Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1508: 斩魔尊

"Below, it's your turn!"

Strongly killing the demon statue, Ye Chenfeng cast his gaze on the face, and the demon sorrow, the footsteps and the sword stepped into the past.

"True Shadows!"

Ye Chenfeng’s combat power is far beyond the imagination of the demon statue. In order to kill him, the demon has displayed a powerful card. A terrible real demon shadow appears on his body, roaring and screaming. A shocking shot.

"The Wrath of God!"

After the real magic sky shadow attack, Ye Chenfeng did not retreat, he re-applied his skills, gathered the wrath of God's punishment in the right fist, and rushed up.


Ye Chenfeng’s hard regrets, when the real magic sky shadow attacked, the wrath of God and the power of more than one billion jin broke out at the same time. The terrible power smashed the attack of the real magic sky shadow and he The arm shattered.


Catch the opportunity of Ye Chenfeng’s hard regrets, and the demon statue launched a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng, and wanted to take this opportunity to hit him hard.

"Want to kill, next life!"

In the deduction of the brain, Ye Chenfeng captured the trajectory of the demon statue in advance, and the time around the body suddenly accelerated, turning into a residual image, evading the fatal blow of the demon statue, appearing in the void.

"Nine days of jade, give me a burst!"

Next, Ye Chenfeng controlled the nine-day jade to continue to grow bigger, and the horrible 'day' word ancient prints were printed on the real magic sky shadow. The terrible 'day' ancient lines directly Smashed.

"Time rules, you have mastered the rules of time!"

The moment when Mozun shot, he clearly felt that the flow of time around Ye Chenfeng's body accelerated, and his heart picked up a big wave.

Time rules, space rules are the two most mysterious rules in the universe. The time rules are more mysterious. Even in the Tianyu area, there are very few people who master the rules of time.

"What, is it amazing? More surprised is still behind!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and his footsteps attacked him, speeding his wings and attacking his body.

"Death 傀儡!"

In the face of Ye Chenfeng’s increasingly fierce attack, the demon lord dared not hide again, used his last card, summoned a black squad, holding a long gun, and the body was filled with thick A thick and deadly cockroach.


Ye Chenfeng waved the three best sacred soldiers, squatting on the body of the dead konjac, screaming a deafening blast.

At the same time, he was attacked by three great saints. Even if the top saint was broken, the bombardment on the dead konjac only swayed his body and failed to injure him.

"Well, the best of the holy treasures!"

Feeling the defense of the dead konjac, Ye Chenfeng reveals a strange look.

"Human boy, you can force me this card, you are dead enough to be proud!"

Speaking, the demon statue gave the death konjac an order to kill, and ordered him to kill Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, is the district area so confident?"

Ye Chenfeng snorted and suddenly recovered the three holy sacred soldiers. The three great sacred soldiers greeted the dead konjac with bare hands.

"The Spirit of Death, the Pearl of Life, give me up!"

Ye Chenfeng controls the power of the two congenital spirit beads in the left and right hands, continuously smashing the dead konjac.

Although the demon scorpion relies on a strong defense, it completely resists the fist attack of Ye Chenfeng, which is full of billions of pounds of strength. However, the power of the dead pearl and the spirit of the soul in his fist is constantly weak. The dead air in his body destroys the death of his body.

"Well, what is wrong with the dead konjac?"

The discovery of the magical treatment of the rapid healing of the time, the demon gangster's offensive is getting slower and slower, completely suppressed by Ye Chenfeng's bare-handed fists, his face changed dramatically, and he could not believe that Ye Chenfeng had the means to restrain the dead konjac.

In desperation, he can only give up the idea of ​​continuing to heal, holding a double magic knife and pointing to Ye Chenfeng.

"The konjac, come out!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, summoning the fierce konjac and ordering him to resist the attack of the demon, and he continued to launch a tidal-like offensive to the dead konjac, hoping to smash the power of death in his body. The seal.

Under the constant erosion of the life and death spirit beads, the attack power of the dead konjac is getting weaker and weaker, and the death of the body is even worse.

"Give me broken!"

Ye Chenfeng inspired the strongest power of the soul of life and death, and rushed into the body of the dead konjac. The terrible force of life and death directly destroyed the death seal in his body and flew him several kilometers. Far, it crashed into a huge stone and lost its mobility.

"The death of the dead konjac was broken, how did he do it!"

At this time, there was a strong uneasiness in the devil's heart. His biggest refuge was easily broken by Ye Chenfeng, making his situation suddenly dangerous.


He moved, decisively gave up, and flew above the void at a very fast speed. He wanted to wear the ancient sky and escape from here.

"I want to escape now, it’s too late!"

The ancient sun-shadow map was transformed by Ye Chenfeng, and it has melted into the cornerstone of 10,000 pieces of the best. Even if the emperor of the two-star Tianzun realm is not broken in a short time, let alone him.

The slashing of the sword wings, a large number of swords and shadows, swept to the demon, so that he could not attack the ancient map.

"The demon statue is a little lonely on the road, you still go down with him!"

Ye Chenfeng uses the rules of time to the extreme, intertwined into a dazzling sword, attacking the demon, and aggravating his physical injuries.

With Ye Chenfeng's offensive becoming more and more fierce, the devil's injury is getting heavier and he is trembled.

But the devil is very proud of his heart. He does not ask for mercy, but is bravely supported by the hardships and wants to seek the last vitality in desperation.

"Okay, let me see my last resort!"

With the demon statue, the demon statue tested his own combat power, Ye Chenfeng also lost patience, and his mind moved, summoning the five best holy treasures, controlling them to launch a fierce attack on the demon.

At this time, the devil is seriously injured, it is quite difficult to resist a great treasure, not to mention the five best treasures.

Under the violent bombing of the five best holy treasures, the arms of the demon statue were smashed hard, and the whole body was smashed by the hands of the nine-day jade and the real devil.

"Primary, go to **** with the deity!"

The arms were crushed, the body was seriously injured, and the demon screaming of the vitality was violently rushed to Ye Chenfeng, and he launched a self-destructive blow and wanted to die with him.

"You are too naive!"

The moment when the demon blew himself, Ye Chenfeng showed a hint of sarcasm, and his mind moved and hid into the hustle and bustle.


Looking at the disappearance of Ye Chenfeng, the demon uttered an unwilling roar, and the whole body burst into a horrible energy, exploding a large hole in the space and exploding.

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