Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1359: Leiyi breakthrough, Nirvana Heavenly Environment

"Wind dust, how can your strength grow so fast!"

Xuanwu's eyes widened, watching Ye Chenfeng's fall and autumn leaves killing four unicorn gods Nirvana's humanity's power, and his heart set off a big wave.

He can't imagine what Ye Chenfeng has experienced in the past two years, why his strength has improved so much.

"Xuanwu brother forgot my identity?"

Looking at the stunned Xuanwu, Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly.

"The Holy Teacher is really the most terrible existence of the world!"

Thinking of Ye Chenfeng is one of the most powerful sages in the Central World. Xuanwu’s eyes are bright and thoughtful.

"For the Xuanwu brother, how can you be chased by the Nirvana of the Qilin Gods!" Ye Chenfeng whispered: "Do you have enmity with them?"

"Hey, I am innocent and innocent with them!" Xuanwu sighed softly: "This is because I have been hit by the failure of Nirvana. They looked at me and were killed by Taiqing." It’s a big hit, I want to kill people and get more goods, and I won the treasure that I have. If I don’t meet you, I’m afraid I can’t escape their poisonous hands.”

"Because of this, the four of them really should kill." Ye Chenfeng took away the relics of four people: "Xuanwu brother, we are looking for a safe place to speak."


Xuanwu nodded, followed Ye Chenfeng and left the mountain forest with a strong **** smell, and flew to a quiet valley deep in the forest.

"Xuanwu brother, why do you want to attack Nirvana here, no one will protect you?"

The impact of nirvana is not the same as that of ordinary people. When people are shocked by Nirvana, there is definitely a master.

"Hey, this time I am careless. I thought that I would cultivate to the peak of the Nirvana people, and then I can easily break through the Nirvana realm with two pieces of gold petals, but the power of the Taiqing Mountain is beyond me. I imagined that I almost exhausted all of my cards, and I couldn't resist it. Eventually, the breakthrough failed!" Xuanwu gently sighed.

"It doesn't matter, if you fail, you can come again. With this experience, I think Xuanwu brothers will be able to break through the Nirvana realm next time!" Looking at the basaltic look of the lonely, Ye Chenfeng softly comforted.

"Wind dust, do you still have a golden petal lotus?" Xuanwu asked somehow.


Ye Chenfeng has a good impression on the arrogant Xuanwu, and intends to make him. Moreover, he has fifteen pieces of golden lotus on his body, and he has taken out two pieces of golden lotus.

"Wind dust, you open a price, these two gold petals fire lotus I want." Xuanwu looked at the two golden petals of fire lotus, said a bite.

"Xuanwu brother, I wonder if you have Zhongpin Tianjing?"

In the Tian Cangzhi area and the Ming Shifang, the energy contained in the sword spirit is few, and Ye Chenfeng urgently needs the Zhongpin Tianjing to add energy to the sword.

"I originally had five pieces of Zhongpin Tianjing, but I used up all the time when I was against Taiqing in the Qing Dynasty!" Xuanwu shook his head and said: "I don't know anything else?"

"Let's do it, these two gold-plated fire lotuses are given to you, if you can get the Zhongpin Tianjing and give it to me in the future!" Ye Chenfeng did not swindle Xuanwu, generously said.

"Wind dust, you have made this friend!" Xuanwu said with gratitude: "I will repay you whether successful or not."

"Xuanwu brother, I see you are extremely hurt, these two drugs are for you, good for your injury!" Ye Chenfeng gave him two very valuable Avenue Dan.

"Thank you!"

Xuanwu did not be polite with Ye Chenfeng, and sealed two pieces of gold-flowered fire lotus in the jade box. After receiving two avenues, Dan swallowed the belly, quickly refining and strengthening the powerful medicine to heal the serious injury.

