Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1450: Stolen events

"Father, with my current strength and heritage, can I tear through the gates of Tianyu and fly up to Tianyu?"

The king of zombies who control the horror of the horror, Ye Chenfeng's heritage is deeper, there is an impulse to tear the door of the Tianyu.

"The world's Tianyu gate is blocked by the Tianzu. If you forcibly tear the Tianyu gate, it will directly conflict with the Tianzu, causing a series of unnecessary troubles, exposing yourself in advance, so I am not I suggest you tear the door of the Tianyu field and fly up to Tianyu." Ye Wuji shook his head.

"But don't tear up the power of the Tianyu, how do you fly to the sky?" Ye Chenfeng asked inexplicably.

"Can you pass the Spirit?


?? The place to enter the sky! "Ye Wuji said.

"The spiritual inheritance can lead to the heavens!" Ye Chenfeng's eyes lit up and said unexpectedly.

"Well, when the Lingzu was a terrible force in the Tianyu area, the Tianzu and the various ethnic groups eliminated the Lingzu, and they paid a lot of money. It was also because of the destruction of the Lingzuo, let the Tianzu Injury to some of the vitality, the Tianzu did not extend the claws into the human race."

"And I have seen several spiritual inheritances and discovered the transmission matrix of the connection interface, so I guess the spiritual inheritance of the spiritual world in this world, there is a transmission array to the Tianyu."

"But the morning breeze, although you have a good reputation, but to the Tianyu, you still have to be very careful!" Ye Wuji seriously said: "I suggest that after you fly up to Tianyu, you can join the ethereal Tianzong." /

"Father, why did you let me join the ethereal Tianzong?"

According to him, the ancestral snow of the floating mountain is inherited from the ethereal Tianzong, and some unexpected questions are asked.

"Because the ethereal Tianzong hides a big secret, and that secret is extremely useful to you, if you can master it, it will not only greatly enhance the attack power, but it will also make your swordsman go further and become a gold. The soul of the sword, and even the higher level of the soul of the sword." Ye Wuji said.

"What is this secret!"

Ye Chenfeng knows the power of the sword soul. Now he has the silver sword soul. The attack power is beyond the limit of the soul of the soul. If the sword soul becomes a golden sword soul, his attack power will be more terrible and greatly improved. His heritage.



??" is the sacred sword of the sword lord who loves the ancestors of the celestial celestial celestial ancestors! "Ye Wuji said: "I accidentally learned this secret, I wanted to go to the sky. The sword is righteous, but the starry sky suddenly opens, so I have to give up."

"Father, after so many years have passed, will the secret still exist? Moreover, the ethereal Tianzong should not let the general people penetrate the secrets." Ye Chenfeng asked.

"Reassure, the ancient meaning of the sword is in an ancient ruins of the ethereal Tianzong, and after many years of inheritance, the ethereal Tianzong has long lost the way to enter the ancient ruins, so there is no accident, the ancient ruins are still there." Promise said: "I will now enter the ancient ruins in your soul."

Speaking, Ye Wuji casts a great power, and prints a set of mysterious maps into the sea of ​​Ye Chenfeng.

"Father, even if I control the map, I am afraid I can't break the ancient ruins." Ye Chenfeng said.

"Do you have an worm? If it can evolve further, it will help you to enter the ancient ruins." Ye Wuji said: "Well, my remaining soul power is running out, now, I will guide you through the magical powers you cultivate, and the rest of the road will depend on you."

"Thank you father!"

Ye Chenfeng has more questions, please ask the mysterious mirroring practice method.

Soon, ten days have passed.

In these ten days, Ye Chenfeng made a substantial breakthrough in the understanding of the mirror image of Shentong, and cultivated the mirror to the triple realm.

Although Ye Chenfeng can't do it at the same time splits three mirrors, but he splits out a large mirror and has the same strength as him, enough against the sky.

"Morning wind, my child, my father's energy of this soulful shadow has been exhausted, and it will soon dissipate. Take care of yourself. When you step into the virtual world, we will have a reunion day. "Ye Wuji is not willing to look at Ye Chenfeng, stretch out the illusory arm, and gently put him in his arms."

I don't know how long it took, Ye Wujiu's soul virtual shadow suddenly burst open, turned into endless dust, disappeared into the land of hell.

"Father, you wait for me, I will soon go to the virtual world to find you and my mother!"

Looking at the dust drifting in the wind, Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and pressed his inner pain to swear.

"Little Lord, are you continuing to practice here, or let me send you out?" The spirit floated and asked respectfully.

"Send me to leave." Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath: "Some things should be settled."

"Yes, little master!"

Speaking, the array of methods in the sacred control of **** formed a powerful force of transmission, wrapped Ye Chenfeng and the Emperor for nine days, and sent him away from the land of **** and returned to the East China Sea.

"Ye Shao, you are out!"

When Ye Chenfeng appeared outside the land of Hell, the king of the killings who waited for a long time appeared in the dark trench, and greeted Ye Chen with a tribute, respectfully said.

"Killing, how is the situation in the East China?" Ye Chenfeng looked at the king of the killing that broke through to the five-level beastly kingdom.

"East China is normal, I have already controlled half of the East China." The King of Killing told Ye Chenfeng about the situation in the East.

"Very good!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said: "This celestial sacred sorrow is given to you. If one day you break through the limit of the six-level beast, this remedy will allow you to go further. Go to the holy place."

Ye Chenfeng didn’t have a sigh, and he gave a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sac

After three days, Ye Chenfeng drove Ling Zhou through the Jiuzhong Temple and returned to the Central World, summoning the Emperor's nine days from the Qiankun environment.

"Emperor nine days, quickly return to the nine-day kingdom of God, to find out the essence of the nine-day godland, I want to know how many heavenly gods in the nine-day **** country." Ye Chenfeng ordered: "And then wait for me to order, Launch the Battle of the Kingdom of God and attack the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God, the Kirin Kingdom."


The emperor’s nine days are unwilling to follow. Separated from Ye Chenfeng, it turned into a light and shadow and flew to the Nine Kingdoms.

Separated from the Emperor's nine days, Ye Chenfeng drove to Lingzhou and went to the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God to prepare to continue to plunder the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God and prepare for the entry into the heavens.

On his way to the Gossip Kingdom, he suddenly lit up with the message beads.

After hearing the message from the communication beads, Ye Chenfeng’s face suddenly faded?


? Sinked down, and there was a strong suffocation in the deep eyes.

He never imagined that the person who asked for help would steal the sky, but did not expect that Qi Chengtian would force him to go to the Eight Diagrams Palace with the life of stealing the sky.

"Qi Chengtian, since you think about me like this, then let's make a knot!"

Although Ye Chenfeng knows that Qi Chengtian and others waited for himself in the Eight Diagrams Palace, but he broke into the five-star sacred realm, he was not afraid, speeding up the speed of the Lingzhou, breaking the clouds and making it extremely fast. The speed of the flight to the direction of the Eight Diagrams Imperial City.

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