Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1581: Squandering

"The morning breeze, is the snow scorpion really killed by the people of the Dark Lord?"

Xue Mingxuan left in anger, and the snow covered the entire hall, and asked.

"The owner thinks that with the strength of me and the small mosquitoes, is it possible to kill the ferrets?" Ye Chenfeng smiled and asked.

"Morning wind, the snow scorpion is the scorpion of Xue Mingxuan, it is the first day of the Snow Palace, his death will definitely set off an uproar in the Snow Palace!" Snow said calmly: "No matter the death of Xueyi Whether it has anything to do with you, Xue Mingxuan will remember this feud on you and the butterfly, so in the recent period, you must be low-key, don't give me the privacy to leave the Bi Xue Xian Ge."

"Reassure the owner, we will be careful!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said: "To the owner, I have a gift for you."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng took out a jade box with a hint of aura from the Qiankun environment and handed it to the snow.

The jade box is loaded with the immortal ancestral roots of immeasurable value.

"What is this?"

The snow fluttering brows slightly wrinkled, opened the jade box, followed by a rich ancestral gas filled in the jade box, so that the spirit of the snow can not help but shake.

"I don't know what this is? But I think it should be useful to the owner!"

Looking at the expression from sluggishness into shock, from the shock to the excited snow, Ye Chenfeng smiled and said.

"Desperate ancestral roots, this seems to be the legendary ancestral roots!" Snow drifting carefully identified the desperate ancestral roots, recognized its origin: "How did you get the ancestral roots?" ."

"This was given to me by the warring people. I and the little mosquitoes happened to meet the warring princess." Ye Chenfeng said that he had already thought about it.

"Morning wind, you can know the value of this desperate ancestral root. It can be said that the value of this root is even more precious than the general top-quality Shining holy Dan!" Snow drifted deeply and took a deep breath. Shocked: "This is the ancestral root, you still keep it yourself, it will help you in the future."

"The lord, the ancestors of the ancestral ancestors, I am not giving you white, waiting for the lord to break through to the realm of the two-star Taoist emperor, to win the position of the Lord of the Snow Palace, and to give me some contribution to the little mosquitoes every year!" Ye Chenfeng deliberately supported the snow and became the owner of the Snow Palace, which gave her the precious and precious roots.


"The owner, I think you should be clear about the consequences of letting Xue Mingxuan win the position of the palace. If Bi Xue Xian Ge is gone, talk about the future!" Ye Chenfeng said straightforwardly.

"Well, I will fight for the place of the Snow Palace!"

The snow drifts and stares at Ye Chenfeng, and he understands his deep meaning and takes a deep breath.

If you want Xue Mingxuan to win the position of the main palace of the Snow Palace, it will cause a disaster to the Bi Xue Xian Ge. It can be said that the fate of Bi Xue Xian Ge is all tied to her. Life Zugen, her chances of winning the position of the Lord of the Snow Palace will be greatly enhanced.

"The owner, let's go back!" Ye Chenfeng did not stay in Bi Xuege for a long time, said goodbye to the snow and left the Bi Xuege.

But they did not return to the White Cliff Court, but summoned a holy beast crane and drove to the Mission Court.

"Well, you are still alive!"

Ye Chenfeng just entered the mission hall, and a cold voice suddenly passed into the ears of Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, we are lucky, we have left the desperate forest alive!"

Looking at the fascinating woman who was kindly reminded of them, Ye Chenfeng said faintly.

"Whether the mission can be successful, it is a success to be able to leave the desperate forest alive!" The gray-haired old man in charge of the grade also recognized Ye Chenfeng, who said the voice was low.

"Stone elders, do you think that with the strength of both of them, dare to go deep into the forest?"

"Yeah, I think they are scared back when they turn around at the top of the desperate forest!"

Snow Palace disciples know the terrible forest, and many senior masters have lost their lives in the desolate forest. They never believe that Ye Chenfeng dare to go deep into it.

However, the style woman does not think so, because Ye Chenfeng is coming to the task, it is very likely that he has picked up the dead flower.

"Stone elders, this is where we picked the dead flowers from the desolate forest!"

Ye Chenfeng ignored the noisy arguments around him and handed a ring of Qiankun to the stone elders.

"You really picked the desperate flower!" The stone elder looked at it and looked at Ye Chenfeng, revealing a deep shock.

When the elders of the stone infiltrated the soul into the Qiankun ring, the whole person was struck by lightning and fell off directly.

"You, how did you do it, are these desperate flowers really picked?"

The stone elders couldn't believe that there were more than one hundred and one hundred dead flowers in the environment that Ye Chenfeng handed him.

Be aware that in the desperate forest where the sacred beasts are infested, it is impossible to imagine the difficulty of picking up a desperate flower and picking more than a thousand dead flowers.

"We are lucky, and we have picked up these desperate flowers with our masters." Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and said vaguely: "I wonder if these desperate flowers can be converted into contributions?"

"Yes, of course!"

Looking back at the stone elders, the eyes of Ye Chenfeng have changed greatly. He found that he was a little underestimated. They are not simple. As for the masters in their mouths, he did not ask much.

"Stone elders, how many dead flowers did they pick?" Looking at the dying stone elders, the style woman glared at the flattering eyes, curiously asked.

"More than a thousand!" Stone elders smiled and shook their heads.


Not only the style of the woman is stupid, everyone in the room is also stupid, and some people think that they have got it wrong.

This number of desperate flowers is beyond their imagination.

"Stone elders, I wonder if we can contribute to us now!"

Feeling the attention of everyone's eyes and brushing on themselves, Ye Chenfeng looks the same, faintly said.

"Good! Give me your identity token!"

The stone elder nodded and took the identity token of Ye Chenfeng, and injected more than 500,000 contributions into the token.

"Thank you for the stone elders, we are gone!"

There was a good contribution, and Ye Chenfeng did not stay for a long time. He left the mission hall and drove the crane to the treasure building.

General disciples, it’s hard to accumulate so much contribution in the past 100 years, which shows how amazing the million contribution is.

After selection, Ye Chenfeng and two people in the treasure house purchased six high-value two-product Zhenling Shengdan, a bottle of temperate water that can be washed to prepare for the impact of higher realms.

"Go, let's go to the gravity star!"

The two spent more than 600,000 contributions to exchange a large number of second-class real spirits, and did not exchange the best saints, but squandered 200,000 points respectively, and entered the top-level cultivation area of ​​the ethereal Tianzong. Filled with a terrible heavy gravity star for a year of hard work.

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