Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1371: 全灭

"You give me to die!"

The white-haired old man violently screams, such as the two-way map of the girl's delicate hands, the evolution of two rounds of space like a black hole in the sky, the bombing to Ye Chenfeng, want to hit him Kill and recapture the vital town of Dzi Beads.

"Sword Spirit, Golden God of War, resist!"

When the two rounds of the road were close, Ye Chenfeng summoned two big avatars, resisting them in front of them, and resisting the two rounds of the days of the white hair.

"Nine-day swords, give me off!"

The old man in the green robe shot at the same time, and the sword was emptied and ruthless.

Under the attack of the nine-day sword that evolved the power of heaven and earth, the heavens and the earth were trembled, and Ye Chenfeng smelled a strong death.

In the critical moment, Ye Chenfeng and the two avatars hid in the Qiankun environment, and borrowed the indestructible defense of Qiankun to avoid the big killings of the green robe old man.

"I'm missing, how can I be gone!"

Looking at the strange disappearance of Ye Chenfeng, the man in the robes of the dragon robes his eyes wide open, revealing an incredible color.

"The treasure of space, that person has the treasure of space!"

The well-informed white-haired old man thought of the reason, releasing a powerful soul to cover the entire void, locking in the hidden space hidden in the void.

"Give me a break!"

There was a discovery of the Qiankun, and the white-haired old man was attacked with the holy sword. Under her fierce attack, everyone found the hidden environment and made all the attacks.


With a terrible attack, the Qiankun trembled and drove the entire void to be broken.

"Hey, boss, who is so bold and unscrupulous attack us!"

Feeling the hustle and bustle of the mountains and shaking the chaos of the chaos in the cultivation, it quickly came to Ye Chenfeng, screaming, angry roaring.

"It’s the people of the Nine Heavens!" Ye Chenfeng’s mouth was slightly upturned, revealing a cold smile.

"Mom, nine days of the gods, these big hairs are big and big!" Chaos beast yelled: "Boss, let us go out and destroy them."

"I am doing this!" Ye Chenfeng’s eyes flashed a savage killing: "Everyone is ready, go out with me and kill them all."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and all the helpers were sent out of the Qiankun environment, appearing in the space filled with criss-crossing cracks and constantly collapsed.

Ye Chenfeng appeared, and the angry white-haired old man and others did not hesitate to attack him, and wanted to smash him in one fell swoop.

"Kowloon Jade, destroy!"

At this time, Cang Kunwu, who was armed with Jiulong, was violently screaming, and there were three terrible lore dragons in the control of Jiulong Yuxi, which smashed the attacks of white-haired old people and others, and smashed them to them. .

"Not good, flash!"

Feeling the terrible horror of the three lore, the white-haired old man and other people trembled, instinctive dodge.


The chaotic emptiness of the air blew three deafening blasts, and the three lore mad dragons directly blasted the chaotic void into three space black holes, and smashed the four ecstasy of the nine-day gods that had not been smashed into pieces. On the spot, he died.

"You, who are you guys?"

Feeling the horrible atmosphere of Cang Kunwu, the fire unicorn and Lei Yi, the white hair and the old man trembled, and the killing in the eyes was completely replaced by fear.

They never dreamed that Ye Chenfeng had so many terrible helpers.

"Without you, don't you know who the old man is?"

Cang Kunwu has broken through to the four-star sacred realm, and Nirvana’s great power has not been seen enough in his eyes. He looks indifferently at the white-haired old man who is horrified and arrogant.

"Go, leave here quickly!"

Cang Kunwu, fire unicorn, the threat of the three people of Lei Yi is too big, so that the white-haired old man did not dare to fight, and immediately decided to break through.

"Are you running away?" Cang Kunwu sneered aloud: "Jiulong Jade, suppressing space."

Under the release of his powerful power, the Kowloon Jade has grown bigger, like a mountain, suppressing the entire space, and pressing on the body of the white-haired old man.


The space was broken under the pressure of the deadly force of Jiulong, and several Nirvana human beings were directly crushed and died.

The Nine Dragons man in the Nirvana area was also crushed under the pressure of Jiulong Town, Jiulong, and a large amount of blood was sprayed out of his mouth, completely losing the opportunity to break through.

"Blood burning, the body of the spirit!"

In a critical moment, the white-haired old man is no longer hiding in the Tibetan Mastiff. They have burned powerful blood and changed into a powerful spiritual body to withstand the suppression of the Kowloon Jade.


The fire unicorn roared, and the huge body burned a hot sacred fire, such as a fast moving fireball, with hundreds of millions of pounds of power, hitting the white-haired old man.

Under the fatal impact of the fire unicorn, the ancient Daobao played by the white-haired old man was broken by it, and the two quasi-sacred treasures that she successively shot were also flew out by the fire unicorn.


The white-haired old man’s body was shocked, and he was defeated by the fire unicorn. The large amount of blood was sprayed with blood in her mouth.

At the moment when her body was out of control, Lei Yiru appeared behind her with a lightning bolt. She attacked with the Thunder's holy sword and tore her body defense, constantly piercing her body.

"Old hair, give me death!"

When the white-haired old man was hit hard and the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, the chaotic beast raised the bronze urn and took the power of billions of shackles on her seriously injured body, and smashed her head with the body in one fell swoop. Even the soul is not spared, and the smoke is gone.

The white hair is old and dead, so that the heart of the green robe and other people fell into the trough, so that they tried to escape and escape.

But this time, after the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jin Qinglong blood lions sealed the retreat of the men in the robes and robes, and they continued to attack them deadly, killing them one by one.

At this time, the nine-day **** king who came to intercept Tian Bao and others, only the old green robes who were struggling to support, all others were killed by the squadrons of Cang Kunwu and others.

"You really want to live with me for nine days!"

The burning of Shouyuan, a full blow, still can not resist the green robes of Cang Kunwu attack, roaring loudly.

"Maybe in the near future, there will be no nine days of God!" Ye Chenfeng said indifferently, continue to attack him.



Cang Kunwu’s thoughts and movements, the suppression of the suppression of the Kowloon Jade, the suppression of the empty space, such as the mountains generally smashed the offensive was completely suppressed, unable to dodge the green robe old man.


Under the deadly attack of Jiulong in Kowloon, the defensive card of the old man in the green robe was broken, and the jade that released the power of the horrible dragon shattered his arms and smashed his head and smashed him. Killed on the spot.

Using the power of the people to kill all the masters of the nine-day gods with lightning speed, Ye Chenfeng took away their relics and sent Cang Kunwu and others to the Qiankun territory, with extremely fast The speed flew outside the veins of the Tianshan Mountains.

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