Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1574: Emperor's blasting stone

The next morning, under the leadership of a woman in black, Ye Chenfeng and his group left the secluded valley and went to the deepest part of the desolate forest.

"Poetry, according to your observation, there are many king-level sacred beasts near the ancestral roots!"

After a night of understanding, Ye Chenfeng knows that the woman in black is called a poetry poem. As for his true origin, Ye Chenfeng did not ask much, because he felt that even if he asked, the poetry of poetry does not necessarily tell the truth. .

However, the poetry of poetry can come up with a weapon of the Chinese character, and it is not easy to see her background.

"Before the ancestral ancestral roots, there should be at least four king-level sacred beasts! So we want to dig away the ancestral ancestral roots, we must find a way to lead the four king-level sacred beasts." I recalled it and said.

"Four king-level holy beasts are really tricky!"

With the strength of Ye Chenfeng, it is enough to fight a king-level sacred beast, but if he is besieged by four king-level sacred beasts, he can only escape from his edge and escape.

But the temptation of the ancestral ancestral root is too big, so that Ye Chenfeng can not give up, after meditation he decided to take the risk to try.

"In the place where the ancestral ancestral roots were born, we planned to find ways to trap the four king-level sacred beasts!" Ye Chenfeng snorted and followed the poems and poems in the desolate forest. A little closer to the valley that gave birth to the ancestral roots.

"A good aura, this valley should be the source of the mountains of the desperate forest!"

Close to the valley, Ye Chenfeng feels that the aura of the air floating in the air is getting richer and thicker. A piece of ancient wood with a height of hundreds of feet is straight and thorny, covering the sky and making the whole forest very dark.

"The valley in front is the place where the ancestral roots are born, and the four king-level sacred beasts are hidden in the valley!" The poetry poem pointed to a valley in front of an ancient wood, whispered.

"You are here waiting for me, I will lead the four king-level holy beasts!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the valley and whispered: "Remember, no matter what happens, don't help."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng hides the breath, like a ghost of erratic, quietly approaching the valley, and summoning three ancient flags outside the valley, hidden in three ancient trees in a triangle shape.

Flying into the valley, Ye Chenfeng hides behind a strange rock, controls the brain to speed up the deduction, and senses the reality in this valley.

"Well, it’s a terrible demon, and as I thought, there are more powerful monsters in the valley!"

When the power of the brain is covering the entire valley, Ye Chenfeng feels a monster that almost reaches the limit of the king's sacred beast, in addition to the four king-level sacred beasts that the poetry and poetry said. .

But the temperament of the ancestral roots, but he did not feel it. Obviously, the ancestral roots used the power of the mountain source to cover up themselves.

"It’s not difficult to get the ancestral roots!"

Ye Chenfeng is uncertain, and his danger can trap several sacred beasts, but he is desperate for his ancestral roots. He must try it.

"Sword Spirit, go!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mind was moved, summoning the swordsmanship and commanding him to penetrate the valley and attract the king-level sacred beasts in the valley.


Feeling the existence of the Sword Spirit, the king-level sacred beast that inhabited the valley for countless years was angry and made a scream.

Next, the king-level demon tiger who had chased after the poetry and poetry was drilled out in a bottomless cave, splitting the **** mouth and biting the sword, and wanted to smuggle them. The sword of the territory was bitten to death.

"Mirror avatar, go!"

When the sword spirit battled with the king-level demon tiger, Ye Chenfeng split the mirror and split it into the valley.

"Hey, humble humans, you dare to come here, today I am not destroying you!" The king-level demon tiger recognized the mirrored avatar and issued an angry shout.


Listen to the sound of the fighting outside the valley, a whole body is dark, and the two scorpions are flashing with the fierce king-level demon leopard, two wings with two wings, a body length of more than eight meters, and a savage tooth like a sword. Appeared, attacking the sword and the mirror.


