Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1562: Never know what regrets are

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-two chapters never know what it is to regret

In the morning, the soft sunlight pours through the window and wakes up the morning wind in the cultivation.

Cultivating the night sky, Ye Chenfeng basically understood the sky, and mastered the first heavenly print of the sky.

"Small mosquitoes, rest last night!"

Ye Chenfeng simply took a shower in the room, changed a clean clothes, walked out of the wooden house, and saw a white martial arts costume wearing a white martial arts costume. The summer butterfly with a heroic and charming style was early in the yard. Waiting for him.

"I want you to manage!"

The summer butterfly gives Ye Chenfeng a big white eye.

"How, still angry?" Ye Chenfeng smiled and joked: "So, I will give you another promise. I will not refuse you until the next time you want to dedicate yourself."

"You! Give me! Go! Die!" The delicate cheeks of the summer butterfly immediately showed two intoxicating blushes, and said with anger: "Smelly, if you dare to mention what happened last night, I Can't spare you."

"Good, I won't say it!"

Looking at the irritating pattern of the summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng did not laugh at her again. She waited for a while with her, waited for Hongxi, drove the crane with her, and left the Bixuexiang Pavilion. Going to the depths of the ethereal Xianshan, a height of more than ten feet, built like a pagoda, bathed in the treasures under the banned light.

"The front is the treasure chest. I am floating in Tianzong. There are four treasure chests, which are located in the fourth house and belong to the four palaces." Hongxi pointed to the treasure chest in front and whispered.

"Master Sister, what is the rule for picking treasures at Treasures?" asked the summer butterfly.

"No, as long as there is enough contribution, the treasures in the treasure chest can be taken away at will!" Hongxi Road.

"Contribution!" The butterfly of the summer butterfly is slightly wrinkled.

"Reassure, Master has already allocated 10,000 contributions for you, enough for you to pick the right sacred device in the Treasure House!" Red Creek said: "Let's go, let's go in."

Speaking, Hongxi took Ye Chenfeng and went to the treasure house in the shape of a pagoda.

"Master Sister, who is that person?"

Through the ban, under the treasure chest, Ye Chenfeng accidentally saw a whole body bound with a chain in the remote corner of the treasure chest. There was thick dust on his body, and the beard fell to the ground. There was no trace of aura on his body. Volatility of the old man.

Although I couldn’t feel the breath of the old man, when Ye Chenfeng saw him, he still felt a strong danger from him. He asked the voice.

"I don't know who he is. When I came to Bi Xuexian, he already existed. Even the master didn't know his identity. We all told him to wear sinners!" said Hongxi.

When finished, Hongxi took Ye Chenfeng and passed through a thin layer of ban and entered the Treasure Hall to pick treasures.

Although there are many true spirits in the Treasure Hall, the true spirits need too much contribution, and the 10,000 contribution can only let Ye Chenfeng choose two good quality pieces.

After selection, the summer butterfly selected a red silk of the highest sacred grade, and Ye Chenfeng selected a pair of gloves with a power of 10%.

"Hey, isn't this a Red River sister? Why, take the disciples under the door to pick treasures?"

Ye Chenfeng just picked up the treasures, and a yin and yang sound rang from behind them.

A man wearing a black martial arts uniform, with extraordinary temperament and his own strength reaching the five-star sect, came slowly with two younger disciples.

"Go, pick my treasure, let's go back!"

The red river did not look at the black man at all, and he would leave with Ye Chenfeng.

"Red Creek, don't hurry!" The black man reached out and intercepted her and said, "If you promise me, be my double repair partner, you can pick the true spirits here."

"Fu Tao, I have already said, I am not interested in you, if you are entangled with me, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Hongxi looked at the self-righteous black man, said coldly.

"But I am interested in you!" Fu Tao looked at Hongxi Road with gaze.

When he found the summer butterfly standing behind the red river, the radiance in the eyes was even more dazzling, and the red fruit's eyes seemed to want to see through the summer butterfly.

"This sister is..."

Fu Tao looks more like the summer butterfly, although the red stream is beautiful, but he found that the red river and the summer butterfly stand together, regardless of appearance, body or temperament, are worse than the summer butterfly, a rapid Changed the goal, revealing a smile that he asked himself very handsome.

The summer butterfly chilled Fu Tao and immediately regarded him as the air, followed by Hongxi and Ye Chenfeng.

"Sister, don't be so anxious!" Fu Tao quickly stopped in front of the summer butterfly body: "Sister, don't you know that you want the true spirit? If you open your mouth, the brother will send you one." /


I didn’t wait for the summer butterfly to talk, but Ye Chenfeng spoke, and insulted in public.

"Mom, where is the chop, I dare to marry me!"

Fu Tao is the confidant of Xue Mingxuan, relying on Xue Mingxuan this tiger skin, no one in the eyes, he glared at Ye Chenfeng, said evilly.


When he wants to move out of identity threats Ye Chenfeng, Ye Chenfeng’s deep shackles reveal two illusionary road maps, and the endless magical ideology directly penetrates into his eyes and instantly controls his brain. awareness.

"Your Majesty!"

Ye Chenfeng said coldly.


Ye Chenfeng’s voice just fell, and in a pair of double-looking eyes, Fu Tao, a five-level Taoist realm, was like a pug lying on the ground.

"Learn to bark!"

Ye Chenfeng continued.

"Wang Wangwang..."

The sound of the dog's screams in Fu Tao's mouth made a lot of people laugh.

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

The people of Xuexuege found that Ye Chenfeng humiliated Fu Tao in public, and provoked Xue Xiange suddenly angered, and burst into a strong atmosphere, locked Ye Chenfeng, he was going to teach him.

"You also give me your knees!"

Despite the extraordinary strength of the disciples of Xue Xuexian, their understanding of the Tao is too shallow, they can not withstand the erosion of the magical Taoist map, and as their brain consciousness is controlled, they are like Fu Tao. Dogs are usually lying there.

"Teacher, the people in Xuexuege are not good at it, let's leave now!"

Although the scene in front of him was very deflated, but Hongxi clearly understood the arrogance of Xuexian Pavilion, and did not dare to stay on, leaving Ye Chenfeng to leave the treasure house.

"Stay, you stand for me!"

The control of the illusion of illusion was lost. Fu Tao and others instantly recovered. When they saw that they were lying on the ground like a dog, they suddenly became angry and quickly chased them out.

"What happened!"

A low voice rang in the slowly floating sea of ​​clouds. A man wearing a white martial arts uniform, a six-level road, and a golden eagle came out of the treasure.

"Two brothers, you must be the master of us!"

Looking at the golden eagle, the man with a strong breath, Fu Tao and others are overjoyed, adding fuel and anger to the crimes of Ye Chenfeng and others.

"Well, what did Fu Shidi say?"

When I heard Fu Tao’s cry, the white robe man’s face sank and looked at Ye Chenfeng’s three people, coldly said.

" Xue Yugang, Fu Tao, what kind of virtue, are you not sure? If it is not him who is unreasonable, we will not teach him!" Hongxi is afraid that Ye Chenfeng will suffer and stop in front of them. Said hard.

"It seems that this is true!" Xue Yugang's face suddenly gloomy and pointed to Ye Chenfeng: "Well, I will not bully you, you break your legs and climb from here." Go out, I will let you go, otherwise the deity will make you regret it."

"Repent?" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said: "I grew so big, I never know what it is?"

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