Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1554: Space wormhole

"Morning wind, how did you release the horrible breath?"

Until leaving the Korean family, the summer butterfly still has a feeling of being unreal in the dream. She did not expect that Ye Chenfeng only used his mouth to deceive 10 million Chinese products, and even more shocked. The origin of the.


Ye Chenfeng smiled at the summer butterfly, so it was mysterious to say that she did not tell her the existence of the magic candle dragon, she was suffocating.

The two left the Han family, did not rent the inn, but turned to a remote place, hiding in the Qiankun environment to rest.

In the early morning, the soft sunshine sprinkled on the city of Red Mine, awakening this city with a long history.

At dawn, Ye Chenfeng and Xia Xiandie left the Qiankun environment and flew to the space wormhole against the Red Sun. They paid 600,000 Zhongpin Tianjing and entered the mysterious space wormhole.

"How can the power of space in this space wormhole be so stable!"

When you walk into the space wormhole, Ye Chenfeng’s deep shackles reveal a strange color. He finds the stars, like the space tunnels in the space tunnel, filled with powerful space, and this space The force is very stable and there is no room for fluctuations.

Ye Chenfeng and Xia Zidie were waiting in the crowd for a while, a long snake-like, long wheel with three feet high appeared, and the two walked into the long wheel along the crowd.

Because the summer butterfly is too beautiful, when he walks into the long wheel, his stunning appearance, graceful posture suddenly attracts a pair of male eyes, which makes her angry.

"Let's go, let's go to the cabin to rest!"

Ye Chenfeng patted the smooth hand of the summer butterfly and took her to the cabin where they belonged.

"Morning wind, you, you rest, I am not too tired!"

Looking at only one bed in the cabin, and the space is not big, the blushing face suddenly appeared on the face of the summer butterfly, and said delicately.

"Small mosquitoes, when you are also shy?" Looking at the unnatural summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng’s face showed a faint smile and tweeted.


The summer butterfly eyes glanced at him, grinding his silver teeth and looking at him.

"Well, I am going to continue to repair the three-faced ancient flag in the Qiankun area. You can go to bed to rest, rest assured, I will not peek at you!"

Ye Chenfeng gently scraped her white nose with her fingers, entered the Qiankun environment, and continued to control the demon emperor to repair the broken ancient flag on three sides.

When Ye Chenfeng fully repaired the three-faced ancient flag, Chaos Shenmu absorbed the Holy Spirit soil and began a new transformation. The power contained in the tree body continued to increase, and the power of Chaos Shenmu also faintly surpassed the product of the true spirit.

Soon, three days passed.

Under the burning of the Holy Fire and the demon furnace, the eighteen precious refining materials were completely melted, and the impurities were removed, and the pure spirit liquid was melted into the broken three ancient flags, basically repaired. The ancient flag of the three sides with serious damage.

"The ancient flag of the Chinese spirit class!"

Looking at the three-faced ancient flag that was repaired by himself, Ye Chenfeng showed a satisfied smile. The level of the three-faced ancient flag was greatly unexpected. He used these three ancient flags to dominate the ancient sky. As a supplement, he felt that a large array of cloths was enough to trap the Emperor.

And after three days of chaos, the power of Chaos Shenmu completely reached the level of the real thing of the Chinese character, and became another big killer.

Repaired the three-faced ancient flag, Ye Chenfeng will kill the Xiaofeng Emperor, the Qing Emperor, and the loot that he got, and found that there are many Chinese products in the Qiankun ring, there are hundreds of Top grade Tianjing.

"Hey, I was so confused that I forgot the ring of the two of them, but this is also good, let me scouring the four treasures, and also deceiving 10 million Chinese products!" The wind smiled and transferred the relics of the two to the Qiankun environment.

"Well, Zhongpin Zhenling is a holy man!"

When transferring the spoils, Ye Chenfeng found an invaluable healing artifact in the ring of Xiaofeng Tiandi Qiankun, and was taken away by the candle dragon. Then he accidentally discovered a jade slip, and Yu Jianzhong was right. It is the Qingtian people who inherit the true spirit of the heavenly heavens.

The two great Tianzu, the Tiantian and the Tiantian can stand in the thousands of years of the Tianyu, but they are dependent on the immortal inheritance. If he can penetrate the sky, he will definitely enhance his heritage. Fighting power.

"Qingtian, you really gave me a big gift!"

Transfer the spoils, Ye Chenfeng calm down, control the brain and remember the memory of the heavens.

Cang Tianyu, the essence of the Chinese spirit, reproduce the three great Chinese spirits, the heavenly swords, the heavenly sword and the cangjie Avenue.

The power of Cangwu Avenue transcends the spirit of Zhongpin Zhenling, comparable to the true spirit of the top.

"Qingtian, you will laugh when you have this gift!"

When Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain, he heard the call of the summer butterfly. The long wheel flew in the space wormhole for nearly five days, and came to the virtual domain where the ethereal Tianzong was located. .

"Summer Butterfly, summon your swordsmanship!"

Ye Chenfeng left the Qiankun territory and came to the side of the summer butterfly, whispered.

The two summoned the swordsmanship, and Ye Chenfeng immediately took out all the top grades of Tianjing, and merged hundreds of top-grade Tianjing into the two swordsmen of the spiritual refining.

Each sword scorpion blends more than 200 top grades, and its strength climbs up to the six-star sect. Together with their indestructible defense, it is enough to become a powerful helper of Ye Chenfeng. .

"Morning wind, where did you get so many top grades?" The summer butterfly licked his eyes and asked with a look of surprise.

"Secret!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and transferred the topic: "Come, I have a gift for you!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng gave the incredible Cangtian to the summer butterfly.

"This, Zhongpin Zhenling Shengling Cangtian!"

The summer butterfly infiltrates the soul into the jade, and the beautiful face reveals a deep horror. She knows the preciousness of the true spirit of the Chinese character. I didn’t expect Ye Chenfeng to send it without reservation. Gave her, my heart is full of emotion.

"Okay, put it away, comprehend the sky, remember to return it to me, I will use it to sell money!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the excitable summer butterfly, said with a smile.

"Financial fans!"

The summer butterfly and the fascinating singer smashed the leaves of the morning wind, took away the sky, took the initiative to take his arm, and left the cabin intimately. After the long wheel stopped, he walked down the long wheel. Came to the virtual domain.


The moment when he walked down the long wheel, Ye Chenfeng’s brow slightly wrinkled, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

But he did not stop, left the space wormhole, spent a lot of the following products in the city, bought a map of the virtual domain, two horses of the sacred beast level, flying in the direction of the ethereal sky city Go and go.

ps: Photographs of snowy tomorrow, friends who want to see plus WeChat public number: ylty83

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