Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1638: 星云阁

"The secret that I know is not a big chance, but an ancient transmission to the virtual world!" said bloody.

"Tell me the location of the ancient transmission array!" Ye Chenfeng browed, his heart was dark.

Despite the vastness of Tianyu, his real goal is still the virtual world, because his father, Ye Wuji, his wife’s moon is in the virtual world.

"The ancient transmission array is in the starry sea of ​​the hundred stars!" Bloody told Ye Chenfeng about the position of the ancient transmission array.

"Okay, put away your cave, go out with me!"

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng left the Dongfu with blood, and came to the starry sky stained with blood, and fell to the warships guarded by the summer butterfly and the sword.

"Ye Shao, this is all the spoils!"

Black Pengdi will kill the enemy, and the resulting loot will be taken out and given to Ye Chenfeng.

"Blood is your own in the future!"

Ye Chenfeng put away a lot of spoils and said slowly.

When he finished, he sent Heipeng Emperor, the konjac, and the two great sacred beasts back to the Qiankun territory, letting the **** drive the warship and heading to the big star land.

Blood is very familiar with the Baixing domain, driving the warships to avoid heavy dangers, and quickly entered the largest star-studded land in the Baixing domain.

"Blood, do you know where the Nebula Pavilion is?" Flying down the battleship, Ye Chenfeng asked.

"Ye Shao, are you going to Xingyunge to inquire about the news?" asked bloody.

"Well, I need to find someone by the power of the Nebula Court!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"Xingyunge has a lot of branches in Daxinglu. I took Ye Shao to go to our nearest branch to inquire about the news!"

Speaking, the **** blood that is very familiar to the big star land, with Ye Chenfeng, Xia Wendie, flew to a giant city pool built in the Great Star Land, the Star City.

After about half a day or so, Ye Chenfeng and his party flew to the Star City. Following the bustling crowd, they walked into the architectural style, and the building was gray-brown, giving a feeling of depression to the city.

"Why is this building in the Star City such a color?" Looking at the taupe buildings on both sides of the street, Ye Chenfeng asked inexplicably.

This is because the Star City is in the ancient times, it is a war-torn city. There are wars all year round. The buildings are often stained with blood. Over time, the buildings of the Star City have turned gray-brown to cover up the blood and Scars." Bloody tells.

"It turns out to be like this!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded, followed by **** speeds on a straight road. Near the evening, he came to an extremely exaggerated style, like a huge nebula, surrounded by a powerful ban.

"Ye Shao, Xingyunge has an unwritten rule, generally only those who buy and sell news can enter, no one can enter, and Miss Xi and I are waiting for you outside!" Blood said.

"Well, little mosquitoes and blood are waiting for me here, I will go there!"

When finished, Ye Chenfeng walked through the steps of a layer of white jade, through a thin layer of prohibition, into the Nebula Pavilion.

"Have you come to buy a message or sell a message!"

Ye Chenfeng just walked into the dark Nebula Pavilion, and a deep voice passed into his ear, asking without a trace of affection.

"Buy a message!"

Ye Chenfeng stood upright and said nothing.

"Before buying the news, you need to pay 30,000 MG to make a deposit!" said the low voice.


Ye Chenfeng took out a ring of Qiankun and threw it into the darkness of the Nebula Pavilion.

"Come in!" The deep voice said.

Along a long corridor, the light in front of Ye Chenfeng suddenly lit up. Ye Chenfeng saw a white-haired old man with a faucet walking on a chair and staring at himself.

"Six Star Masters!"

Seeing the white-haired old man in front of him, Ye Chenfeng’s pupils are slightly shrunken, revealing a hint of surprise.

He did not expect that he actually saw a powerful six-star master in the Nebula Pavilion.

The masters of these levels are extremely difficult to see in Tianyu, which shows that the overall strength of the battlefield outside Tianyuan is far better than that of Tianyu.

"What message do you want to buy?"

The white-haired old man looked at Ye Chenfeng with a few eyes, and said indifferently.

"I want to find out about the whereabouts of several people and want to know about Zudan!" Ye Chenfeng said slowly.

"The price of these two messages is not cheap, especially the news of Zudan is even more precious. You have to think about it. Once you buy the news, whether it is success or failure, my Nebula Club will not refund the reward." White hair is old.

"I understand!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"The two messages require ten million of the best crystals!"

"10 million best products!"

Although Ye Chenfeng guessed that the Xingyunge was very expensive, he did not expect it to be so outrageous.

In his ascension to the celestial domain, he continued to kill the power, and he was quite expensive. He almost used all the best of the world, and paid for the purchase of two news.

"What kind of person do you want to inquire?" Baifa Laojiao put away 10 million of the best Tianjing, slowly asked.

"I want to inquire about a man and a woman who flew to the battlefield in the past few years and a fire unicorn!" Ye Chenfeng detailed the information of the spirit fish and other people to tell the white hair.

"Okay, the information you provided is very detailed. As long as they are still on the battlefield outside the sky, I will try to help you find them!" said the white-haired old man: "As for the news of Zudan, we will help you find it.

"I don't know how long it takes for the seniors to give an accurate answer?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"Three months is enough!"

"That's good, then I will come back in three months!"

When finished, Ye Chenfeng did not drag the water, turned and left the Nebula Pavilion, and the summer butterfly outside the Nebula Pavilion, **** confluence.

Just out of the Nebula Pavilion, Ye Chenfeng found that **** clashes are in conflict with people, and the red-faced summer butterfly is showing an angry color.

"What's wrong, what happened?" Ye Chenfeng brows slightly, and whispered.

"Ye Shao, these few **** do not know the sky is thick and thick, dare to play Miss Xia, it is better to let me kill them!" Bloody told.

"Bold, we are the people of the Tianzu. If you dare to hurt me, I promise that the Tianzu will not let you go!" Two Tiantian men who feared the **** strength warned loudly.

"What is the 穹天族算!"

Ye Chenfeng snorted, and the sacred sacred figure appeared in the deep shackles. He shot the endless illusion power and broke into the soul of the two people, controlling their brain consciousness for a short time.

The next moment, two 穹天族 men suddenly launched a killing blow to each other, sharp weapons both pierced the other's body, pierced the other's heart, and cut off the other's vitality.


Ye Chenfeng looked indifferently in the pool of blood, and asked for help. The two great masters of the genius who had hoped for the relics left with the summer butterfly and bloody.

"Bloody, we need to stay here for about three months, I don't know if there is anything to visit in this Star City?"

The scene just did not affect Ye Chenfeng, he asked as he walked.

"Yes, the most famous place in this Star City is a ancestral street inherited from the ancient times. Many great people in the Baixing domain like to shop for treasures in the streets of Zucheng, and many people like to find their ancestors in Zujie. "The **** said: "If I remember correctly in time, after one month, Zujie will open."

"Well, when the ancestral street is open, let's go shopping!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded and had a keen interest in the upcoming ancestral street. He rented a separate courtyard in the Xingxing Pavilion and waited for the opening of Zujie.

Soon, one month passed.

On the opening day of Zujie, there are many big people in the city of Xingxing, and the whole Xingxing City has become more and more lively.

And Ye Chenfeng and his party left the hospital early, and led by **** to the ancestral street with a long history.

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