Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1572: Desperate flowers!

"A weak human being, let me be my soul!"

The burly man violently slammed and burned a powerful blood force, and the change became the strongest form of combat. He wanted to kill Ye Chenfeng with a bang.

"Want to kill me, you are too far!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng summoned the holy sacred bow, broke out more than three billion jins of force, pulled the holy bow hard, and controlled the four sacred maps into the holy bow, shooting The burly man who was murderous.


The blue arrow flew over, and there was a deep arrow mark in the space. The horrible power of the holy bow made the burly man feel a deep and dangerous atmosphere, and the instinctive image was dodging.

But at the moment of his dodging, Ye Chenfeng opened the Qingyi holy bow again, forming a powerful blue arrow, shooting at the burly man, making him unable to dodge, only to regret the green Attack of the Holy Arrow.


The powerful demon power of the burly man’s eruption was directly shot by the holy sacred bow. The terrible sacred arrow penetrated its body defense and shot its huge body.

"There is no real spirit, I see how you fight with me!"

The burly man is strong, but he is just an ordinary sacred beast. He is separated from the demon family. He has no powerful sacred sacred sacred objects. He was attacked by the holy sacred bow and instantly fell into the wind.

"Despicable humans, can you only use treasures?"

After Ye Chenfeng continued to pull the Qinglan holy bow attack, the burly man was dodging and shouting.

But the morning wind is not moving, constantly bowing and archery, attacking the burly man, constantly increasing its physical injuries.


As the injury became heavier and heavier, the burly man could not support the strongest combat form, restored the body, turned into a hill-sized body, covered with rock-like hard skin, and the horns were sharp and sword-like. With a sigh of anger, trampled on the space and slammed into Ye Chenfeng.


The demon ran into it, and Ye Chenfeng continued to pull the blue bow of the Qing dynasty, and three arrows continued to greet him.

The whole space was trembling under the attack of the holy sacred bow.


Along the painful screams, the three holy arrows directly shattered the attack of the demon, and shot it out. The hill-sized body slammed into the distance and smashed the ground. There was a huge pothole that drove the entire ground to tremble.


When shooting a demon cow, Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and the sharp sword of a sharp and incomparable sword became a powerful and invincible sword, rolling the power of terrible space, a sword. I turned to the demon.

Because the demon cow was hurt too much, it was impossible to dodge the attack of the Qiankun sword array, and it was smashed by a sword on the huge body, leaving a sword mark with a white bone.

The injury is constantly aggravated, which makes the demon cow feel fear, unwilling to look at the hand holding the green bow, completely killing his Ye Chenfeng, mobilizing the huge body to escape.

"The ancient flag, forbidden!"

Ye Chenfeng was prepared, and the moment the demon ran away, he summoned three big flags, banned the entire space, and sealed off the road where the demon ran away.

Then, he continued to attack with the holy sacred bow, and the huge body of the demon smashed through the riddled holes. A lot of blood poured out of his body like a fountain, forming a **** stream, rolling. flow.

"Humble human beings, there is a kind of battle with me, and what is the use of external force!"

The sound of the demon that is blood is loud and loud, and it screams at the morning wind.

"Okay, as you wish!"

Unexpected by the demon, Ye Chenfeng suddenly put away the Qingyi holy bow, fell from the air, appeared in front of the extremely injured demon.


The demon will never let go of such a great opportunity. It screams in the sky, regardless of physical injury, attacking Ye Chenfeng.

"True Fighting Dragon!"

The demon smashed with a suffocating oppression, and Ye Chenfeng immediately changed into a powerful body of true spirit, constantly swaying the lore to kill the real dragon, and greeted the demon.


The sound of the blasting sound of the earth shook.

After being attacked by Ye Chenfeng, the real spirits were attacked by dragons. The demon cows that continued to be hit were repulsed back by the hardships. The terrible fight dragons smashed the defense of the demon cows and shattered. Its head.

The number of fists repulsed the demon, and Ye Chenfeng was chased. The change became the ultimate form of three heads and six arms, waving six thick arms, bursting out more than three billion pounds of power, and fighting with the demon.

Although the monster is extremely powerful, it has reached the level of the king-level sacred beast, but it has been attacked by the sacred bow of the Qing dynasty. The loss of a lot of blood is too serious, and it is impossible to exert the strongest strength.

The time of the close-up fights the half-column incense, the huge body of the demon is swept by Ye Chenfeng once and for all, and the combat power is rapidly weakened.

"Hey, human, this king is dead, but also pull you to hell!"

Can not resist the fierce offensive of Ye Chenfeng, the demon cow began to desperately, burning powerful blood and demon, the last force erupted, to a rushing meteor, continuous impact to Ye Chenfeng, want to Ye Chenfeng crashed.

"True Fighting Dragon!"

In the face of the maddening demon, Ye Chenfeng will push the four metaphysical road maps to the extreme, increasing their own attacks, with the strongest attitude and positive hard regrets.

Although at the beginning, Ye Chenfeng was under great pressure, but as the demon's injury became heavier, Ye Chenfeng completely occupied the top.

The hard head of the demon cow is smashed by the real spirits, and a lot of ** is flown.


The demon cow tested his physical strength, and Ye Chenfeng once again summoned the Qingyi holy bow, and shot three arrows in succession, directly shot through the demon's head, smashed its soul, and killed it on the spot. It is.

"Chaotic beast, Jin Qinglong blood lion, worming empty worm, the body of this demon cow is given to you!"

Ye Chenfeng, who was injured, took up the three ancient flags and flew back to the waterfall cave and came to the two dead flowers.

"Good pure energy, the value of this desperate flower is probably not lower than the one-star true spirit!"

The close-up feels the spirituality of the desperate flower. Ye Chenfeng knows its value, and Ye Chenfeng has a feeling that the ethereal Tianzong rewards the desperate flower, not directly taking it, but using it to make alchemy. In this way, we can exert the strongest force of the desperate flower.


Ye Chenfeng’s mind is moving, summoning the golden sword soul, cutting a little bit of the fertile soil around the desperate flower, transplanting them into the Qiankun environment, coming to the outside world, recovering the body injury by the soul of the soul, waiting The three holy beasts devour the demon.

About three more hours, Ye Chenfeng completely cured the body injury caused by the close-knit of the demon, and the three holy beasts swallowed the demon's demon and flesh and blood, and the strength increased in different degrees.

Especially the worms, began to evolve into the sacred beast.

"Let's go, we continue to go deep into the desolate forest, look for the dead flowers!"

Under the value of the desperate flower, Ye Chenfeng wants to pick up more, so that he can get a lot of contribution, and thus exchange the necessary things to impact the one-star Tao.

ps: WeChat public number has another 200 people, and it can be added to 1000. When the tears will add more, I want to change the tears faster and add the public number: ylty83

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