Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1397: Terrorism attack

Spring is like water, passion is like a song.

Ye Chenfeng and the water cold smoke are entangled in death, percussion sound, low voice and sound together, composing a theme song of love.

The big bed, the water cold smoke was completely conquered by Ye Chenfeng, the two sweating dripping, the water cold smoke seemed to be closed like a scorpion, showing the satisfaction that could not be described by words, the layer of blush on the body, indicating How happy and happy she is at this time.

The two embraced tightly, up and down, screaming, and falling asleep in the exhausted joy.

In the morning, the soft sunshine sprinkled through the window and awakened the two people in the dream.

Looking at each other's faces, Ye Chenfeng and the cold water smoked a smile, and the kiss couldn't help but together. The last night's cockroaches had not dispersed, and the new passion came again.

Water cold smoke closed his eyes, licking the neck of Ye Chenfeng, madly twisting the slender soft waist, making a fascinating sound, again and again with Ye Chenfeng, in the most enthusiastic way Expressing love for Ye Chenfeng, fascinated by the ocean of joy...

I don’t know how long it took, the passion of the two people gradually dispersed. Ye Chenfeng wore clothes and looked at the messy hair. The charming face showed a hint of laziness, but it was full of style. Water cold smoke, whispered: "Smoke, the chronic toxins in your body are very special. Generally, the detoxification Dan may not be able to solve this poison, but I have a poisonous grass containing deadly toxins. Maybe it can poison the poison and solve the chronic toxins in your body. ."

"But it may be very painful to attack with poison. You must live with it! Otherwise, if it fails, it will be fatal."

"Do not worry about the morning breeze, I can live with it, don't worry about me!" The cold smoke reveals a fascinating smile, and he said with a slap in the face.

"I don't want to be late, I will detoxify you."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng took out a whole body of black paint from the Qiankun environment, containing thousands of poisonous toxins, squirting a burning fire, and melting the poisonous grass a little bit to eliminate impurities in the poisonous grass. Purification, extracting ten drops of black venom containing deadly toxins.

"Smoke the mouth, don't have any burden on the heart, give it to me!" Ye Chenfeng snorted softly, controlling a drop of black venom floating in the air into the body of the cold smoke.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng stretched out a finger and pointed it at the chest of the cold water, and controlled the spirit of the soul to continually sag, and melted into the body of the cold smoke, strengthening her body. The vitality, trying every means to weaken the damage to her body by poisoning.

The black venom melts in the body of the cold smoke, immediately releasing deadly toxins, melting into her body, blending with the chronic toxins that eroded her internal organs, and fierce repelling, making her feel huge Pain.

Although the water cold smoke is well prepared, the pain caused by the poison attack is beyond her imagination. She hurts and dies and dies.

If it is not the power of life that constantly nourishes her body, awakening her vague consciousness, she has long since fainted.

"Cold smoke, open your mouth!"

After about half an hour later, Ye Chenfeng controlled the second drop of black venom into the body of the cold smoke, continuing to use poisonous attack to weaken the chronic toxins in her body.

At the same time, Qi Chengtian found the two sages of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God, the Danxin Holy Master and the Blood Dragon Holy Division, to identify the true and false of the Tiansheng.

"How about the two holy divisions, can you identify whether this day is true?"

Looking at the eternal reasoning of the medicinal Dan Xin sect, Qi Chengtian frowned and said that if the day is true, the value is too great, and it will definitely make the Gossip Kingdom become the central world. A **** country is more likely to dominate the entire fighting continent.

"Your Majesty, according to the analysis of the old two, this Dan Fang is very likely to be true, but this Dan Fang has several main drugs, I have never seen the blood dragon sage, so I can not tell whether this Dan Fang Complete." Dan Xin Sheng Shi and the blood dragon sage exchanged a message, said.

"Danfang may be true, this world really has the nirvana that allows Nirvana to break through the limits of the realm!" Qi Chengtian showed excitement, and his ambition was also at this moment, a high degree of expansion.

"Dan Xin Sheng Shi, Blood Dragon Master, do you have chronic poisons that people can't detect?" Qi Chengtian's eyes flashed gently.

"Your Majesty, do you want to control the dust master with poison?"

Although Ye Chenfeng and the Gossip Kingdom broke apart, Dan Xin’s teacher really admired Ye Chenfeng’s refining technique and was not willing to be an enemy of him.

"Yes, I think as you think, even if this Dan is true, he can't give us the complete Danfang. If you want to get the real Dan, you must find a way to control him." Qi Chengtian Nodded.

"Your Majesty, the practice of the Wind Dust Master is far better than the old ones. It is very difficult to control him with chronic poisons!" Dan Xin Sheng brows slightly wrinkled and shook his head.

"Your Majesty, I have a colorless and odorless poison that can be fused into the air. If he inhales for a long time, he will be poisoned, but he can't hold him down!" said the Blood Dragon Master. .

"Okay, then let's try it.

Qi Chengtian reveals a hint of haze, and promises in public.

"Your Majesty, you are not afraid of the wind sorcerer's intention to discover His Majesty's intentions, a fierce conflict? The name of the youngest sage in the Central World, but it contains extremely terrible energy." Dan Xin Sheng Shi gently sighed in his heart, persuaded Road.

"Even if he found out that it is all right!" Thinking of the dark hand left in the water cold smoke, Qi Chengtian revealed a cold smile: "He can't turn my Wuzhishan."

"Okay, the two sages continue to study this Danfang. I am going to collect the main medicines above, and strive to get together as soon as possible!" After that, Qi Chengtian left with great ambition.

Time goes by.

When Ye Chenfeng poisoned the toxins in the body of cold water, he was tall and dressed in a white tulle skirt, revealing a large white skin and **** clavicle. His legs were round and slender, and his appearance and water were cold. A few similar, charming and charming women, carrying two dishes of exquisite snacks, came to the outside of the room.

"Two, I am the sister of Hanyan, who is here to give her and Ye Gongzi a snack!"

The white skirt woman looked at the swordsman and the golden **** of war outside the boudoir, said softly.

"Desserts are outside the house, you can leave!"

Ye Chenfeng’s voice came out of the room, cold and cold.


The white skirt woman did not force, put two snacks on the ground, turned and left.

The next day, the woman in the white skirt did not appear, but the master of the heart, wearing a white robe and a crane-faced boy, took two pots of wine.

Ye Chenfeng and Master Dan Xin are old-fashioned. His arrival made Ye Chenfeng difficult to refuse, and Ye Chenfeng also deliberately explored the words of Master Dan Xin, and walked out of the smog of the cold smoke, and met outside. Lucy, the heart of the sacred teacher.

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