Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1515: Mirror

After nearly three days of devouring the brain, Ye Chenfeng finally grasped the attack and attack methods of attacking and attacking.

"Heaven and Earth Seal!"

Ye Chenfeng suddenly opened his eyes and pushed the three spiritual maps to the extreme. They were gathered between the fast-printing palms and condensed into a large handprint that seemed to contain the stars of the heavens and the earth. The lake in the distance.


The stars and the stars are smashed, the heavens and the earth are rioting, and the terrible star prints make a huge vacuum area appear in the lakes of dozens of miles. The terrible power destroys all life.

"It's not bad. In three days, you have mastered the charm of the heaven and earth star print, and exerted the power of about 30%. You are really good." The old voice sounded again: "I am fulfilling my promise now and sending you to go down." A space in which you will get even greater challenges. If you can challenge success, you will get imaginable benefits."

After finishing, there was a round of transmission light array at the top of Ye Chenfeng. A large amount of transmission force was vented in the light array, engulfed Ye Chenfeng and sent him to another space.

"Mirror, how does a space appear in this space!"

When the white light in front of Ye Chenfeng disappeared, he found himself in an independent space, and there was no such thing as a smooth mirror in this space.

"What is special about this mirror?"

Ye Chenfeng stared at this for a while, and he couldn’t see any special mirrors and walked slowly.

When he reached out his right hand and touched this smooth mirror, a strange soul glow appeared in the mirror and poured into the soul sea of ​​Ye Chenfeng.

Next, there is a lot of information in the sea of ​​Ye Chenfeng, let him know the truth of this mirror.

"Triple Holy Light, with a triple mirror, I can get different rewards by challenging different levels of mirroring."

"But the difficulty of the challenge of the three holy lights is a bit too high. The strength of a mirror image is higher than that of me. The strength of the triple mirror is three levels higher than me, reaching the level of Samsung. And, in the test, I can only use the treasure of life, other treasures can not be borrowed!"

Understanding the test of the Three Lights, Ye Chenfeng could not help but reveal a dignified color.

Although his current strength is enough to defeat a double mirror and challenge the double mirror, but it is too difficult to fight against the triple mirror, the terrible display of life-threatening, the ultimate burning life, it is possible to go all out!

"First look at defeating a mirror and get rewards!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and decided to challenge a mirror image first to test the power of the mirror and the difficulty of the test.

"I challenge a mirror!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and conveyed the message to the Three Lights. He stepped out and walked directly into the Holy Light.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng found himself in an independent space in which stood a black robe with a copper mask, full of explosive muscles, and a huge fist surface. The man who is carrying the current.

"Beat me, get rewards, fail, die!"

The copper-faced man made a sound like a thunderous thunder, and it shook the leaf-eared eardrum micro-drum.

"Okay, come on!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and instantly burned the blood of Hongmeng. He hardened his own strength to the one-star road, summoned the blood of the birth of the innate sword, and took out a lightning-fast The sword mans, attacked the copper man.

Ye Chenfeng stabbed a sword, and the copper-faced man’s body broke out with earth-shattering power. He waved his thunderous fist and slammed it up, smashing the stabbing swordsman and hitting the congenital sword. On the top, the terrible power forced the morning wind to retreat back.

"Great power!"

Burn the blood of Hongmeng, Ye Chenfeng's physical strength surpassed the strength of one billion pounds, but the face of the copper face man, Ye Chenfeng found that his strength is not weaker than himself, I am afraid it has surpassed one billion pounds. Slightly surprised.

After a punch, the bronze face of the man’s double fists sounded a thunderous thunder, and he continually blasted a powerful horrible fist, bombarded Ye Chenfeng, and wanted to blast the leaves with powerful power. The body of the morning breeze.

"Okay, then we are better than who, who is physically stronger!"

Ye Chenfeng rarely met his opponents with the same strength, and he won a triumphant heart. He took up the congenital swords and gave rise to the strength of the five great points, and the strongest force broke out.


The fists of the two men continually slammed together, and each time they hit, they burst into a devastating force, shaking the space in the triple sacred light.

The two played fast, and they fought fiercely with a strong battle. No one can help, no one is retreating.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng decisively changed his stroke, his virtual light flashed at his feet, and his footsteps suddenly increased his amplitude by ten times. He diddge the thunderbolt of the copper-faced man and circumvented behind him.

Predicting the danger behind him, the copper-faced man instinctively twisted his body and blew two punches, and bombarded Ye Chenfeng.

"Speed ​​Afterimage!"

When the copper-faced man discovered that his own thunderbolt was blown through the body of Ye Chenfeng, the instinctive wanted to dodge.

But this time, the soul of Ye Chenfeng’s brain broke out, forming a powerful stun force and rushing into his soul sea.

Although the effect of vertigo on the copper-faced man was minimal, it still caused a stagnation in his reaction. He was seized by Ye Chenfeng, and he blasted more than ten punches and sealed all his dodge. Space, bombardment on his body, flew him out.

"Xuan Mingji!"

Break the copper-faced man, Ye Chenfeng pursues the victory, while his footsteps approach the copper-faced man, the four spiritual levels show his body and evolve into a powerful force. Recently, he was bombarded on the body of the copper-faced man, which aggravated his physical injury.


The strong body of the copper face man, like a mountain, hits the hard space wall, and the huge impact force makes his body appear out of control.

To seize this rare opportunity, Ye Chenfeng deducted the idea to the extreme, and made all the fierce attacks, constantly attacking his body.

With the tide-like offensive, the physical injury of the copper-faced man continued to increase, and his counter-attacks became pale and weak, and it was impossible to force Ye Chenfeng to retreat.

As time went by, the men’s physical injuries were getting heavier and heavier, and there were road signs on the strong body surface.

"Okay, you can end the battle!"

Feeling that the bronze man is already at the end of the strong, Ye Chenfeng summoned the treasure of the life of Chaos, and held the chaotic godwood to his strong body, and he smashed his **** right arm.

Then, the innate sword and the silver sword spirit merged together, turned into a cold light, pierced his defense, and pierced his head.


The copper man’s head exploded, his huge body shattered immediately, a blood-red spar, and a red sword with a strong forbidden seal was shot.

"Primary, congratulations on passing a heavy test, rewarding the best quenching stone blood body stone and the next product of the true spirit of the sacred sword!"

At this time, a thick voice sounded, the blood body stone and the eclipse of the sun slowly floated to Ye Chenfeng, and he was also sent away from the triple holy light.

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