Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1552: Innocent Killing

"Well, what is this power?"

The chaotic **** Mu root must crush the mysterious earthen jar, and when a large amount of soil foam is swallowed into the tree, Ye Chenfeng still feels an extremely powerful energy in the chaotic tree.

"The Holy Spirit, this is the power of the Holy Spirit!"

Under the repeated induction of the brain, the early discovery of Ye Chenfeng, the secret hidden in the earthen jar, turned out to be a legendary soil holy spiritual soil in Tianyu.

The greatest role of the Holy Spirit is to nourish the heavens and the earth, and it is definitely the best nourishing thing for Chaos.

"No matter whether you can repair the three-faced ancient flag, the value of these 50,000 Chinese products is spent!"

Ye Chenfeng feels that Chaos Shenmu has swallowed up the Holy Spirit, and it can definitely be transformed again. When the power of Chaos Shenmu is over, I am afraid that it will surpass the true spirit of the next product, comparable to the holy bow.

The time passed by, and it was very dark.

In the Chaos Shenmu absorption of the Holy Spirit soil, the demon emperor melted 18 kinds of refining materials and repaired the ancient three-faced flag. Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul felt that more than ten powerful breaths were quietly approaching. Opened the closed eyes.

"It’s finally here, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

Ye Chenfeng summoned the ancient heavenly map, hidden in the wing, waiting for the Korean figure to come in.


The prohibition of the wing was smashed with brute force, and the Hantu name was picked up by thirteen Han masters.

In order to avoid accidents, the thirteen high-handed hands brought by Han Tuming’s name have reached the six-star Taozun, and the three men can fully compete with the one-star Tao.

"I said the kid, the woman I saw, I can't escape my palm!"

The name of Han Tu reveals a faint color, and the eyes of Ye Chenfeng are full of killing.

"I am afraid I can't let you do this."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng opened the ancient sky-shadow map, banned the entire space, and sealed the Hantu name and others in the wing.

"How, with the strength of your Samsung Road, you want to threaten this!"

There are three big six-star roads to support the waist, Han Tu name does not put Ye Chenfeng in the eyes, sneer.

"Samsung Road St.?" Ye Chenfeng's face is more intense: "Look at your dog's eyes and see what I am now."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng no longer uses the blood to hide the breath, revealing the true strength in front of Haimingtu and others.

"Six-Star Road, who are you? In order to hide the strength, what do you come to in Red Ray City?"

Feeling the strength of Ye Chenfeng’s climbing in the body, the smile on Han Tu’s name solidified. He stared at Ye Chenfeng with his eyes wide open, and his heart was deeply disturbed.

"It’s too late to think about asking me now!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng pedaled his sword and turned it into a thunderous sword. He suddenly attacked the name of Han Tu.

"Protect Han Shao!"

The three six-star roads have a slightly changed face, and the instinctive desire to block in front of the Korean map, forcing the leaf morning wind.

"Four times the flow rate!"

The fast-flying Ye Chenfeng suddenly accelerated the time flow of four times. Before the rescue of the three six-star roads, he appeared in front of the shocked Hantu name, and his right hand caught his neck like electricity. Retired.

"You, don't mess around, if you dare to hurt me, I promise you can't live away from Red City!"

It was stuck in the neck by Ye Chenfeng. Hantu wanted to struggle, but Ye Chenfeng’s strength was stronger than him, so he couldn’t produce a trace of power and had to move out of Han’s home to Ye Chen. The wind applies pressure.

"Hey, if I am afraid of your Korean family, I won’t do it for you!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head, said indifferently, and infiltrated into the Hantu name by the power of the brain. Quickly search for him.

"Sure enough, the Korean family has only one star!"

Under the true strength of the Han family, Ye Chenfeng completely let go of his heart. Although he has just ascended to heaven, he is able to sweep the Han family with the power he controls.

"Today is our fault. As long as you let Han Shao, we will give you the corresponding compensation!" The oldest six-star Tao shouted loudly.

"Reassure, wait for you to kill, I will go to the Korean family to personally get compensation!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng’s right hand was slightly exerted. More than hundreds of millions of pounds of force directly crushed the body defense of Han Tu’s name, pinched his neck, shattered his soul and killed him on the spot. .

"Han Shao!"

When the name of Hantu fell in a pool of blood, the thirteen Han masters were all stupid. They did not expect that Ye Chenfeng was so courageous that he killed the Hantu name in public.

"What are you doing, don't take them down and hand them over to your home!"

The old man felt the seriousness of the situation, shouted, and thirteen Han masters surrounded Ye Haofeng.

"The konjac, come out!"

In order to make a quick decision, Ye Chenfeng summoned the konjac of the six-star demon world and greeted the thirteen Korean masters.

"Three changes in the Holy Fire, the blood of Hongmeng, burning!"

Breakthrough to the six-star road, the strength of Ye Chenfeng is stronger. When he uses the card to improve his strength, he directly crosses the limit of the six-star road and has the strength of a star in a short time.

And his physical strength is more than three billion, smashing and smashing the attack of Han masters.

"Ah, ah..."

Along with a scream of screams.

A famous Korean master was ruthlessly killed by Ye Chenfeng and the konjac. A lot of blood splattered and flowed.

"Catch the woman!"

Seeing the terrible power of Ye Chenfeng and the konjac, Han’s master trembled and turned his gaze to the summer butterfly, trying to take her and threatening Ye Chenfeng with her life.

"Hey, you are really looking for death!"

Looking at the two Korean masters who took the summer butterfly, only the strength of the Samsung Road, Ye Chenfeng shook his head.

With the strength of the summer butterfly, don't say Samsung Daozun, even the five elements of the road will not threaten her.

"What, Xuan Dao Tu!"

The two Samsung Dows have not yet attacked, and they are shocked by the mysterious road map of the summer butterfly body. The reaction has a slight delay.

The next moment, the summer butterfly launched a fierce attack on the two of them. The three metaphysical roads turned into water, poured into the double magic knife, and directly smashed to the two Han family Samsung. They broke into two halves and died on the spot.


The only three six-star Tao Zun, seeing the strength of the summer butterfly is equally terrible, immediately sprouted and wanted to leave quickly.

"Green sacred bow, give me a burst!"

Ye Chenfeng summoned the Kirin Kingdom and erupted more than 3 billion jins of strength. In a moment, he pulled the bow continuously and shot three blue arrows and shot at the three six-star roads.

The strength of the three is strong, but they can't resist the attack of the holy arrow.

The three people also screamed in the future, and they were stunned by the terrible attack power of the holy arrow.

"burning the flames of the heavens, melting!"

There was a thunderstorm that killed Han Tuming and others. Ye Chenfeng immediately spurted the burning of the Holy Fire, melting their bodies and destroying their bodies.

And because the whole idea was banned by the ancient times, when Ye Chenfeng killed Hantu name and others, he did not alarm anyone.

"Let's go, let's go to the Korean family to seek justice!"

Ye Chenfeng’s heart moved, and the relics of Han Tuming and others were taken into the Qiankun environment, and the summer butterfly left the night to leave the inn with a strong **** smell. According to the name of Han Tu The memory of the soul came to the outside of the Han family outside the night.

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