Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1510: Black Emperor傀儡

"The means of the Tianzu is really terrible, and there are ways to make the Tianyu power lower bound."

Although he escaped into the inner space to escape, the outside situation still makes Ye Chenfeng a bit tricky.

He never imagined that the Tianyu Tianzu can be able to lower the boundary, which completely disrupted his plan.

Fortunately, he also has the Emperor's projection of this big killer, but he has seen the horror of Mo Yutian, and he is not sure if there is any more counterfeit card on the body.

"Forget it, take a step and take a step. Maybe the father of the spirit fish, leaving her a more terrible chance, by the opportunity of the heavens, may have the opportunity to get rid of the threat of the greatness of the heavens."

Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself, and quickly adjusted the interest rate and recovered. He was very empty and flew away from the space without any scenery.

I don't know how long it took to fly. Ye Chenfeng saw a black spot in front of him. As the distance got closer, he saw that the black spot was a space black hole, suspected to leave the exit of this space.

But under the black hole in this space, stands a sculpture that is more than two meters high, covered in black rock, holding a black dragon pistol.

Although this sculpture seems to be a dead object, when Ye Chenfeng looked at the sculpture, he instinctively smelled the dangerous atmosphere.

"This sculpture has a problem!"

Ye Chenfeng did not dare to care about it. He sacrificed the double-day shackles in his hands and carefully approached the black sculpture.


When Ye Chenfeng slowly approached, the black sculpture suddenly sounded like a crack, and the thick black rock suddenly burst, revealing a black armor, holding a black dragon pistol, and the atmosphere is more horrible than Ye Chenfeng. Several times the man.

"Beat me to get to the next space!"

The black man suddenly opened his eyes and said that he did not say a trace of emotion.


Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath, stepped on the sword, intertwined with a sharp sword, and attacked the black man.

Ye Chenfeng came with Wanzhang Jianmang. The black man did not dodge. He saw that he was holding a black dragon pistol. He shot a gun in the plain and immediately swayed the power of the whole space and broke open. The sword of Mang, a gun stabbed the throat of Ye Chenfeng.

"Not good!"

Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that the strength of the black man was so terrible. A simple shot constantly broke his own attack and directly threatened his life. He immediately summoned the sword wings and applied twice the time flow rate to dodge. .


A deep gun mark appeared on the surface of the scabbard. The morning wind was so many miles away from the terrible gunman, and fell heavily on the ground and was seriously injured.


Ye Chenfeng wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and climbed up on the ground. The color of his face was thicker.

Seeing the horror of the black man, Ye Chenfeng feels that he wants to kill himself, I am afraid it will be effortless.

"You are too weak to qualify for the next space!"

The black man was indifferently watching Ye Chenfeng, who was shot by himself, and said mercilessly.

"Spiritual fish, fire unicorn, come out!"

Ye Chenfeng pondered for a moment, did not continue to take the risk of attack, but summoned the spirit fish and the fire unicorn, and wanted to enter the inner space through their soldiers without blood.

"You are the black emperor of the master refining!"

The fire unicorn glared at the big bell and looked at the black man, and recognized his origins.

"Fire Kirin, how come you?"

Black Emperor has a certain sense of intelligence, recognizing that Fire Kirin was one of the holy beasts who followed the Lord of the North.

"I found the little master!" The fire unicorn changed into a human figure, pointing to the spiritual fishway around.

"Little master, you found the little master!"

The face of the black emperor’s well-waveless face immediately showed emotional fluctuations. He stared at the spirit fish, as if he wanted to see her.

"My father is he still alive?"

Looking at the black emperor who has not known how many years of space in the heavens, the spirit fish said slightly nervously, for fear of hearing bad news.

"I don't know, I haven't seen the old master for countless years!" Black Emperor shook his head and said: "But the old master was injured in the same year, but with the strength of the old master, maybe he can come over. ."

"How can I see my father?" asked the spirit fish urgently.

"The old master is at the end of this space, I will send you in!"

Feeling the blood of the gods and the blood of the gods in the body of the spirit fish, the black emperor did not doubt her identity, and said.

"Black Emperor, I can live to this day, thanks to the morning wind brother, I wonder if you can let the morning wind brother go in?" Ling fish asked softly.

"Let him go in, but he must pick me up in front!" Black Emperor said mercilessly.

"Black Emperor, you are the master of the refining of the Emperor, you can not resist the attack of the six-star Taoist, how to resist Ye Shao!" said Fire Kirin.

"Reassured, I will suppress the attack power to the two-star Tao, and give him a chance to live! But if he can't resist even one percent of my attacks, then he is not qualified to get the owner's left. Inheritance." Black Emperor said indifferently.

"Okay, come on!"

Ye Chenfeng is quite confident in his own strength and is fully confident to withstand a shot attack by the Black Emperor.


The black emperor burst into a bang and stepped forward, instantly breaking the space in a circle.

Next, a strange force emerged from his body. He held a black dragon pistol and stabbed a black gun mans. He directly cut through the hard and incomparable space, such as a black river that slammed into the sea. Ye Chenfeng.

"Hong Meng blood, burning!"

The power of the black emperor's gun completely reached the peak of the two-star road, so that Ye Chenfeng did not dare to carelessly, decisively burned the blood of Hongmeng, summoned the three spiritual level maps to resist.

"The Sword Black Dragon!"

Ye Chenfeng's body-shaped sword, integrated into the three major spiritual maps and more than one billion pounds of power, evolved into a black dragon hit.

But the next moment, the black dragon of the sword that Ye Chenfeng displayed was broken, and the black long gun that the black emperor stabbed was like a broken bamboo.

"Silver Sword Soul, Block!"

Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrank, and the silver sword spirit broke out of his soul sea, stabbing on the mighty black gun awning, resisting the attack of this gun.


Next, Ye Chenfeng took a step, and more than one billion kilograms of power broke out, slamming on the black guns that trembled violently, and the black guns were smashed.

"Silver Sword Spirit, I did not expect to use your strength, not only to become a sword soul, but also to smelt it into a silver grade!" Black Emperor said something unexpectedly: "Okay, since you broke me Gun attack, then I will send you into it."

"But you are not the owner's loved one, so if you want to get the master's inheritance, you still need to rely on your own efforts. If the strength is not good, you will not have any gains in it!"

After finishing, there were two transmission arrays on the top of the Black Emperor, and Ye Chenfeng, as well as the spirit fish and the fire unicorn, were transferred to the core space of Tiantiantian.

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