Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1586: The death of Xue Mingxuan

"Sovereign, do we want to chase!"

The snow patriarch, Xue Yujun, came to the side of the moon, and he whispered.

"Hey, the Black Devils can't afford to offend, and the strength of this Heipeng Emperor is not weaker than me. Even if I go to save people, I am afraid I will not return to Mingxuan." Yue Xuan gently sighs a channel : "If you can live, you can see Ming Xuan's own creation."

After finishing, Yue Xuan did not stay in the main hall of the Snow Palace for a long time, driving away from the white clouds.

The moon has left, and the three patriarchs of the Tianzong Emperor have not waited, and they have left with the clan.

The main hall of the Snow Palace, which was still very lively, suddenly became cold and clear, and it was impossible to get to the top of life. Xuemingxuan was alive and dead, and this was a sudden change, so that everyone present could have a body. The feeling in the dream.

"Okay, it’s all gone, the head of the Snow Palace, let’s talk about it later!" said the main official of the Snow Palace, and the result was never thought of.

Bi Xue Ge.

"Master, you said that today's change is related to the younger brother of the morning wind!"

Although Ye Chenfeng did not show up today, there is a feeling that Yue Lan Lan has a feeling. This person behind the scenes is suspected to be related to Ye Chenfeng.

"Blue Dragonfly, Hongxi, today is a small matter, whether or not it is related to the morning wind, you should not mention this matter again, otherwise it will give the morning breeze, and cause the disaster of the Bi Xue Xian Ge! "The snow is floating and serious."

"Yes, Master, we know!" The moon blue and the two are the same voice.

"Red Creek, see the morning breeze, let him come to see me, I have something to say to him!" Snow drifted to the road.

"I am a master, I am going to find a younger brother!"

After finishing, Moon Blue and the two left.

"Morning wind, is this really what you did? If it wasn't for you, why is it so coincidental?" Snow drifted into meditation, and the more I thought, the more I felt incredible.

When the ethereal Tianzong fell into an uproar, the ethereal Tianzong stretched into the mountains, and there was a black spot that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and this black spot is the realm of Qiankun.

"Ye Shao, I will get Xue Mingxuan!"

Back to Qiankun, Heipeng Emperor throws Xueming Xuan, who is in a coma, to the ground.

"Hei Peng, you are doing very well today, continue to practice, and strive to break through to the realm of a star!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded and came to Xue Mingxuan, summoning a lot of cold water, sprayed on his face and awakened him from a coma.

"You, how are you!" When Xue Mingxuan opened his eyes and saw Ye Chenfeng, his expression changed, showing a deep horror: "Is it all for you?" Ghost."

"Xue Mingxuan, you are very smart!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said: "I let the Heipeng Emperor take you, and your scorpion is also killing me."

"You, who are you?"

Xue Mingxuan is very aware of the horror of Hei Pengdi. He can't imagine that Ye Chenfeng could command Heipeng to deal with himself.

" Xue Mingxuan, you are a dead person, knowing what is so useful? Do you still think of Jiuquan to complain?" Ye Chenfeng sneered, said the drama.

"Ye Chenfeng, it turned out to be my fault, I beg you to let me go, as long as you are willing to let me go, I am willing to be a cow to marry you!"

Xue Mingxuan is really scared. In order to survive, he squats on the ground regardless of his face and constantly asks for mercy.

" Xuemingxuan, you are too high to swear by yourself, just because you are not worthy of surrendering to me!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "Before dying, you still fight like a man with me, then Even if you die, you are not in a hurry."


"My patience is limited, I count to three, if you don't shoot again, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!" Ye Chenfeng said with his hands, said proudly.


Snow Ming Xuan glanced at Ye Chenfeng, and suddenly he shot and attacked him.

This move, Xue Mingxuan used a full force, but also suddenly shot, it can be said that it is impossible to prevent.

But in the Qiankun environment, Ye Chenfeng is the absolute master. Here, Heipeng is not necessarily his opponent.


A deep crack was blocked in front of Xue Mingxuan. Ye Chenfeng opened the space and resisted the attack of Xue Mingxuan.

The next moment, Xue Mingxuan suddenly had a flower in front of him. Ye Chenfeng speeded up the time flow and appeared in front of him. He punched a fist on his chest, and the power of more than one billion kilograms broke out in an instant. It fell tens of meters away and fell to the ground.

"One Star Road Emperor, you hide the strength!"

Feeling the true strength of Ye Chenfeng, Xue Mingxuan trembled. He did not expect Ye Chenfeng to hide so deeply that he completely killed him.

"Xue Mingxuan, I have to say that you have too much nonsense!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng’s sword flashed at the foot and continued to launch a fierce attack on Xue Mingxuan.


A loud noise rang in the darkness.

Ye Chenfeng borrowed the power of Qiankun to fly Xuemingxuan again and again, blurring the flesh and blood of his bombardment, and finally passed out.

"Deeping the mind, searching for the soul!"

Borrowing the power of the mind, Ye Chenfeng searches for the soul of Xue Mingxuan, and wants to know the secrets of some ethereal Tianzong through him.

"Sure enough, it’s all coming from the swordsmanship!"

After the soul search, Ye Chenfeng crushed Xue Mingxuan’s head and his face was gloomy.

He has no sense of belonging to the ethereal Tianzong. If it is not for the general outline of Kendo, he will not join here, so if the Shi’s family continues to target him, he will not be slaughtered.

"The ethereal sky, I hope you don't force me!" Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself.

It was at the cusp of the wind, and Ye Chenfeng had been practicing in the Qiankun area until more than ten days passed. The huge winds and waves gradually dispersed, and he quietly left the Qiankun and returned to Bi Xuexian.

"Morning wind, you are finally back, Master is always looking for you!"

Ye Chenfeng just returned to Bi Xue Xian Ge. Hongxi knew it in the first time. Looking at the beautiful face of Chen Chenfeng, the heart of Hongxi was inexplicably awesome.

In the more than ten days when Ye Chenfeng’s surprise disappeared, Hongxi’s heart also confirmed a lot of speculation.

"I will go see the owner now!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled at the thoughtful Red River and came to the Bi Xuege to see the snow drifting.

"Is Xue Mingxuan dead?"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng coming in, the snow drifted to ban the room and looked straight at him, suddenly asked.

"It should be dead!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"Morning wind, if you are not from the same world as me, and have just ascended to heaven, I have some doubts about your intentions!" Snow sighed and sighed: "But I still want to thank you, Thank you for everything I have done for the Bixuexiang Pavilion."

"The owner thought that it was what I did?" Ye Chenfeng asked with a smile.

"Isn't it?" The snow drifted out with a rare smile, and asked gracefully.

"The owner, there is no Xuemingxuan, the owner of the Snow Palace should be in your bag!" Ye Chenfeng transferred the topic.

"No, now who can become the president of the Snow Palace, I don’t know, because I have a command from the patriarch of the Xue family, and the leader of the Snow Palace is tied to the upcoming test of the tower, our four disciples Whoever has the best test results, then their owner is the owner of the Snow Palace!" Snow drifted and shook his head: "But Xuemingxuan and Xueyu died, the original strongest snow fairy pavilion has no chance, Snow Palace The palace owner will be produced in our three cabinets."

ps: WeChat accumulates over 1000, five more! I want to add a lot of updates to the public account number: ylty83

Five more red envelopes!

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