Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1577: Chaotic Shenmu Kezu Tree


When Ye Chenfeng was close, they suddenly felt the ground under his feet tremble.

A black root of a venomous snake broke through the hard ground and attacked the three people of Ye Chenfeng, not giving them a chance to approach.

"Golden Sword Soul, give me a break!"

After being attacked by the black tree roots, Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the golden sword soul and went up.

Evolution into the golden sword soul, the attack power of the sword spirit is comparable to the true spirit of the Chinese character, but when it attacks the black root of it, it only cuts off a tree root, which makes Ye Chenfeng Quite unexpected.

And the summer butterfly, the attack of war poetry, even a tree root is not broken.

A moment, they are in danger.

In a critical moment, the fusion of the best Tianjing and a large number of top quality Tianjing, the strength of the sword soared to the four-star Tao Emperor's sword, he took the Qingyu Lingdao, a knife, a knife across the void The space smashed a tree root that attacked the three people of Ye Chenfeng.

"Qingyi Holy Bow!"

Ye Chenfeng burns the blood of Hongmeng, and forcefully opens the Qingyi Holy Bow. The four major metaphysical roads that have been deduced to the extreme have been merged into the Qingyi Holy Bow and turned into a powerful green barley. The holy arrow left a deep arrow mark in midair and shot at the desperate ancestral tree.

"A weak human being, you also want to hurt your ancestors, and you can do it as your own fertilizer!"

A thick old face emerges from the thick trunk of the ancestral ancestor tree, spewing a large number of ancestral rhymes, bombarded on the holy arrow, and smashed the green arrow.

"Strong, too strong, the strength of this desperate ancestor is definitely stronger than the golden lion."

The strength of the desperate ancestral tree is beyond the expectation of Ye Chenfeng, but Ye Chenfeng is not afraid. His mind moves, summoning the chaotic **** wood, and controlling the chaotic **** wood attack to the desperate ancestral tree.

"This, what is this ancient wood!"

Feeling the power of chaos contained in the chaotic **** wood, the tree spirit of the desperate ancestor tree smelled a strong dangerous atmosphere, and said with vigilance.

"Chaotic God Wood, restrain it!"

Although Chaos Shenmu is weaker than the mature ancestor tree in the mature period, Chaos Shenmu is one of the strongest three gods in the universe. Ye Chenfeng believes that it has the strength to restrain the ancestral ancestors.


The chaos gods attacked, and the desperate ancestors immediately shook the huge canopy, forming a powerful ancestral rhyme, continuously bombarding the chaotic **** wood, and wanted to crush it.

"Do not hesitate to attack!"

Catch the opportunity of the desperate ancestor tree to attack the chaotic **** wood. Ye Chenfeng and others summon their own treasures, display the strongest magical magical powers, attack the desperate ancestors and weaken its power.

Under the full attack of Ye Chenfeng and others, the ancestral power of the desperate ancestral trees is constantly dispersed. Chaos Shenmu bears the attack of focusing on the ancestral rhyme, extending a line of five-color roots and rooting to the desperate ancestors. The tree attacks the tree spirit.

"Zumai Hualong, give me out of them!"

The tree was broken by Chaos Shenmu. The ancestral ancestors panicked and immediately mobilized the power of the powerful ancestral veins, breaking the chaotic ground, turning into a hundred meters long and flowing with the ancestral ancestors. The life-like dragon, roaring and attacking, went to Ye Chenfeng and others.

"Sword Spirit, resist!"

The ancestral vein of the desperate forest is extremely terrible. The strength of the real dragon formed by it is not weaker than the number of ancestral ancestors. Ye Chenfeng and others do not dare to regret, and can only let the sword spirit defend their defense.


The ancestral dragon of the roaring attack hits the body of the sword, and the terrible power directly consumes one-tenth of the energy of the sword, and breaks its hard body and makes a small path. Cracks.

"A terrible attack!"

Ye Chenfeng clearly understands the defense of the sword. At the beginning, he used the blue sacred bow to shoot out the unknown body, which damaged his body. It is a terrible thing to see the dragon of the ancestors.