After about three days or so, Xuanwu refining the power of two avenues, basically healed the serious injuries, and Ye Chenfeng came to the highest peak of this mountain range, ready to challenge Taiqing Tianzhong again. Taiqing destroyed the world and hit the Nirvana.

"Xuanwu brother, you can safely challenge Taiqing to destroy the world, and hit the Nirvana area. I will protect you and guard the world."

Ye Chenfeng looked at the recovery of his injuries, and he gave him two valuable ancient roads to meet his needs.

"Wind dust, your big grace, I have no teeth, I hope that God can give me the opportunity to repay you!" Xuanwu tightly held the ancient Dao Dan sent to him by Ye Chenfeng, thankfully said.

After finishing, Xuanwu adjusted his internal interest, holding the quasi-sacred treasure and blood-souling knife, flying for nine days, disappearing into the sea of ​​clouds.

"Leiyi, I wonder if you have any interest, challenge the power of the world that hates the sky, and attack Nirvana?"

Xuanwu entered Taiqingtian, Ye Chenfeng will have already cultivated to the peak of Nirvana, and he called out.

"The power of the world that hates the sky is terrible. With my current strength and heritage, I am afraid that only 30% hope to challenge success!"

Thunder billion is terrible, but he still feels a little lack of confidence when he thinks about the difficulty of hating the power of the world.

"What if I give you two golden lotuses of fire lotus?"

Ye Chenfeng’s heart and mind moved, and the two values ​​were immeasurable, and they were able to restrain the fire lotus heart from the power of hating the world and asked.

"Fire lotus heart, Ye Shao, you actually have these holy things!" Lei Yi brows a glimpse, revealing a strong excitement: "If there are two fire lotus hearts, he feels that he has at least 60% grasp, break through Go to Nirvana."

"If I give you another group of creatures that have the power to resurrect!"

Leiyi is a very important force of Ye Chenfeng. If he can break through to Nirvana, the help of Ye Chenfeng will be great, so Ye Chenfeng has no embarrassment and has taken out a group of births. spirit.

"Ye Shao, whether it is successful or not, I would like to give it a try, please Ye Shaocheng!" Looking at the three treasures that Ye Chenfeng took out, Lei Yi’s eyes lit up.

He knows that chances are rare. If he misses his life, I am afraid it is difficult to take this last step.

"Well, I hope you don't let me down!"

Ye Chenfeng gave the two fire lotus hearts and a group of birth spirits worth more than the next product, Sheng Dan, to Lei Yi.

After more than an hour, Lei Yi adjusted his own state to the best, tore up a lot of space, and entered the highest level of the central world, the world of hatred, the challenge is terrible, the most terrible of the fighting continent. One of the forces of the world, the power of Nirvana.

When Xuanwu and Leiyi both challenged the world and attacked the higher realm, Ye Chenfeng sat on the tens of meters high in the foothills, took a drop of the soul of the soul, and practiced the soul. , condense the soul of the disc, forcibly honed his soul, the deepest level of tempering the soul, and enhance the soul realm.

Time goes by.

When Ye Chenfeng endured the pain of non-humanity, controlling the soul grinding disc to temper the soul over and over again, absorbing a whole drop of the soul liquid, he refined many souls and felt that Lei Yi took the lead in Xuanwu, dragging the heart of the wound Fly back to the foothills.

Looking at the body is hurt, the body is covered with white bones, but the gods are stunned, and the breath is more than ten times more than the billion, and Ye Chenfeng has a satisfied smile.

"Thank you for Ye Shaocheng!"

Lei Yichong took a deep look at Ye Chenfeng and said with gratitude.

Without Ye Chenfeng, he will never be able to break through to Nirvana and complete his final dream under the baptism of the extremely dangerous world.

"Leiyi, stay with me and help me. If I fly to Tianyu one day, I will restore your freedom!"

Looking at the expression of excitement, Lei Yi, who is reborn, Ye Chenfeng promised.

"Thank you for Ye Shao!"

Leiyi’s knees are completely convincing.

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