Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1566: Golden Sword Spirit

"He really did it, the best sacred, the sorcerer is the two enchantings from where to find."

Moon Blue couldn’t help but **** a cold air. She didn’t expect Ye Chenfeng to really get the best spirit.

"The golden sword soul has finally become a golden sword soul!"

The moment when the golden sword spirit melted into the soul sea, Ye Chenfeng’s surprise discovery, the golden sword soul not only imprinted the ethereal swordsmanship practice, but also the golden sword soul completed the final transformation, and became a more powerful one. Golden Sword Soul.

Although he does not know the power of the golden sword soul, he has a feeling that the attack power of the golden sword soul will never be lower than that of the Chinese spirit, becoming a big killer.

"Mom, how is this possible, how can he get the best of the true spirits!"

Looking at the ancient words floating on the wall of the preaching, the snowy heart could not be calm for a long time.

Although he claimed to be the first day of the Snow Palace, he only got the Zhongzheng true spirit in the evangelistic sky, so he saw that Ye Chenfeng, whose strength is far lower than his own, got the best of the true spirit. He could not accept this fact, and his heart was full of bonfires.

"Two sisters, let's go back!"

Ye Chenfeng used the light to glance at the gloomy snowy face, and jumped over the huge crane. After a pair of stunning, surprised, angry, sly complex eyes, he flew away.

"Let's go, let's go back and tell the teacher about this news, let him prepare early!"

The ferrets took a deep breath and pressed the bonfire inside and drove the Golden Eagle away.

And Ye Chenfeng got the ethereal swordsmanship, and the summer butterfly got the news of the sacred sacred scriptures. It also spread throughout the ethereal Tianzong like the wind.

"What, that leaves the morning breeze and the summer butterfly from the evangelistic celestial wall to get the best of the true spirits and the top of the true spirits!"

Under the news, Xue Mingxuan’s face was suddenly gloomy, and the deep shackles revealed the infiltration.

"Snow is sloppy, I am a small means of yours. In order to compete against me for the position of the Lord of the Snow Palace, you have found two helpers outside!" Xue Mingxuan said with a gloomy face: "I admit that they are talented." Uncommon, but do you think I will give them time and space to grow up?"

Xing Mingxuan’s heart has produced a strong killing effect on Ye Chenfeng and Xia Wei Butterfly. In order to avoid accidents, Xue Mingxuan wants to find opportunities to eradicate them and never suffer.

"Morning wind, butterfly, go to rest, today you have given me such a great glory to the Bi Xue Xian Ge, I think the Master knows will definitely reward you!"

Back to Bi Xue Xian Ge, Hongxi let Ye Chenfeng go to rest, and she told the story of what happened today to the snow.

Back to Baiyayuan, Ye Chenfeng and Xiabian Butterfly immediately chose to retreat and study the true spirits that they received from the preaching cliff.

"I don't know if this ethereal sword is related to the secret!"

Although Ye Chenfeng did not study the truth of the white light group in the evangelistic sky, he had a feeling that the ancient secrets of the ethereal Tianzong might be related to the evangelistic sky.

But his current strength is too weak, even if he knows where the secret is hidden, it is impossible to get it with his strength, unless the candle dragon wakes up to help him.

Thinking for a while, Ye Chenfeng calmed down and controlled the mind and brains to inscribe the golden swordsmanship in the ethereal swordsmanship practice, trying to practice.

The floating swordsmanship is based on the kendo-based cultivation of the holy shrine, which breeds three major attacks. The true spirits of the holy spirits are the ethereal swords, the ancient swords, and the astounding swords.

The attack power of the Essence Avenue Sword has reached the limit of the best spirit of the true spirit, and the sword is out of the way, and it is difficult for the general Emperor to resist.

In addition to these three major attacks, the sacred swordsmanship also records many insights into the kendo, which is quite precious.

Ye Chenfeng quietly penetrated the second day of the floating swordsmanship, and Moon Lanyi came to the door alone.

"Three sisters, how come you!"

When I was wearing a water-blue dress, the temperament was cool but brilliant, and it was difficult to get close to the feeling of the moon blue 沁, Ye Chenfeng asked a faint smile.

"I have two purposes today. The first purpose is that Master respects me to give Ye Shidi and Xia Shimei a contribution of 60,000 as a reward for yesterday!"

"The second purpose is not to know whether Ye Shidi is willing to share with me the ethereal swordsmanship!" Yue Lanyi did not avoid it, and looked straight at Ye Chenfeng: "You can also refuse."

"Sister is a genius of kendo, of course I am willing to share the sorcerer's sword with my sister!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly.

"I don't want you to be cheap, I will share the tide with you!" Moon blue 沁 cool face reveals a rare smile.

"No, if the sister really appreciates me, help me get some of the best swords!"

The level of the blue water tide is high, but it is not very useful for Ye Chenfeng. What he needs urgently is a lot of the best holy sword, which increases the power of the Qiankun sword array.

"How many do you need!"

Moon Blue 沁 revealed a strange color.

"The more the better!" Ye Chenfeng did not have a blue moon.

"I have twenty of the best holy swords on my body. Don't you know enough?" The blue moon and the heart of the mind, all the best holy swords of their bodies were summoned and given to Ye Chenfeng.

"Sister, if you use the contribution to the treasure chest, how much contribution does a great sword need?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"The value of the best holy sword is not low, the price of a best holy sword will not be less than five thousand contribution!" said Yue Lan.

"Five thousand, so much!"

Although the monthly blue 沁 brings 60,000 contributions, but the 60,000 contribution can only be exchanged for twelve best holy swords, which is far from the two hundred that Ye Chenfeng needs.

"Sister, what is the fastest way to earn a contribution?" Ye Chenfeng asked with a meditation.

"Take the ancestral mission, the higher the difficulty of the Zongmen mission, the higher the reward for the contribution, but Ye Shidi, although you are talented, you have a deep understanding of the Tao, but your realm is still too low, I It is suggested that you should now consider how to cultivate to the realm of Taoism in a short time!" Yue Lan's voice is clear and clear.

"Reassure that the three divisions, I have the confidence to break through to the Taoist realm within three years!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said confidently.

"Three years..."

Three years from the four-star road to the breakthrough of one star road to the heavens, but think of the miracle that Ye Chenfeng has repeatedly created, the moon blue 沁 feels that he may have this strength.

"Sister, if you have time, we will start to study this ethereal sword code. I have just cultivated this sword code. There are many places that I don’t understand, just ask the teacher and sister!" Ye Chenfeng lowered his posture. Whispered.


Moon Blue nodded, and I really wanted to see the best of the true spirits that have not appeared in countless years. What is the mystery and the power?


A glaring golden light broke the sea of ​​the morning spirit, mapping the dazzling light, suspended in front of him and the moon blue dragonfly.

"Golden Sword Soul!"

Looking at the golden sword soul at a close distance, the moon blue dragon suddenly felt the trembling of the soul.

She is very clear about what it means to cultivate into a golden sword soul. She asks herself that her cultivation of kendo is more than ordinary people, but compared with Ye Chenfeng, she finds herself too far away.

And Ye Chenfeng unreservedly exposed the golden sword soul in front of her, letting her penetrate, will make her gain a lot, which makes her heart very grateful.

But her temper is too cold, not to say gratitude, but this kind of kindness is remembered in her heart.

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