Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1520: Cangwu three-footed sword

"The konjac, come out!"

Consolidation of the two-star road to the peak of the peak, Ye Chenfeng's mind moved, summoned the konjac.


Next, Ye Chenfeng controlled the powerful force of the body and injected it into the body of the konjac, forcibly cracking the seal in the body of the konjac.

Under the continuous release of the leaves of Ye Chenfeng, the seals in the konjac body are getting looser and looser, and the cracks are slowly appearing. The strength of the konjac has also risen with the ban of a heavy ban. Six Stars Devil, reaching a star demon.

The strength of the konjac is improved, and Ye Chenfeng is determined to continue to release a powerful force to crack a heavy seal in the konjac body.

Finally, after three days and three nights of continuous efforts, a heavy seal in the konjac body broke open.

A magical force that made Ye Chenfeng's breathing difficult, broke out in the body of the konjac, and the hard life gave the Ye Chenfeng more than ten meters.

"Six-Star Demon!"

Feeling the strength of the konjac breaking a heavy seal, Ye Chenfeng showed a satisfied smile. With the strength of the konjac now, even if he can't kill Mo Yutian, he can beat him.

"I know that you must be guarded outside without leaving! I will give you a big surprise right away!" Ye Chenfeng's eyes reveal a glimmer of light.

Unlocking a heavy seal in the body of the konjac, Ye Chenfeng did not immediately leave the heavens, but took out the three-foot sword cultivation jade, and controlled the brain to penetrate into it, and deduced the three-foot sword to practice the mouth. Cultivation.

If he can cultivate into a three-footed sword, and add a sacred artifact, he feels that he can kill the four-star Tao.

Cultivating the three-footed sword of the sky, the minimum level requirement is the state of Taoism, which shows the horror of the power of this move.

But the morning blood of Ye Chenfeng is flowing with the blood of Hongmeng. The foundation of cultivation is even more solid. When he breaks through the one-star Taoist, his body becomes a golden yellow, and the level far exceeds the general road. Respect, now breaks through the peak of the two-star road, the golden power of his body has become more pure and powerful, and can fully support the consumption of the three-foot sword.

The three-footed sword of the sky is only one style, but the power is surprisingly large. When a sword is thrown out, the road map and the road force can be maximized, and the avenue of the sky is transformed, killing all living beings.

"The difficulty of practicing this three-foot sword is not small!"

In the beginning, Ye Chenfeng practiced the heaven and earth star prints, and only used three days, but when he cultivated the three-foot sword, he was unable to grasp the charm of this trick.

He controlled the brains and brains again and again. It took nearly half a month to find a clue, but there is still a long way to go.

But he is not in a hurry, and the control is constantly being deduced.

When Ye Chenfeng cultivated the three-footed sword in the sky, the three kingdoms of the Central Shenuo Kingdom also developed into a white-hot stage. The major forces headed by the nine-day gods swept the Qilin Shenguo, the Eight Diagrams of the Gods, and many cities. Killed a large number of masters in the two great kingdoms.

Even the two great kingdoms of the country, many ancient and undead powers, died in the hands of the emperor and the emperor.

When the nine-day **** country swept all the way and approached the Imperial City of Qilin, the emperor destroyed Tianzun, and the emperor received the warning of the ancient demon and the demon statue in the nine days, and received the order of Mo Yutian, but they ignored it. Continued to launch a national war, which changed many changes in the central world and surrounded the Qilin Imperial City.

"The emperor is dead, do you want to be with my demon, and the devil is not dead!"

A tall and full body has two feet, and the whole body muscles are inflated. For example, the ancient demon statues of the Giants glared at the Emperor's death and the Emperor's nine days. The sound was as thunderous as the thunder, and the ear of the nine days of the gods was sore. There are quite a few incompetent beasts who have been shocked by his voice.

"Hey, this world is the world of my genius. The era of your demon and the devil can pass!"

The whole body is flowing with the power of the sky, and the emperor who is stepping on a cloud is cold and screaming, and he responds with hegemony.

"Good, today our tribes are not dead!"

The war is inevitable, completely angering the ancient demon statues and demon statues, they summoned their best holy treasures, attacked the emperor nine days and the emperor destroyed the gods, and they fought fiercely over nine days.


When several great masters fought fiercely, the masters of the nine-day gods killed the city of Qilin and fought against the masters of the two great kingdoms in the imperial city.

The terrible war has spread to the entire city of Kirin. The walls of the impregnable city have been destroyed, and many famous buildings in the Imperial City of Kerin have been destroyed.

The three great royal masters are constantly dying in the national war, hurting the vitality.

"The Emperor Projection!"

Seeing the high-hand gestures of the nine-day royal family approaching the Kirin Palace, the ancient demon statues of the **** battles were angry, summoning their biggest reliance on the Emperor's projection, and swearing to defend the demon family.

"Nine-day royal disciples listen to their lives and receive troops!"

The ancient demon statue summoned the moment of the projection of the demon emperor, the emperor destroyed the gods, the emperor nine days decisively with the retreat of the nine-day royal master, and removed from the outer city of Kirin.

When the army of the nine-day royalty was suddenly withdrawn, the ancient demon hesitated a bit, or pressed the inner anger and gave up the impulse to use the biggest killer of the unicorn god.

"Nine-day royalty, you are waiting for me, waiting for us to recuperate and recover, and you will not die!"

Looking at a messy imperial city, the eyes of the ancient demon statue turned into blood red, and secretly swore.

The War of the Three Kingdoms came to an end because the ancient demon statue summoned the Emperor's projection, but this national war has changed the pattern of the central world. The major forces headed by the nine-day gods have swallowed the unicorns and the two gods. The vast territory of the country has become the absolute hegemon of the central world.

However, in the face of Emperor Tianzun and Emperor Jiuzian, they could not see a trace of joy. In addition to scrupulously emphasizing the emperor's projections of the two great kingdoms, they were even more worried about the demise of the Qingtian people.

Because the emperor destroyed Tianzun, vaguely guessed the strength of Mo Yu Tian Zun, the six-star Tianzun power is enough to sweep across all forces in the central world.

"Hey, Ye Shao, Mo Yutian respects the lower bound, do you know?"

The emperor sighed softly in his heart for nine days, worried.

On the emperor's nine days, when Emperor Tianzun worried about the lower bound of Mo Yutian, and brought new changes to the soul of the continent, Ye Chenfeng patiently cultivated three-foot swords for more than three months, gradually mastering this style. Shen Yun.

A sword is empty, the three-footed sword is falling, the terrible Jianwei has evolved into the vast road, swallowing one side of the world, a sword carrying endless roads, a sword can smash the sun and the moon, a sword Your majesty, nothing is broken, everything is gone.


The three-footed sword of the sky was attacked by Ye Chenfeng, and the tough space wall was torn apart by the sword.

Under a sword, don't say that Samsung Daozun, the four-star Taoist dying.

"Call, finally master the charm of the three-footed sword of the sky, the power of the real spirit of the Chinese spirit is really terrible!" Ye Chenfeng long breathed a sigh of relief, looking to the depths of the heavens: "spirit fish, I am going Take care of yourself, I believe that one day we will meet in Tianyu."

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