Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1384: Great chaos

"Wind dust, you are very good, I will kill you next time!"

The formation is banned, and the gossip royal family is in chaos, causing the vague shadow to retreat, leaving a slogan to leave.

"Want to go, not so easy!"

The development of the matter is in the Ye Chenfeng plan, and the most important part of this plan is to use the Eight Diagrams of the Royal Nirvana to deal with the vague shadows, so the Gossip royal family Nirvana can be a good future, Ye Chen The wind won't let him go.

"Golden God of War, Sword Spirit, entangle me with him!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mindful command, the golden **** of war, swordsman’s left and right attack to him, and Lei Yi was at this time, was sent by Ye Chenfeng to the Qiankun environment.


Golden God of War and Sword Spirit are close to each other, and they are counted, and the vague shadow of the anger of the heart makes a terrible roar. The terrible thought shatters the space around his body and slams the sword and the gold. God of War on the body.

Golden God of War was shaken by the power of the vague shadow, but the swordsman who burned a lot of celestial energy did not move. He held the Black Dragon Sword and gave him the opportunity to leave.


When the fuzzy shadow was entangled by the sword spirit, Ye Chenfeng controlled 108 swords of Qiankun to fly out of the body, forming a mysterious sword array, trapping him inside, forcibly limiting him. .


The huge blasting sounds under the dark night sky.

Ye Chenfeng and the two big avatars, when they were all entangled in the shadow of the shadows, several powerful breaths flew to them at a very fast speed.

"Give me a break!"

The situation is critical, the vague shadow has to expose part of the strength, a powerful blood force is diffused out of his body, turned into a thousand light, hard and shocked to open up the Qiankun sword array that trapped him, flying to In the air.


The chaos of the void suddenly trembled, and the swordsman and the golden **** of war intertwined with a powerful attack and bombarded, continuing to limit his speed, waiting for the gossip of the gods of the world to come.


Swordsman and the battle of the golden **** of war hit his body, but the power of the fuzzy shadow is too horrible, relying on the power of the powerful blood, he hardly shattered two big attacks, such as a meteor , they broke their defense.

"Where to go!"

Just broke through the entanglement of Ye Chenfeng, a sound like a nine-day stunned thunder, a man wearing a black robe, the whole body and the night merge into one, the strength reached the nirvana limit of the old man appeared, separated Booming out of the palm, collapsed a large area of ​​space, the attack turned to a fuzzy shadow.


The space of the Eight Diagrams Imperial City trembled a bit. If it wasn’t for the Gossip Kingdom, the ban was imposed, and this palm was enough to destroy the buildings and all life in the square.

The deadly palm of the old man in the black robes, the black light shrouded in the shadows.

But in the next moment, a horrible shadow appeared in the shadow of the vagueness, and the footsteps were empty, shaking the world, attacking the black robe with the boundless magic.


The two Nirvana Heavenly Extremes launched a powerful attack, and the horrific anti-shock force swept away from the sky, shattering the sky, and the earth-shattering explosions were clearly audible within a hundred miles.

After a blow, there were a number of gossip gods and nirvana emerged in a great way, forming a powerful array of powerful forces. The attacking man who was shrouded in the shadows constantly launched a fierce attack on him. It is necessary to make him hit the oysters.

"Well, this power... Why is the blood in this person's body like the blood of my devil's refinement, is this person a descendant of the demon?"

When the Shadow Man and a number of gossip gods fought fiercely, the speeding deduction of the brain was aware of the anomaly, causing Ye Chenfeng to have blood-sensing.

"Predecessors, this person should be related to the phantom killer, Qiboyu prince and his two followers are dead in this person's hand!" Ye Chenfeng regained two big avatars, rushing to several gods Nirvana Can shout.

"Wind dust, the old man vowed to kill you!"

When I heard the leaves of Ye Chenfeng, the shadows of the men’s lungs were blown up.

However, the power of the Gossip Kingdom of Nirvana is extremely terrible, and he intends to conceal his identity. Many supernatural powers dare not display it. Don’t say that killing Ye Chenfeng’s hatred, he wants to get out of trouble is very difficult.

"Don't hide your head and reveal your true body!"

"Eight Magical Magic!"

The strongest black robe veteran violently screams, the powerful blood force bursts out, and displays the gossip of the Eight Kingdoms of God. It instantly morphs out the eight avatars that are exactly the same as his body, surrounded by the shadow man, blocked. All his dodge space, launched a fatal blow to him.

"Magic, burst!"

The Shadow Man knows the horror of the Eight Diagrams Magical Devil, and he does not hesitate to explode the **** shadows that shrouded his body, forming an extremely terrible force, bombarding the eight points of the black robe old man.


After the shadow explosion attack, the old man in the black robe displayed the Eight Diagrams illusion, the illusion of the eight avatars began to rupture, and the eight-point attack launched by the eight avatars also shattered at this moment.


The explosion of the shadow, the mysterious man has also been affected, he did not dare to stay, so as not to expose his identity, cast a strange body, instantly illusion of three speed afterimage, at a very fast speed Fly in three directions.

"The seniors, the person in the northwest is the real person!"

In the deduction of the brain, Ye Chenfeng easily captured the true body of the mysterious man and shouted.

For Ye Chenfeng's reminder, there are no doubts about the power of Nirvana in the Eight Diagrams of the Gods. They have speeded up and flew to the northwest to kill the mysterious man.

Under my own calculations, the mysterious man was chased by the Nirvana of the Gossip Kingdom. When the wolverine fled, Ye Chenfeng appeared beside the charming woman who was fainted by Yuwei of Jiulong, and took her away. The ruined Wanhualou returned to the ancient temple of the konjac king.

"Wind dust, you are finally back, I heard that there is something wrong with the embroidered street, and I am not involved in it."

Looking at Ye Chenfeng with a blood-filled woman who was unconscious and returned to the ancient court, the konjac king who arrived early immediately greeted him and asked with concern.

"The embroidered street is coming to me!"

Ye Chenfeng simply went through the assassination of the phantom, and gave Qiboyu’s death to the phantom killer.

"What, Boyu is dead!"

Zi Boyu is not in a high position among the princes of the Eight Diagrams of God. But he is also a prince after all. When he learned of his death, the konjac felt the seriousness of the situation.

"Wind dust, you are sure to assassinate you, killing Boyu is the phantom killer!" The konjac king brows tightly twisted together.

"Wang Ye, this person I have captured is the phantom killer, and the leader of the phantom killer is being chased by the number of gods in Nirvana. I think tomorrow morning, you will know if I have deceived you. "Ye Chenfeng said slowly.

"The horrible phantom, dare to kill the emperor of the gossip royal family, this hatred my gossip kingdom must report!" The konjac king said angrily: "Wind dust, can you hand her over to me."

"No problem!"

Ye Chenfeng won the charming woman, it is to further phantom phantom, now there is a konjac king to do the work, he is not happy.

"Wind dust, the recent Gossip Imperial City is too chaotic, it is better for you to come back to the palace to rest with me, so as not to be the assassination of the phantom killer."

"Well, I will go back to the palace with my grandfather!"

Ye Chenfeng intends to know some inside information from the mouth of the konjac, and did not refuse. He followed him back to the palace.

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