Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1430: Breaking the sky

"Everyone should not have reservations, show all the strengths, as long as we work together, we must pass this day to baptize!"

Although the punishment of the heavens contains the power of the terrible world, but Ye Chenfeng and others have an extraordinary foundation, and the strength is beyond the same realm. Together with the powerful treasure body, they work together to intertwin the road map. It formed a sea of ​​Taoism and completely resisted the baptism of the world.

Under the baptism of the power of the world, Ye Chenfeng and others will be more quintessential, and the understanding of Taoism will continue to deepen.

After about six hours, the world’s natural punishment that destroyed the mysterious sea disappeared.

Working together to resist the baptism of the world, Ye Chenfeng and others are not hurt, especially the Ye Chenfeng who has completely killed the ancient devil, Lei Yi, Cang Kunwu, the injury is more serious, multiple exposures Out of the white bones, the body's power consumption is obvious.

"Blood King, recover!"

After the second heavy penalty, Ye Chenfeng took out a blood-stained king who had been harvested from the ancient medicine garden for more than a million years and had a strong resilience. Melting and extracting a large amount of pure spiritual liquid, which melted into the body of the people and the two holy beasts, accelerated the recovery speed of their injuries and supplemented the power of consumption.

"What is that?"

When everyone quickly refining the blood of the blood of the king of the ginseng and recovering the injury, a large number of figures appeared in the robbery cloud that violently rolled over. A terrible chilling force spread out in the robbery cloud, sweeping the four wild, let Ye Chenfeng and others smell a strong danger...

"Humanistic punishment is actually the most horrible human form punishment!"

Looking at the increasingly clear human form in the robbery cloud, Ye Chenfeng immediately guessed that what he was about to face would be the most horrible, with a humanistic human punishment.

"Don't be distracted and pay close attention to healing. We can only get through this human form punishment if we adjust our own state to the best!"

Ye Chenfeng loudly reminded that the sap of the blood-stained king, which was extracted, was all melted into the body of the people, accelerating their recovery, and fully welcoming the human form punishment that was about to be lowered.

"killing kills..."

Suddenly, a horrible murder sounded through the sky.

The second heavy punishment of the people, the human form of heaven and punishment fell, with boundless killing and the power of the world, attacked Ye Chenfeng and others.

"Our on!"

Looking at the squid, holding the Taoist soldiers, the mighty human form, the punishment of Ye Chenfeng decisively burned the three bloods, pushing the three avenues to the extreme, holding the Longji Sword and the Black Dragon Sword Welcomed, and the humanoid temptation with the attacking power is terrible.


Ye Chenfeng exerts his full strength, and when he holds a double-sword to kill a humanoid punishment, he is suddenly surrounded by a large number of human forms, and a terrible force of heavenly punishment, the Taoist soldiers continue to attack him. The body, let his defense bear a huge test.

"Heavenly Heaven!"

Cang Kunwu saw that the first morning of Ye Chenfeng was surrounded by humanoid punishment, immediately mobilized the power of Tian Cang, controlled Kunwu to rush up, relying on absolute power, smashed several human forms, and weakened the leaves. The pressure of the morning breeze.

"Spirit fish, smoke, Leiyi, two great sacred beasts, don't separate, use the array method to fight against human form, don't be tempted by human form."

Teaching to the terrible nature of human form, Ye Chenfeng was afraid of spiritual fish, and the water and cold smoke appeared unexpectedly, shouting loudly.

"Morning wind, you are careful!"

Inspired the body, burning the blood of the Phoenix blood, killing the cold water, responding to the road, and quickly with the spirit fish, Lei Yi, the two great beasts composed a huge array of figures, deducting the sense of unity, fully resisting the human form attack.

"Humanistic punishment, give me a break!"

When the water cold smoke, the spirit fish and other people attacked, Ye Chenfeng exerted his strength to the extreme, relying on the strength of more than 700 million pounds, directly crushing the human form.

And Cang Kunwu's strength is even more terrible, showing the sky and destroying everything, constantly smashing the remaining human form, breaking into the pure lines and melting into the body, enhancing the understanding of the Tao. .

"Qi Kun Jian Zhen, Jian Long Juan!"

Ye Chenfeng kept killing for more than three hours, and felt a trace of exhaustion. He decisively summoned 108 swords of the Qiankun sword, blending the bronze sword soul, forming a terrible around the body. The sword dragon roll resists the human form attack that appears in constant illusion.

"Go, we will kill the cloud and destroy the heavens in one fell swoop!"

Ye Chenfeng and others have been fighting for a day with the human form. It feels that the power of the punishment in the robbery cloud is still strong. It is estimated that there will be another two days before it is possible to spend the day.

And he is not sure, the ancient devil will not use these days to restore the injury and come back, decided to venture into the robbery cloud, accept the most fundamental punishment of heaven.


Cang Kunwu, Shui Hanyan and others did not hesitate any more, followed closely with Ye Chenfeng, and an earth-shattering attack erupted, constantly smashing a human figure from the sky, tearing the violent tumbling Robbing the clouds, rushed inside.


Ye Chenfeng and others rushed into the robbery cloud, directly detonating the most fundamental of the robbery cloud, such as the power of the world in the golden sea, swallowed them in an instant.

Numerous humanoids are thrown out in the golden sea, constantly launching the most fundamental attacks on them.


Face in the face of their imagination, let them suffocate the punishment of the day, Ye Chenfeng and others did not retreat, quickly formed a powerful force, relying on the power of the law, against the world's golden sea, a heavy one Baptism and dense human punishment.

Under the most fundamental and direct punishment of the day, the body injuries of Ye Chenfeng and others continue to increase. The morals in their bodies are becoming more and more refined and more powerful with the baptism of the power of the world. .

"Everyone attacked with me, smashed the source of this golden sea, and broke the punishment in one fell swoop!"

When Ye Chenfeng and others resisted the golden sea baptism, the brains of the gods were also deducted at a rapid speed. After the deduction of the brains and brains, Ye Chenfeng discovered the source of the power of the golden sea and summoned the chaotic gods, collecting The power of everyone, full attack.


Ye Chenfeng and other people's holy techniques at all costs, tearing the power of the world, continuously attacking the golden sea source, igniting the power of the world in the robbery, causing them to bear a greater pressure.

But they did not slow down the offensive, followed by the skin, and the scarred Ye Chenfeng continued to attack.

Finally, after continuous efforts by all, the source of the power of the world was smashed by them.


The next moment, the golden sea exploded, and a large number of human forms were also broken. The terrible force directly shattered the space of dozens of miles, and launched the last and most deadly blow to Ye Chenfeng and others. .

"Everyone insists!"

In the face of the impact of the explosion of destroying the earth, Ye Chenfeng and others clenched their teeth, regardless of physical injuries, and pushed the meaning to the extreme, and exerted all the defenses.

At the time of their defense, a large number of lines with the explosion shock wave, melted into their bodies, and sublimated their understanding of the Tao.

After about 30 breaths, the image of Ye Chenfeng and others was broken. They were directly shocked by the energy of the heavens and the earth, falling to the choppy, rolling up a hundred meters high. The mysterious sea of ​​huge waves.

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