Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1499: Strong killing

"Why, do you want to control the six best holy treasure attacks at the same time?"

As a genius of the ancients, Bai Weng knows how much the consumption of the best holy treasure attack is. Even with his six-star Tiansheng peak strength, he can only control the great power of the great treasure.

But he didn't know that Ye Chenfeng had the most powerful blood of the universe, and he had endless power.

"Is this difficult?"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, Jiulong Yuxi continued to grow bigger, cut off the void, nine teeth and claws, and the savage dragon that evolved the heavens and the earth did not enter the Jiulong, with a daunting dragon, bombardment To the white three men.

Nine lore killing dragons came, and Bai Weng three people summoned a powerful top-grade Shengbao to greet them, relying on absolute strength to shake the attack of Jiulong Yuxi.

"The Hand of the True Devil!"

Under the control of Ye Chenfeng's mind, the hand of the true devil wore a void, appeared on the top of the Bai Weng three, and turned into a big hand that covered the sky and the sun and the moon, collapsed into the space of a circle, and suppressed it. Three white men, scattered their attacks.

"Nine days of jade!"

"The demon furnace!"

"Vibrio Mountain!"

Bai Weng three people fully resisted the hands of the real devil, when the Kowloon Yuxi, Ye Chenfeng controlled the other three best holy treasures hit the up, bombarding the body of the three.


At the same time, Ye Chenfeng controlled five of the best saints, and Bai Weng was under tremendous pressure to make every effort to defend.

Now, the power of the five best holy treasures is too horrible, and the three of them are strong, but there is no best holy treasure to defend themselves, just more than a dozen breaths, the defense of the three of them is shattered by the five best holy treasures, the flesh Was hit hard.

"How is it possible, how can he control the five best holy treasure attacks at the same time without his exhaustion?"

The injury is getting heavier and heavier, and the three white men who can't resist the attack of the five best holy treasures have set off a big wave in their hearts. It can be said that Ye Chenfeng's means are beyond their cognitive scope.

"Triple Sky!"

Seeing the horror of Ye Chenfeng, the three white men quickly formed a large array of the Tianzu inheritance, constantly mobilizing the power of the terrible heaven into the body, evolving the inheritance of the Tianzu, and wanting to use the law to incite the five best The attack of the holy treasure.

"Hey, is the array useful?"

Ye Chenfeng sneered and continued to control the five best holy treasure attacks, shattering the three men to control the attack of the three-day squad.

The destructive power caused by Ye Chenfeng and the three Tiansheng attacks is too horrible, constantly destroying the fragile space of the ancient Tianxian Mountain, and awakening many ancient powers that are sleeping in the depths of Xianshan.

Soon, another person wearing a purple-gold robes, wearing a golden crown, holding a handful of great sacred knives, appeared.

"Tianhou, speed up to help, kill this human race kid, we divide the best holy treasure on him!"

The scarred woman with blood scars, seeing the purple robes man waking up in a deep sleep, his heart was overjoyed, and immediately shouted at him.

"To fight with me, you dare to be distracted!"

Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrink and the brains continue to be deduced. The terrible soul becomes a dizzy force. For example, the heavy hammer has slammed into the soul of the woman, which makes her soul tremble, and there is a trace of loss in a short time. .

Although she recovered to wake up in a blink of an eye, this short-lived loss is fatal.

After Ye Chenfeng’s slashing wings, with a stern sword, he attacked the woman with a speed that exceeded several times the speed of light.

"Time Acceleration!"

Approaching the moment of the woman, Ye Chenfeng suddenly accelerated the flow rate twice, controlling the silver sword spirit and the congenital sword tire. A sword pierced her body defense and penetrated her body.

The next moment, the silver sword soul in the body of the charm girl, venting endless swords, smashing the meridians of her body, piercing her heart.


The body of the charm girl was destroyed, leaving only the soul to escape the soul sea.


When the soul of the charm woman screamed and sought refuge, the sword wings behind Ye Chenfeng were fierce, intertwined with sharp swords, smashing her soul and killing her.


Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s strong killing of the charm of the woman, Tianhou was angry. He held a weight of tens of kilograms and portrayed the pattern of the road, forming a dragon-shaped giant knife and smashing the space of more than ten feet. In order to pull the momentum of the mountains and rivers, I turned to Ye Chenfeng.

This knife, the heavens will exert the meaning and strength to the extreme, the mountains can be opened by this knife, the six-star road can not resist.

But the atmosphere of Ye Chenfeng is too deep, burning the blood of Hongmeng, his physical strength is almost one billion jin, even more terrible than the top sacred beast.

He armed with the congenital swordsmanship and fully collided with the dragon-shaped giant knife that fell from the sky, and produced an earth-shattering blasting force. The terrible force directly broke the big hole in the sky.


Tianhou took the refining route and was confident in his own strength. However, when he and Ye Chenfeng hardly attacked, they found that Ye Chenfeng’s power far exceeded him, and he directly opened the dragon-shaped giant in his hand. The knife shook his arm with a serious tingling sensation.

"Time Acceleration!"

With the strongest cross-style attitude to retreat from the sky, Ye Chenfeng will promote the three major spiritual road maps to the ultimate pursuit of victory, full attack on the weather, not giving him a breather.

"Heavenly Furnace!"

Bai Weng did not expect Ye Chenfeng to be so embarrassed, after killing the charm of the woman, but also fully suppressed the battle force far better than their days, quickly turned into two heavenly furnace, bombarded to Ye Chenfeng .

"Kowloon Jade Cut Space!"

"Nine days of jade, blood demon mountain, the hand of the real devil, the demon furnace, give me a bomb!"

Ye Chenfeng is multi-tasking, holding the innate sword and tires to suppress the weather, controlling the five best holy treasures to bombard the two.

Under the attack of the five best holy treasures, the ruined furnace of Bai Weng was broken, and the terrible holy treasure was bombarded on the bodies of both of them, and they flew out and fell heavily on the ground. .


When the five best sacred treasures hit the white man, Ye Chenfeng summoned the Qiankun sword array, surrounded by the body, constantly turning into a giant sword with a powerful handle, screaming at the heavens. Adding to his physical injury.

"Well, what is the origin of this person, when did the Central World appear such a terrible human master!"

A lot of the demon people hiding in the dark, the demon people can be shocked by the terrible power of Ye Chenfeng, but the relationship between the three tribes is not harmonious, seeing the three people in the sky are dangerous, the devil The family, the Yaozu, did not help.

"End, go to hell!"

When the scarred days were shattered from the mid-air by the nine-day jade, the Ye Chenfeng controlled the Qiankun sword array and merged into an invincible giant sword, such as falling. The galaxy of the void, a sword slammed into the heavens with the dragon-shaped giant knife desperately defending.


The sound of the earth-shattering blast sounded between heaven and earth.

The terrible swordsmanship of the Sui Kun Great Sword has fallen into the ground.

The next moment, the fierce sword of the tremors turned into three hundred swords of Qiankun, such as the intensive sword rain, engulfed the severely injured Tianhou, smashed him and killed him on the spot.

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