Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1377: The Battle of the Two Kings

"The konjac palace, this konjac king will also choose the place to build the palace in a pleasant lake!"

After inquiring, the fast speed of Ye Chenfeng came to the south of the city of Bagua Imperial City, a secluded lake, and saw a very large area, extremely luxurious, paved, tree-lined, At the door stood a group of two mighty stone lions.

"Stay, this is the konjac palace, outsiders must not be near!"

Looking at the early morning of Ye Chenfeng, several guards guarding the konjac palace secreted a terrible momentum and locked him, warning loudly.

"I came to the konjac prince, and the trouble was all over, and the wind was coming!" Ye Chenfeng carried his hands, such as pines and cypresses, standing tall and straight, said faintly.

"Wind dust..."

The konjac palace guard has heard this name long ago. The konjac king had a life some time ago, and he was immediately notified if the dust came.

"You wait a moment here, I will inform Wang Ye!"

The four Wangfu guards instantly changed their faces, revealing the color of awe, and the voice of the voice showed a respectful color.

Soon, a strong breath appeared, wearing a dark gold robes, the extraordinary konjac king with a number of Wangfu masters, the first time appeared outside the palace to meet Ye Chenfeng.

"Wind dust, you are finally here!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng outside the palace, the face of the konjac king's majestic face showed a smile, and quickly walked over and said enthusiastically.

"Sorry, Wang Ye, some things have delayed the time, I don't know if the cold smoke is okay?" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and said nothing.

"Go, we are in the palace!"

Speaking, the konjac king put his posture very low, and personally took Ye Chenfeng into the palace.

"Wang Ye, is the cold smoke not good lately?"

Sitting on the chair of Zhengtang Taishi, Ye Chenfeng took a sip of the fragrant tea, and looked at the konjac king with a sullen face.

"Hey, the wind is dusty, you are really a bit late!" The konjac sighed softly: "I don't know if the cold smoke has mentioned you about the robbery?"

"Why, hasn't the robbery come to mention it?" Ye Chenfeng put down the teacup in his hand and said slowly.

"Yes, the lord of the lord is now in the palace, and when they arrive, it is for his son to kiss the gods, want to welcome the cold smoke princess!" The konjac nodded and said: "because You have never appeared in three years, I think the Emperor is very likely to promise them in order to take into account the feelings of the Lord."

"Wang Ye, I wonder if you can arrange it, I want to go to the palace to raise my relatives!"

Ye Chenfeng’s feelings for water and cold smoke are very complicated, but from the depths of his heart, he does not want to be wronged and hurt.

"No problem, I will arrange it for you!" The konjac nodded and said: "But it is afraid that the Emperor has already promised the lord of the lord, so it is troublesome."

"It doesn't matter, I believe there is a way for the Emperor to change his mind!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said confidently.

"Not good for Wang Ye, Mo Wei Wang, Mo Yue Hou with a large number of demon emperors blocked the palace, named Wang to surrender the murderer." Wangfu housekeeper hurriedly came in, anxiously said.

"The murderer, what murderer? This magic king wants to rebel!"

The konjac king usually did not deal with the magic king, and heard that his palace was blocked by the demon king, suddenly angered and snarled loudly.

"Wang Ye, the murderer they said may be me!" Ye Chenfeng, who was drinking tea, said slowly.

"You..." The konjac king's brow slightly wrinkled and asked: "Wind dust, how did you offend the Devil King?"

"I didn't offend the Devil King, but there was some conflict with the Demon Moon." Ye Chenfeng slowly passed the story.

"This magical Yue Hou is a big dog, everyone dares to bully!" The face of the konjac screamed and shouted: "Feng dust, there is no one in me who can hurt you, go, you will go out with me." Will them."


Ye Chenfeng put down the teacup and came to the king's house with the konjac king.

Looking at the Ye Chenfeng who appeared along with the konjac king, the demon sorrow brow slightly wrinkled, but there was a demon king holding his waist, and his bottom was full.

"King of the konjac, you are not afraid, you dare to harbor the killing of the two great emperors, and the murderer of the demon prince!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng standing next to the King of the Capricorn, wearing an embroidered arowana robes, his eyes are white, and there is a clear scar on the corner of his eye. The magic king surrounded by the magical body reveals a sneer, coldly said. .

"Movil King, this thing seems to have nothing to do with you, you should not be discouraged!"

When I heard that the Devil King had intentionally planted himself, the Konjac King was not angry, and said faintly.

"Magic Yue Hou is my person, his son was killed, I have to give him an account!" The magic king Wang said: "In addition, he also killed two masters of the devil, more than ten devils Huang Wei."

"Magic King, I think you haven't figured out the ins and outs of things!" The konjac sneered and said: "The demon sorrow son does not have long eyes, and provokes him to provoke people, dead pure Be alive."

"The people who can't afford it!" Mowei Wang sneered aloud: "King of the konjac, don't scare me. This is a hairy boy, is there a background in the sky? I am asking you a sentence, are you insisting? Protect him?"

"Yes, there is me, no one can move him!" The konjac nodded and responded with domineering.

"Well, the konjac king, you dare to cover up the murder of the demon emperor, and provoke me to repeat the sins of the gods of the gods, I see you are betraying my gossip!" The smile gave the konjac a unwarranted charge.

"Movil King, I don't think I have to betray the Eight Gods, but you!" The konjac responded coldly: "You know the whole central world, how many forces want to win the dust, and you And the demon yue Hou, but he was framed by him, trying to drive him out of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God, how hard you are."

"Wind dust...he is dust!"

The deeds of the wind and dust refinement competition have spread throughout the Central World. It is also rumored that the dust and the cold smoke are very close, and it is very possible for her to join the Eight Diagrams Kingdom.

If the Gossip Kingdom can draw the dust, the overall strength of the Eight Diagrams Kingdom can be greatly improved, and it will attract a large number of refiners. It can be said that the wind can join the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God, causing many parties. Concern, and if you let the wind and dust reject the gossip of the gods because of yourself, the consequences will be very serious.

Thinking of this, the back of the Devil's Queen is soaked by cold sweat, and there is even more impulsiveness to death.

"I didn't expect the prince of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God to be a person who likes to play with the right and wrong. It is really disappointing!"

When the Devil King regretted his recklessness and there was a fluster in his heart, Ye Chenfeng spoke.

"No, no, don't misunderstand the dust master, I didn't mean to target you, but was blinded by this person!"

Thinking of the Eight Diagrams Emperor for the wind and dust, repeatedly refused to mention the robbery, it is enough to prove that the Eight Diagrams Emperor is so important to the dust, in order to eliminate the misunderstanding of Ye Chenfeng, he can only sacrifice the Magic Yue Hou.

And Mo Yue Hou is even more scared, he finally knows why the wind dust dare to kill in the Eight Diagrams Imperial City.

The world's top priests can go sideways wherever they are.

"Let's go, we go to the palace, I think the Emperor will give you an account!"

Looking at the stupid Devil King, the konjac king smiled and opened the flower and said slowly.

" Wait, wait!"

Feeling the seriousness of the situation, the Devil King quickly blocked, and wanted to buckle the 屎 在 on the Demon Yue, to eliminate Ye Chenfeng’s misunderstanding.

"Let's go, what can I do to find the Emperor!"

The konjac king savagely opened the magic king, and Ye Chenfeng sat on a carriage with a small space, which was moved by eight horses and horses.

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