Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1517: 玄玄境

"Yes, through the double mirror test, reward the three-foot sword of the real spirits of the Chinese spirit, the best of the holy Dan!"

The voice of the old man rang again, a jade slip with a strong forbidden seal, and a holy Dan with nine deniers floated in front of Ye Chenfeng.

When Ye Chenfeng took away his reward, he was also sent out by the Triple Light.

"The spirit of the Chinese spirit, the reward of this second test is the same as I imagined."

Ye Chenfeng is very satisfied with the reward of the double mirror test, especially the three-footed sword of the sky, just like the tailor-made for him. Once comprehension is definitely his first killer, he can't wait to comprehend.

But the realm of practicing the three-footed sword of the Cangwu is too high, and the lowest realm is one star, so that he can't cultivate at all, he can only give up.

"How do you pass the third test?"

Ye Chenfeng collected the three-foot sword cultivation of the jade, and took a life fruit, restored the five-thousand-year life of burning, and sat down on the ground, thinking through the third test. Ways

Understanding the difficulty of the double mirror test, he feels that the test of the triple mirror is more difficult. The challenge is very likely to let him lose his life, but if it can pass, the reward will exceed his imagination.

Thinking for a while, Ye Chenfeng made a decision, which is to impact the realm of the body here, and then raise his own realm to the six-star road.

If you can transform the body into a mysterious body and let your strength reach the six-star sacredness, Ye Chenfeng feels that his chances of passing the triple-mirror test are definitely over 80%, and the most unhelpful can also protect himself.

"First impact on the realm of the body!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and did not take the hemorrhage body stone. Instead, he took out a quenching spirit with a very high order, swallowed it, quickly refining and strengthening the body strength. The impact of the mysterious body lays a solid foundation.

The quenching spirit under the leaf morning wind suit is of great value, but his body is too strong, and a quenching spirit has little effect on his physical body quenching.

But he has a lot of quenching spirits, patient refining, and a little bit of physical and internal organs.

Soon, half a month passed.

In the past two months, Ye Chenfeng refines and refines seventeen extremely valuable quenching spirits, completes the initial quenching of the flesh, and causes the bead in the Shenmen Cave to metamorphose. sign.

"Bloodstone, refining!"

The quenching spirits in the body are all refining, and Ye Chenfeng took the blood-red blood stone, and swallowed it in the belly, and controlled the transformation of the gods into transformation.

Under the refining and transformation of the nine transformations, the blood body stone released a pure blood color, and was forced to refine into the Shenmen hole by Ye Chenfeng, accelerating the transformation of the bead.

The blood body stone is an extremely precious quenching element stone in the Tianyu area. Many of the powers of the Tianyu refining line are willing to pay any price in order to buy a blood body stone.

"It's so powerful, it's only three days, and there is a mysterious force in the bead of Shenmen. It is estimated that for up to seven days, I should be able to cultivate the body to the mysterious body!"

Feeling the changes in the body and the bead in the Shenmen Cave, Ye Chenfeng reveals the color of surprise, and removes all the distracting thoughts in his mind, continues to work, transforms the gods, transforms the whole body, refines the blood, and transforms the body. Enhance the physical strength.

At the same time, a large number of pure energy spirit fish, fire unicorn broke through the realm.

The Heavenly Heaven left by the Lord of the Northern Muse completely imitated the rules of the space of the heavens, so the rapid breakthrough of the spiritual fish and the fire unicorn did not lead to the test of the power of the world of fighting.

"Call, finally broke through the realm of Tao Zun!"

Continuously blending pure energy, the spirit fish smashed through the shackles of the realm, reaching a star-dignified environment, the body of the gods and blood, the true blood of the gods is more pure.

The fire unicorn has long since broken through to the level of the sacred beast, which is equivalent to the two-star demon.

But the extraterritorial battlefield is too dangerous. The Taoist and the demon lord have almost no hope of surviving. The emperor can also be cautious in it, so the Lord of the Northern Muse continues to inject energy into both of them. Their strength.

With such a crazy breakthrough, it is very easy to lead to instability in the realm, but the owner of the North Ming believes that the spirit fish will be tempered in the extraterritorial battlefield for a period of time, and then the unstable realm can be consolidated.

Spirit fish, fire unicorn is madly raising the realm, Ye Chenfeng refining the blood body stone, successfully turned the sacred pearls in the Shenmen hole into a mysterious pearl, and cultivated the body to the mysterious body in one fell swoop.

The physical strength has reached 450 million directly. The pure physical defense has reached the level of the Chinese saint, and the blood of Hongmeng is burned. His physical defense can reach the top saint, which is stronger than the general superior saint. .

The body metamorphosis, Ye Chenfeng did not rest, took the best of the holy Dan, trying to cultivate the strength of the one-star Taoism to the extreme.

The best Saint Dan melted in the body of Ye Chenfeng, immediately releasing the vast force, smashing in his body's meridians, destroying his body and the internal organs.

However, the body is cultivated to the mysterious body, Ye Chenfeng's body is too strong, coupled with the Chaos Shenmu at the heart of the heart, he easily suppresses the majestic power of the body, and runs the Soul Eater to quickly refine and refine itself. Strength.

Time flies, and a month passes by.

After more than a month of refining, Ye Chenfeng completely absorbed the best of the holy Dan, consolidating the realm, and almost increased the strength to the six-star road.

"The best Saint Dan is really strong, and an medicinal medicine almost makes my body full of power!"

Ye Chenfeng spit out a smoldering gas, took out the broken Saint Dan, and swallowed it directly. By breaking the powerful power of Shengdan, he continued to improve his strength and prepare for the final test.

The power of the sacred sacred sacred is very special, and there is a great chance that the six-star sage will directly break through to the one-star vicissitudes.

"The bottleneck in the realm is loose!"

After Ye Chenfeng’s disappointment of Saint Dan did not take long, he unexpectedly discovered that his own bottleneck of the realm had appeared loose, which made him happy, speeding up the soul-stricken, speeding up refining and destroying Shengdan, and continuing to crack. Bottlenecks and strength.


After another day or so, the loose bottleneck of the realm bottled up, and a more pure and powerful road penetrated through the cracks, allowing Ye Chenfeng to touch the star.

With the bottleneck cracking more and more, Ye Chenfeng’s own strength has increased rapidly. When he feels that he is about to break through to the one-star road, he suddenly stopped practicing, and used the chaotic **** wood to forcibly seal the broken The remaining power of Sheng Dan.

If you break through to the one-star road, the strength of the triple mirror will reach four stars, and he will have no chance at that time, so now is the best time for him to challenge the triple mirror.

"It's time to challenge the final test of the Triple Mirror!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and broke into the triple holy light to challenge the ultimate test.

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