Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1532: 九剑神国

Looking at Ye Chenfeng’s killing of the ancient demon statue, the scene of the ancient demon sacred, the entire gossip imperial city is silent, and a pair of dull eyes look at Ye Chenfeng.

"Qi Chengtian, when I said that, you will destroy your Mozu inheritance, now you believe it!"

Ye Chenfeng is like an invincible killing god, looking at the desperate Qi Chengtian, revealing a faint smile, arrogantly said.

"Ye Chenfeng, my Mozu inheritance is not so easy to destroy!"

The old **** of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God, Qi Yixian, screamed, holding a scroll that focused on the ban, and said loudly.

"Magic projection!"

Ye Chenfeng did not expect that the biggest killer in the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God was in the hands of Qi Yixian.

But even if Qi Yixian has a magician projection, it is useless. The gap between him and Ye Chenfeng is too great. Ye Chenfeng wants to kill him. He has no chance to use the projection of the emperor.


Qi Yixian had a residual image in front of him. When Qi Yixian tried his best to unravel the projection of the Emperor, he suddenly found his right hand lost consciousness.

Next, a lot of blood was sprayed out of the gap in his right arm, and huge pain spread throughout his body.

"Qi Yixian, in front of me, can you use the projection of the emperor?"

One finger smashed the arm of Qi Yixian, and Ye Chenfeng said indifferently.

"You devil, the old man is dead, and will not let you go!"

The treasure of the town of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God was taken away by Ye Chenfeng. Qi Yixian issued an unwilling roar. He suddenly approached Ye Chenfeng, blew himself up and fired a blow to him.

But it broke into the realm of the second star, and the strength of Ye Chenfeng was terrible. At the moment when Qi Yixian blew himself up, he was shot by Ye Chenfeng, bursting directly in the air and turning into a blood. fog.

Qi Yixian died, and the largest esoteric emperor's projection of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God was captured, directly causing Qi Chengtian to fall into despair.

A small tribe who had never been seen in his eyes, he personally destroyed the gossip royal family. Until now, he still can't believe that it is true.

"Father, you are old, abdicated!"

Although the water and cold smoke hate Qi Chengtian, hate him indirectly killed his mother, but at that moment, she found that she did not have the courage to kill Qi Chengtian.

"But it, as long as you spare me a life, let go of my gossip royal family, the emperor of the gossip royal family, I will pass it on you!"

Since watching the cold water, Qi Chengtian suddenly grows a lot old. All his ambitions and ambitions are dying in this moment. At this time, he is like a late old man who only wants to return to the field.

"Well, I announced that the Eight Diagrams Emperor Qi Chengtian abdicated, the new emperor ascended the throne! The Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God will not exist until today!" Ye Chenfeng stalked in the air, revealing the domineering madness of who I am. Said proudly.

Because Ye Chenfeng’s scene of killing the ancient demon statue was too shocking, no one dared to raise objections. In the end, the water and cold smoke became a new emperor.

After negotiating with Ye Chenfeng, the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God was officially renamed the Nine-Sword Kingdom, and the Mozu inherits the roots and rebuilds the inheritance of the Terran.

In the middle of the night, the nine swords are in the palace of the gods.

The body is soft, like a snake, the water is cold and the smoke is cuddling in the face of Ye Chenfeng. He whispers in his ear: "Morning wind, I want a child, a child who belongs to us." Don't know if you can?"


Gently stroke the smooth jade back of the cold water, and Ye Chenfeng clicked.

"Morning wind, love me!"

Speaking, the water cold smoke is very active in entanglement with Ye Chenfeng, and he writes a chapter of love.

When Ye Chenfeng and Shui Hanyan were lingering in the Jiutian Imperial Palace, the news that the Eight Diagrams Emperor was destroyed was spread throughout the Central World and set off an uproar.

The name of Ye Chenfeng once again shocked the Central World and let more people know about him.

"The Emperor, things are not good, then Ye Chenfeng did not know what means to use, actually conquered the Emperor's nine days and the emperor to destroy the Tianzun, directly destroyed the gossip royal family, let the Eight Diagrams God Country change the country!"

"If I expected to be good, Ye Chenfeng's next goal is probably my unicorn **** country, we must prepare in advance!"

Ki Lin Shen Guo Guo Shi, I learned that the gossip of the gods of the Eight Kingdoms was destroyed, and felt the seriousness of the situation. I found the redness and the countermeasures at the first time.

"I already know about the incident of the gossip royal family, and Ye Chenfeng has grown to the power of killing the ancient demon statue!" Dry red face said gloomy.

"Then what do we do, my patron saint of the unicorn godland is equal to the strength of the ancient demon. With the power we control, I am afraid it is not the opponent of Ye Chenfeng!" Qilin Guoshi said with anxiety.

"Do not worry, as long as we use the projection of the Emperor in advance, we will be able to reverse the situation!" At this time, dry red inflammation can only pin all hope on the projection of the Emperor.

After three days, Ye Chenfeng took the emperor for nine days, and the emperor destroyed Tianzun and left the nine-day **** country and went directly to the Qilin Kingdom.

And his news of going to the Qilin Kingdom was also in the ear of the red hair.

"Ye Chenfeng, you really thought that my kylin **** country is a soft persimmon, I will let you know immediately, my unicorn **** country stands in the central world and does not fall true!" Dry red eyes flashed with strong suffocation Prepare for a dead battle at the Kirin Palace and Ye Chenfeng.

This battle has alarmed the entire central world and has attracted the attention of many major forces.

Tiandian, Lei, Tiancang Palace and other top-level forces have rushed to the Kirin Palace to cheer for Ye Chenfeng.

"Come on!"

On the Kirin Imperial City, the strongest banned defense was opened, and when it was waiting for it, the one-handed sprinting boat appeared in the void and slammed into the ban on the sky above the Imperial City.

Looking at the imprisonment of the Lingzhou and the Kirin Imperial City, a dozens of feet long, the swordsman who traversed the heavens and the earth flew out of the spirit boat, and the sword opened the imperial city.

"Awesome swordsmanship, I really didn't expect the strength of the morning wind to rise to such a degree!"

The owner of the Temple of Heaven, the limit of Nirvana's heaven and earth, the Xuan Hongzheng sitting on the sacred beak, is regretted by the power of the swordsmanship intertwined by Ye Chenfeng.

Easy as a sword, the Imperial City is banned, and these swordsmen definitely far exceed the limits of the Central World, reaching a level that they can't imagine.

"The Lord, do you say this battle, can the morning wind destroy the unicorn godland?" asked the great elder Xuan Zhongting.

The current Ye Chenfeng, the mainstay of the Terran is not to be lost. Although he has already destroyed the Gossip royal family, but in the face of the unicorns of the sacred gods, let us these people's powers worry about him.

"I believe that the morning breeze will continue to create miracles!" Xuan Hong is taking a deep breath.

"Go, let's go to the city to watch the battle!"

Speaking, the major forces headed by the Temple of Heaven have entered the imperial city of Kirin, which was banned from tearing, and wanted to take a close look at the invincible power of Ye Chenfeng.

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