Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1592: Amazing combat power

"Here is the sixth floor of the Trial Tower!"

Transferred to the sixth floor of the Trial Tower, Ye Chenfeng found himself in a snow-capped ice world, looking at the white ones.

Glanced at the space in front of the eyes, Ye Chenfeng closed his eyes, while adjusting his interest, while controlling the rapid deduction of the brain, sensing the truth and reality of this world.

When Ye Chenfeng sensed the six-story space of the Sky Tower, he did not know that both the image of himself and the summer butterfly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

At this time, the summer butterfly is taking great risks, and is deeply immersed in the emperor's soul, holding the most powerful sacred device of great power, and exerting the fierce attack of the sacred ritual.

At great cost, the summer butterfly killed three emperors, regardless of physical injuries, killed the valley, and hid outside to heal.

"My view of this summer butterfly, her limited resources, should not be like the descendants of the virtual world of the virtual world!" Looking at the scene of the **** battle of the summer butterfly, Yue Xuan whispered.

"Well, this summer butterfly should have no problem, maybe the problem is in Ye Chenfeng!"

"Let's take a look at it and see what kind of means Ye Yefeng will use to kill the top ten kings in the six-story space and step on the seventh floor of the tower!" Yue Xuan said.

"If I remember correctly, there have been tens of thousands of years no one has set foot on the seventh floor of the tower!" Feng Mulan said with a serious expression.

"Yes, it has been more than 80,000 years, but I feel that Ye Chenfeng should be able to step on the seventh floor of the tower!" Yue Xing nodded and became more interested in Ye Chenfeng.

After adjusting the time of a day or so, Ye Chenfeng adjusted his own state to the best, summoned the sword wings, and flew to the northwest at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, Ye Chenfeng flew to a space surrounded by several snow-capped mountains, and there was a very dangerous space above the sky. In this space, ten people stood quietly with thick white snow and no spiritual fluctuations. sculpture.

"This kid is really a bit evil, even directly found the place where the top ten kings are!" Hua Ziying looked at Ye Chenfeng, who easily found the position of the top ten kings, slightly surprised.

Know that the top ten kings on the sixth floor of the tower are not easy to find, and Ye Chenfeng can easily find their location, which shows his extraordinary.

"Samsung Daodi, the strength of these ten sculptures has reached the Samsung Road Emperor. The difficulty of the sixth floor of this tower is really difficult. I don’t know if I can kill one person with my current strength. !"

The gaze of ten sculptures covered in snow, Ye Chenfeng constantly pondered the way to cope, but the ten sculptures together, can not be broken one by one, want to pass, can only resist.

After contemplation, Ye Chenfeng suddenly splits into mirrored avatars, such as two flying arrows, flying to the bottom of a valley covered with thick white snow.

"The avatar, can't you take the avatar in the trial of the tower?" Hua Ziying said unexpectedly.

"No, if we didn't read it wrong, it was his avatar that splits the power and is not restricted by the sky tower!" The eye-catching moon shook his head.

"This leaf morning wind is really a lot!"

The eyes of Yue Xuan and others are completely attracted by Ye Chenfeng, paying attention to his trials.


The angry whistling sounds.

Feeling the morning wind and the mirrored avatars, the ten snow-covered sculptures rang a shouting sound, and the terrible sound shook the surrounding snow-capped mountains and formed a terrible avalanche.

The next moment, the ten sculptures were broken, revealing ten men wearing robes, wearing black armor, and the men who breathed in the sky, such as the cold weather that cut through the space, stabbed Ye Chenfeng and mirrored.

"Hong Meng blood, burning!"

In the face of the attack of the four trial kings, Ye Chenfeng immediately burned the blood of Hongmeng, and successively merged the holy blood beads, burning the triple flame, and hardening the strength to the realm of Samsung Dao, using mirror image to defend, Full attack.

"The ethereal swordsmanship, the ethereal sword!"

The golden sword spirit flies out of his soul sea, and evolves a daunting ideology, such as a gloomy galaxy, squatting on the body of a trial king.

Although the temperament of this trial king is amazing, the attack power of the golden sword soul is comparable to that of the Chinese spirit, and the ethereal sword code is the best sacred spirit. The trial king can't resist it.


The golden sword spirit that interweaves the power of the avenue opens the body of a trial king, and the sword venting in the sword spirit is the unsuccessful destruction of him.

"Give me broken!"

More than four billion kilograms of power broke out in the body of Ye Chenfeng, and the earth was bombarded on the body of the trial king. The terrible power directly shattered his body and turned it into a pure soul. , got into the body of Ye Chenfeng.


Ye Chenfeng did not expect to break through to the realm of the two-star Tao, and his combat power has increased so much, revealing a deep color of surprise, chasing after the victory, playing the real spirit, fighting the dragon, bombarding another test Refining the king.


Under the attack of the dragon and the earth-shattering dragon fighting, the body of the trial king is constantly broken and turned into a soul, and he is merged.

In the end, before the mirror avatar was crushed by the other eight trial kings, Ye Chenfeng violently killed the second trial king, with a fierce sword behind him, smashing a gunmanship that traversed the heavens and the earth, flying toward In midair.

"Golden Sword Soul, that Ye Chenfeng has become a golden sword soul!"

"The good fighting power, killing two trial kings in the blink of an eye, this leaf morning wind should be the descendant of the virtual world of power, otherwise he will never be so bad!"

Understanding the golden sword spirit cultivated by Ye Chenfeng, and the amazing foundations and means he showed, Yue Xuan and others basically confirmed the previous speculation, and there was no small change in his eyes.

After three days, Ye Chenfeng resumed as it was, splitting out the mirror and splitting, so the technique was once again killed to the valley, and the remaining eight trial kings were fiercely killed.

"True Dragons!"

When the Golden Swordsman powerfully killed a trial king, Ye Chenfeng displayed a dragon-side magical power, changed into a terrible blood dragon, swaying a huge body, and fiercely killing at the bottom of the snow valley. The mirror avatar attracts most of the attacks, and it also kills two trial kings with a powerful soul.

"Dragons' magical powers, is this leaf morning wind a descendant of the dragon's power!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng's incarnation of blood dragons, Yue Xuan and others were deeply shocked and constantly guessed his identity.

"There are five more people, this time you should be able to solve it together!"

Ye Chenfeng adjusted the state to the best, burned the blood of Hongmeng, the three holy flames, and the third time he smashed into the bottom of the snow valley, and pushed the mind and power to the extreme, and fiercely killed with the five trial kings.

Although the number of trial kings is dominant, but Ye Chenfeng's body is too strong, coupled with the supply of inexhaustible power, the amplitude of the golden sword soul, he continues to display the power of the amazing ethereal sword, will be amazing Attack power is maximized.

About half a column of incense time, Ye Chenfeng paid the price of multiple injuries to the body, and strongly killed the five masters of the trial, combined with five pure heavenly spirits, and gathered ten transmission stars, disappearing in The sixth floor of the trial tower, entered the seventh floor space of the seventh floor that has not been entered for more than 80,000 years.

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