Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1403: Zero Pushing Gossip God

"His Majesty!"

Seeing the scene of Qi Chengtian being defeated by Ye Chenfeng, and the master of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of China, who was killed by Cang Kunwu and others, suddenly panicked.

If Qi Chengtian’s accident occurs, it will cause immeasurable influence and loss to the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God, and it will become a stain that cannot be erased in the history of the Eight Diagrams Kingdom.

"True Magic Day!"

It’s blood, and quite awkward Qi Chengtian broke through the hole that he wore, and displayed the true demon inheritance of the holy shrine. The magic of the whole body seems to be ignited and violently boiled.

But his injury is too heavy. Even if he is using the real magical scorpion, he will not be able to suppress the serious and serious injuries.

"Wind dust, you give me to die!"

The angerous Qi Chengtian violently screamed, three black and white beads flew out and attacked Ye Chenfeng.


Three deafening blasting sounds, and the terrible blasting force directly took the space where Ye Chenfeng was located out of the space black hole.

But in the deduction of the brain, Ye Chenfeng felt the danger early, and hid in the environment of the Qiankun, and was not injured by the explosive force released by the three black beads.

"Qi Chengtian, you still confess your life, just because you can't help me!"

When the explosive force in the space subsided, Ye Chenfeng left the Qiankun territory again. Under the gaze of Qi Chengtian’s gaze, the footsteps approached him, holding the dragon sacred sword, and the thoughts controlled the Qiankun sword array to continue. Attack him.

When the two of them were violently killed in midair, Ye Chenfeng’s left hand rose, and a deep purple spar flew out and shot at Qi Chengtian.

"Not good!"

Looking at this purple spar, Qi Chengtian’s face changed, and he did not want to instinctively duck to the side.

"The disaster of the sun!"

Qi Chengtian is full of dodge, Ye Chenfeng combines the spirit of death, and pushes the map of life and death to the extreme, condensing the end of three devours of all the light, with the power of boundless disaster, bombarded he.

"Boom!" Three loud noises.

The three doomsdays exploded, and the power of the terrible doomsday catastrophe engulfed Qi Chengtian’s body and destroyed his defense.

"Mom, you dare to lie to me!"

Qi Chengtian, who was attacked by the Doomsday, found that the purple spar that Ye Chenfeng had just shot was fake, and the lungs of the gas were all blown up. Regardless of the physical injury, the footsteps of the real magic nine eyes, approaching Ye Chenfeng .

"Sacred Sword!"

Qi Chengtian, who is full of anger, pushes the power of Taoism to the extreme, exerts a powerful sword of the Holy Devil, and throws out a sword like a space crack, attacking Ye Chenfeng.

"Go to hell!"

When Ye Chenfeng was attacked by Qi Chengtian's continuous display of the holy demon sword, when the offensive was suppressed a little, he quickly threw a purple spar and flew to Qi Chengtian.

After the purple spar explosion, the devastating force of the venting vents Qi Chengtian's memory is still scared, so I saw the purple spar flying, and the instinctive felt a trace of fear.

"The Sword Black Dragon!"

At the time of Qi Chengtian's offensive, there was a slight delay. The three spiritual levels suspended in the top of Ye Chenfeng became the sea of ​​Tao, and together with the bronze sword soul, they were merged into the Dragon Sword, one like a black dragon. The swordsman flew out and split the space, with a daunting power, and turned to Qi Chengtian.

"Three heads and six arms!"

When Qi Chengtian was forced to retreat by Ye Chenfeng's swordsmanship, the prevailing Ye Chenfeng changed into the ultimate form of three heads and six arms. He held six heavy soldiers in front of Qi Chengtian and broke out more than 400 million jin. Dancing six thick arms and attacking Qi Chengtian in succession.

"What is your relationship with the Kirin Royal Family?"

Qi Chengtian saw that Ye Chenfeng had changed into the most mysterious mysterious magical power of the Qilin royal family, and he doubted his identity.

The face is aligned with the question of the heavens. Ye Chenfeng did not pay attention to it. He held the six heavy treasures, and the power of the sky, the fierce attack, once again suppressed his offensive.

Ye Chenfeng and Qi Chengtian fought fiercely, and gradually occupied an advantage. Cang Kunwu and others even seized the opportunity of most of the Nirvana of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God to be seriously injured by the purple spar, and constantly launched a tide-like offensive. An overwhelming advantage.

"Kowloon Jade, kill me!"

Cang Kunwu drank a large mouthful of water, constantly evolving the avenue, condensing four lore mad dragons, shaking off the Qi Yixian who vomited blood, and hardly gave birth to a nirvana It was smashed into pieces, crushed the heart of Nirvana, and died on the spot.

Strongly killing one person, Cang Kunwu continued to attack, and he tried to chase a bird that was like a scared bird, and constantly evaded Nirvana.

"Old miscellaneous hair, let your chaotic grandfather send you back to the West!"

The chaotic beast of the battle form violently slammed, and the power of 300 million jins broke out, and the bronze urn was thrown hard, and the lord of the robbers was very popular.

Although the strength of Li Fengxing is far better than the chaotic beast, but the purple spar hurts him too much, which makes his combat power greatly weak, and he dares not to pick up the bronze enamel like a meteorite, and quickly evades it.

The moment he evaded, Sword Spirit and the Golden God of War appeared on his side, limiting his mobility, so that he could not dodge, only to be able to swear by the bronze shackles and Ye Chenfeng.


Spirited by the powerful strength, hard to resist the three deadly attacks.

has not waited for him to have a breather, Lei Yi holding the nine maps close to him, controlling the nine maps to condense the spirit of nine dragons, continuously attacking his body, hard to smash his half body, heavy The fall fell to the ground.

The son was tragically killed, and he was seriously injured. He was reluctant to wait for a long time and wanted to run **** and escape.

But the entire Gossip Palace was blocked by a terrible block, and the retreat of the fierce winds was cut off, so that he could not leave. He could only take on a very precious and precious Saint Dan, suppressing the wounded body and resisting Lei Yi. They launched an attack.

The fierce battles in the Eight Diagrams Palace have intensified, destroying the buildings of the Gossip Palace, which have inherited many countless years. The terrible battle has alarmed the entire gossip.

Soon, the horror in the Gossip Palace was transmitted to the two major kingdoms through various channels, as well as many top holy places in the Central Plains.

I learned that three years ago, refining sensation sensationalized the dust of the entire central world, and even led people to push the gossip royal family, the whole central world boiled again...

In particular, the nine-day **** country, the Qilin **** country, was deeply shocked by this news.

They can't imagine that in just three years, Ye Chenfeng has mastered the power to counter the kingdom of God. These terrible means and appeals have made them smell a dangerous atmosphere.

For a time, the eyes of all the forces in the central world were concentrated in the chaotic Gossip Palace, paying attention to the development of the situation.

The name of the dust is completely loud in the Central World.

ps: Cloud tears WeChat public number: ylty83, want to know the latest development of this book plus!

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