wood tree was hit by a terrible destruction, and there were road cracks on the huge trunks that nearly 100 people could hold together, causing great damage to the Optimus ancient wood.

But in order to smash the chaotic **** wood, the man did not care so much, did not slow down the offensive, and the fierce attack with the fire unicorn, hard to sneak out the chaotic **** wood parasitic in the trunk of the ancient wood.

"Chaotic Shenmu, come back!"

Feeling that Chaos Shenmu has been damaged, Ye Chenfeng immediately communicated with Chaos Shenmu and wanted to summon it back.

"Dragon-shaped ancient symbols, suppression!"

When Chaomu Shenmu flies back to Qiankun, the man immediately controls the ancient characters to transform into a dragon shape, bans the space, suppresses it on the chaotic **** wood, and wants to forcibly cut off the connection between Chaos Shenmu and Ye Chenfeng, and conquers it. Used for him.


The dragon-shaped ancient symbol suppresses the chaotic **** wood, and the man immediately squeezes out a drop of blood, drops into the chaotic **** wood, and forcibly recognizes the master.

Suddenly, the golden blood that was parasitic in the chaotic **** wood emerged, and the man’s blood was swallowed in the blink of an eye.

"This, what blood is this!"

Looking at the emergence of chaotic **** wood, mapping the gold blood of the glaring golden light, the strength of the man instinctively felt the fear and the pressure on the level.

"This drop of blood must be available!"

Although the blood in front of him was terrifying, it made him feel dangerous, but the man’s eyes were hot.

He has a feeling that if he can refine this blood into the body, he is very likely to recover the injury that cannot heal and restore his peak strength.

"The true blood, refining!"

The man took a deep breath and activated the thin blood of the gods. He wanted to use the blood of the gods to force the refining and the golden blood of the chaotic **** wood.

When men forced the refining of gold, the golden blood once again reflected the golden light, banned the space in the square circle, and isolated the soul perception of Ye Chenfeng.

The next moment, in the glaring golden light, the man's pupil shrinks and sees an illusory figure, and a fear from the deepest part of the soul arises spontaneously.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to press his inner fears hard, but in the face of the illusory figure, he could not control his inner fear, and his body kept shaking.


Unreal figure suddenly pointed out a finger and pointed to the man.

No one can describe how terrible this finger is, and pointing out the space as if it were nothing, nothing in the space has been absorbed.

One pointed out, the time was still, the man was as motionless as the petrochemical, and he watched this finger on his chest, smashed the samurai suit he wore, and collapsed his chest. The whole person was spotted. Flying, heavy hit on the ancient sky, the soft fell to the ground, lost the fighting power.

And this sudden scene, completely scared the fire unicorn, let this proud sacred beast squatting on the ground, shivering.

One finger hit the man, the illusory figure in Jin Guangzhong did not attack again. He looked at the man deeply, and disappeared into the golden blood, and the golden space was restored to its original state.

"Well, that man is hurt!"

Because the golden blood isolated the space, Ye Chenfeng did not know what had just happened. When he discovered that the man was seriously injured and fell under the celestial ancient wood through the Qiankun, the fire unicorn trembled on the ground, the whole person was shocked. It is.


Hesitating a moment, Ye Chenfeng ventured away from the Qiankun territory, appeared outside, and re-integrated the golden blood of the chaotic **** wood into the body, carefully approaching the chest collapsed, almost lost the fighting power of the man.

"What the **** are you?"

At this time, the man did not dare to smack Ye Chenfeng, the illusory figure in the golden blood shocked him, so that he did not dare to deal with Ye Chenfeng.

"Who I am not important, what is important is why you want to kill me!"

After the brain-sensing, Ye Chenfeng found that the man was hurt more than he had imagined. He had a big wave in his heart and wanted to know what happened when the space was imprisoned.

"I kill you because I want to keep the secret here!" said the man weakly.

"Then you are seriously injured now, should I take revenge!" Ye Chenfeng flashed a killing light in his eyes, pointing at him with a dragon sacred sword, without a trace of affection.

"Before you start, can you let me decide one thing first!" The seriously injured man whispered.

"Do you want to determine the identity of the spirit fish!" Ye Chenfeng said: "I can tell you clearly that the spirit fish is related to the heavenly master. She has recently blended a drop of the blood of the true God, and the true **** Blood is flowing from the sky."

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