"Green sacred bow, shoot me!"

When the dragon of the ancestors attacked the swordsmanship, Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and pushed the power of the mind to the extreme. He drove the holy bow of the Qing dynasty at an extremely speed, attacking the dragon of the ancestors and damaging its body.

When Ye Chenfeng was besieging the dragon of the ancestral veins, the ancestral ancestors launched the madness, controlling a large number of black roots to break through the hard ground, attacking the chaotic **** wood, wanting to break into the chaotic **** wood, will be The power of the ancestral spirit that it swallowed back.

Since the chaotic **** wood has not yet fully grown, it is not destroyed by the ancestral ancestors. A root that is as strong as a black iron cannot be broken into the chaotic tree.

The five-color roots that the chaotic **** wood extends, but broke into the corners of its roots and directly attacked the tree spirit.

After the tree spirit is destroyed, the desperate ancestral tree will completely lose its combat power and will be slaughtered.

"Kowloon Yuxi, nine days of jade, the hand of the real devil, the demon furnace..."

In order to restrain the dragon of the ancestral vein, Ye Chenfeng summoned a piece of the most powerful holy treasure of the amazing power at the expense of the fierce attack.

In addition, the poems of the war poetry summoned a suspected top-up sacred sacred instrument, like a skull, a skull full of powerful warfare, and the sneak peek of the summer butterfly, the konjac desperately attacking. The attack power of the dragon of the ancestral dragon is steadily weakened, and the damage to the sword scorpion is getting smaller and smaller.

"The three-footed sword!"

Ye Chenfeng holds the sword of the Scorpio, which is given to him by the poetry of the war. It combines the golden sword soul and smashes a sword that has evolved into the avenue of the sky, and smashes into the huge body of the dragon with the cracks. .

Under the extreme amplitude of the Golden Sword Spirit, the horrible sword of the sky directly smashed the huge body of the dragon of the ancestors.

Next, the poetry of poetry controlled the skull, and bite into the abdomen where the dragon of the ancestral dragon was seriously injured. The hard body gave birth to a huge gap.

Catch the serious opportunity of the ancestral dragon damage, Ye Chenfeng continuously pulls the holy sacred bow, summer butterfly, sword scorpion, war poetry, konjac also attack at the same time.

Under the fierce attack of the indiscriminate bombing of the people, the whole body of the ancestral dragon was smashed by everyone.

"乾坤境, devour!"

The root of the ancestral vein is definitely a good thing. If it is integrated into the Qiankun environment, it will greatly enhance the spirituality of the space of the Qiankun.

When Ye Chenfeng controlled the Qiankunjing to successfully devour the roots of half of the ancestral veins, Chaos Shenmu also occupied an absolute advantage in the fierce battle with the ancestral ancestors. The tens of thousands of roots that broke into the ancestral trees must constantly attack. With the spirit of the tree, try to kill the tree spirit.

"Golden Sword Soul, Destroy Tree Spirit!"

When the old face of the ancestral ancestor tree grows up, the old face is snarling, and Ye Chenfeng controls the golden sword soul to fly over, forcibly opening a hard tree and helping Chaos Shenmu attack the dying ancestral tree. Tree spirit.

Under the double attack of Chaos Shenmu and Golden Sword Soul, Shuling’s injury became more and more serious and was eventually killed.

The tree spirit was lost, and the ancestral tree suddenly calmed down and stopped the attack.

"Poetry, this desperate ancestor tree is yours, I will take away the roots of the six ancestral veins!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mind was moved, summoning the chaotic **** wood and the golden sword soul, and cutting off the roots of the six spiritual ancestors bred by the ancestral trees.

"Thank you Ye Big Brother, Xia Sister!"

The poetry of poetry expresses gratitude, immediately controls the sword, cuts off the soil nourished by the ancestral ancestors around the ancestral ancestral tree, and moves the ancestral ancestral tree roots to a ring of Qiankun.

"Okay, there is nothing valuable here, let's go!"

When finished, Ye Chenfeng and others left the hole that was covered with cracks and could collapse at any time, and returned to the valley.

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