Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1570: Woman's mind, don't guess

"No, don't kill us!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng shooting the snow scorpion, three people desperately resisted the konjac, and the disciples of the 暮雪仙阁 attacked by the summer butterfly attack, and they kept asking for mercy.

"Is it scared to be too late now!"

Ye Chenfeng ruthlessly said that he continued to pull the holy bow and attacked the past.

Soon, the only three disciples of the Xuexianxiang Pavilion were shot and killed by the Green Arrow, and they became a group of blood fog, killing them on the spot.

"Small mosquitoes, let's go!"

Ye Chenfeng waved his hand and took away the relics of the Xueyan first class, summoned the konjac back to the Qiankun, and destroyed them, and flew to the depths of the desolate forest with the summer butterfly.

Approximately half an hour later, Ye Chenfeng and Xia Weidie appeared in a secluded mountain, taking out the spoils that were obtained by killing the ferrets.

"One hundred and eight of the best holy swords, Snowy is really thank you!"

Ye Chenfeng found that the 108 swords that were obtained by killing the ferrets were of high quality and got them. The power of the Qiankun swords would have a qualitative leap.


In addition to more than a hundred of the best holy swords, Ye Chenfeng also found the practice scroll of blood sacred scorpion and his weapons in the remains of the ferrets, and the sacred swords of the true spirits.

Seeing the snow scorpion and the **** triple sword, Ye Chenfeng knows the value of the blood sacred sacred, and prepares to use it to trade his useful things in the future.

In addition to this, he also got a lot of Zhongpin Tianjing, Shangpin Tianjing, a large number of Shengdan, the best saint.

"Well, what is this?"

At the end of the inspection, Ye Chenfeng found a seal in the remains of Xueyan, which was heavily banned. When he forcibly broke the ban, it was found that there were three longan in the box, and the whole body was milky white. With three dashes, it is a scent of scent.

"This is Sanpin Zhenling Shengdan!"

When Ye Chenfeng stared at the medicinal herb, the quality of this medicinal drug appeared in the brain.

"Sanpin Zhenling Shengdan, I don't know if I can practice this six-star Taoist limit with this true spirit Shengdan!"

Ye Chenfeng clearly understands the value of Sanpin Zhenling Shengdan, definitely surpassing the product of the next spirit. He gave it to the summer butterfly, and he took one of his own, running the soul-eating, and quickly refining. Practice.

The product of Sanpin Zhenling Shengdan is extremely large. When it melts in Ye Chenfeng's body, it immediately releases the powerful force.

But Chen Chenfeng's body is too strong, and the drug released by Sanpin Zhenling Shengdan can't hurt his body. He resists the pain in his body, quickly refines his strength and enhances his strength. .

The body of the summer butterfly is far less powerful than the leaf morning wind. When she took the three-character spirit, she suffered a lot of pain. Fortunately, her heart is strong, she resists the pain of the body, and runs the sacred reeds. .

Soon, five days have passed.

In these five days, Ye Chenfeng refining two Sanpin true spirits, and in one fell swoop, he upgraded his strength to the six-star Taoist.

And the summer butterfly with the huge force of Sanpin Zhenling Shengdan, it broke through the bottleneck and reached the five-star road.

"Breakthrough, I broke through!"

The moment of breakthrough, the summer butterfly reveals a deep color of surprise. She never dreamed that she broke through the first level so quickly.

"Sanpin Zhenling Shengdan is really powerful!"

If it is not the premise of Ye Chenfeng, it is too far-reaching and extraordinary, and it is very likely that he will break through the realm of one star Taodi.

"Let's go to a small mosquito, let's go find a pool. Your current look is really detrimental to your beautiful image!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the **** summer butterfly, and smiled and said.

"I want you to manage!"

The summer butterfly face is slightly red, giving Ye Chenfeng a big white eye, but in her heart, she is full of gratitude to Ye Chenfeng. Without Ye Chenfeng, she can't break through the realm so quickly.

The desperate forests are vast and boundless, and soon they found a quiet pool.

"You can't peek when I am bathing, otherwise I will dig your eyes!" The summer butterfly cheeks reddishly looked at Ye Chenfeng, a warning of evil.

"Cut, I haven't seen it yet!"

Ye Chenfeng said indifferently, and went to the side under the gaze of the summer butterfly.

The summer butterfly is grinding silver teeth and watching Ye Chenfeng go away, taking off the little boots, wearing a pair of white tender feet, walking into the cold water pool, taking off the clothes in the water pool, clear Break through the realm and squeeze out the blood.

In the cool water pool, the summer butterfly feels refreshed, and the aura is drilling into her body along her pores, making her comfortable and difficult to extricate herself.

When the summer butterfly cleaned the blood and prepared to put on a clean dress ashore, she suddenly found that Ye Chenfeng appeared on the shore, her cheeks were red, and the whole body was sunk at the bottom of the pool. Road: "You, what are you doing?"

"Hey, little mosquito, what are you nervous about!" Looking at the wet-skinned, nervous summer butterfly, Ye Chenfeng sighed softly: "You are indifferent to your night, I am indifferent, you Do you think I will plot it?"

"Ye Chenfeng, what do you mean by this, this girl is not beautiful, can't attract you?" The summer butterfly grinds with silver teeth, and can't wait to bite the morning breeze.

"Okay, if I am you, wear your clothes now, or I feel that you may be out of the pool. When you don't, I don't want to take you to eat your tofu!" Ye Chenfeng I looked at the summer butterfly who was mad at the fire.

A reminder by Ye Chenfeng, the sharp sense of the summer butterfly suddenly felt dangerous at the bottom of the pool, and his face changed slightly. The hidden clothes immediately revealed her body, covering her charming body and jumping out of the pool. .

And the moment she jumped out of the waterhole, a hundred-meter-long black enchanting sneaked in a sneak peek suddenly burst into the **** mouth, biting into the summer butterfly that jumped into the air, wanting to swallow her In the belly.

"Xuan-class holy beast!"

Feeling the level of black enchanting, the golden sword soul broke out the sea of ​​the morning spirit, and turned into a glaring golden light in midair, and the sword smashed into the black enchanting, and turned its huge body into a Two halves, on the spot, a lot of blood stained the pool.

"Now you know, I don't want to peek at you!" Ye Chenfeng pointed at the murderous body of the black scorpion, faintly said.

"Ye Chenfeng, is this girl so charming?" The summer butterfly came to Ye Chenfeng and said angrily: "Tell you, this girl is very angry, I..."

Don't wait for the summer butterfly to finish talking, Ye Chenfeng slammed her tightly, pressed her soft body on a large ancient wood, and smiled and said: "If you really want to happen with me." What, I don't mind."


Feeling the extrusion of Ye Chenfeng's body, and touching the deep scorpion of Ye Chenfeng in the distance, the summer butterfly only feels like a deer appears in his heart, jumping on the delicate cheeks. A fascinating blush emerges.

The next moment, the summer butterfly instantly changed his face and pushed open the morning airway: "You are a deadly wolf, you have to dare to touch this girl, this girl will let you become eunuchs in minutes."

叶晨风: "..."

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