Seeing the mirror avatar and the sword scorpion did not attract this most horrible monster, Ye Chenfeng hesitated, and immediately ordered the sword scorpion and the mirror to break out of the valley.

Because he was afraid to delay, the mirrored avatar would be torn by the ferocious king-level sacred beast, and I am afraid that even the four king-level sacred beasts could not be revealed.


The four king-level sacred beasts saw the mirror avatars and swordsmen screaming and fleeing, and the angry roar screamed, speeding up the pursuit, and it was necessary to kill the two men who were arrogant in their territory.

Under the fierce attack of the four king-level sacred beasts, the injury of the mirrored avatar became heavier and heavier. When he escaped from the valley, most of his body was torn by the king-level demon wolf.

"Dead, human!"

The scream of the angry tiger screams, cracking the **** mouth and biting it on the head of the mirrored body. The sharp, sword-like teeth pierce the mirrored body and crush it.

The moment when the image was broken, the king-level demon tiger noticed the suspiciousness and suddenly stopped.

But the other three king-level sacred beasts have already chased the swordsmanship and came to the space of the three ancient banned flags. The patterns of the multiplications are filled in the space, and the three king-level sacred beasts are trapped in the moment.


Looking at the three king-level sacred beasts disappearing in front of them, the extremely intelligent king-level demon tiger immediately guessed that this is a trap, and will return to the valley.

But this time, the blood of Hongmeng was burned, and Ye Chenfeng, who had increased its strength by three times, appeared behind it, exploding more than three billion kilograms of strength, such as a meandering mountain, slamming into the king's level. Demon tiger body.


The huge body of the king-level demon tiger trembled a bit, and the huge body appeared out of control, throwing it into the air.

"True Fighting Dragon!"

Following, Ye Chenfeng continued to display the powerful spirits of the real spirits, and blasted a fist that was enough to fight the real dragons and smashed the earth, bombarding the huge body of the king-level demon tiger, directly putting it Booming into the space of the ancient flag ban.


Successfully trapped the four king-level sacred beasts, and the poems and poems hidden in the bushes showed a strong excitement.

In her view, trapped the four king-level holy beasts, there will be no danger in the valley, you can easily pick up the ancestral ancestral roots, bring back to give his father a birthday.

"The ancient sunshade map, forbidden!"

The four heavenly sacred beasts are too horrible. Ye Chenfeng is afraid of accidents. He summoned the ancient heavenly maps, increased the prohibition power, and shouted: "Let's go, we enter the valley."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng took the two women who were waiting for a long time, and the two holy beasts entered the valley with rich aura and pleasant scenery.

"Poetry, do you have a picture or a strong card?"

In the valley, Ye Chenfeng asked.

"Ye Big Brother, do you think there is danger in this valley?" asked the snowy clever poetry.

"Yes, I just felt that there is a more terrible monster at the end of the valley, and the strength of the monster is probably comparable to the four-star demon, we must deal with it!" Ye Chenfeng nodded Road.

"Four Stars Emperor!"

The beautiful eyes of the poems and poems show a thick color of worry.

Although she still has a life-saving card, she is by no means an opponent of the four-star demon. In the face of the existence of such horror, she can only give up the ancestral roots.

"Poetry, if you have a picture or an amazing card, we still have a chance!" said Ye Chenfeng.

"I have an emerald stone, which can instantly kill the general emperor, but the flesh of the beast is far better than the tribes, plus the four-star demon is too horrible, only the close-up detonates this emerald It is possible to reinvent the four-star demon emperor." The poetry of poetry took out a black and white ink from the carrying ring of the Qiang, containing the horrible energy of the spar.

"With this emerald stone, it's easy!" Ye Chenfeng said in his heart: "Poetry, if you believe me, give me this emerald, I will come to the king. The beast makes a critical strike."

"Good! Everything is careful." The poetry and poetry nodded, and it was very trusting to give the precious emerald to Ye Chenfeng.

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