Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1691: The horrible of the Emperor

" Lost, the magic is really lost!"

Looking out of the fighting platform, the wounded is not a light magic, many people still can not believe, winning the big hot magic will lose.

"Big Brother, or your eyes are old and hot, this leaf morning wind is very deep hidden!" Heaven can not sigh a bit.

"No, you think that Ye Chenfeng defeated the magic dust and used a few strengths!" Azure Cloud stared at the calm face of the morning, and asked slowly.

"Why, big brother, do you think that Ye Chenfeng has not used all his strength?"

Ye Chenfeng’s defeat of the magic dust has been very surprising. If he still has reservations, it will be terrible.

"He certainly didn't do his best, or the devil wouldn't hurt so lightly!" Azure Cloud said: "I don't know what his final card is."

"Morning wind brother, I know you will win!"

When Ye Chenfeng returned to Wudoutai with his bare feet, the spirit fish caught him and said excitedly.

"Ye brothers, you are so powerful, even the devil is not your opponent, you will get a generous reward when you reach the semi-finals!" Invincible is impressed by the strength of Ye Chenfeng, admiring said .

"I don't have much interest in the awards of the top four, I only want Zu Dan and Chaos Stone!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head.

Invincible: "..."

"Okay, now the last game of the Final Four!"

The white-haired old man who presided over the battle of the 100th war did not expect Ye Chenfeng to laugh at the end, and looked at him deeply and announced loudly.

"Rainheart, don't bear the burden, go all out!"

Although Ling Yuxin broke through the imaginary lotus petals to break into the realm of one star, but there is still a small gap between her and Huang Wutian. It is very difficult to defeat the Emperor, and Yingying is soft. Ramp.

"Do not worry, I will go all out!"

Ling Yuxin slowly stood up, and looked at Yue Yeming, who was not far away, and sang a colorful light, such as the nine-day mysterious woman from the horizon, and slowly walked to the fighting platform. Compared with the burly body, the whole body is flowing with terrible power.

"It’s another battle, I don’t know who two of them can laugh at the end!”

"I hope that Ling Yuxin can win. After all, she comes from my battlefield."

"Difficult, emperorous, Azure Cloud is the most outstanding two people of the Tianzu generation, and there are rumors that Emperor Wutian refining a Dacheng demon, using the blood of the gods to temper the body. Have the power to pull the mountains and rivers!"

Looking at the powerful momentum, the two people who are fiercely opposed, many people guess who can laugh at the end, but more people are still optimistic about the emperor.

"Ling Yuxin, really a charming woman!"

Looking at the white martial arts uniform, the tall body is surrounded by the avenue of the boulevard. The eyes and the moon are closed and closed, and the glamorous Lingyu heart, Azure Cloud can't help but feel.

"What big brother, are you interested in this woman?" The sky could not reveal a sly smile.

"No, you don't want to sneak this lingering heart. Her identity is not simple. If the information I get is correct, her true identity is the new saint of the Kunlun Holy Land!" Azure Cloud revealed an important message. .

"The Holy Virgin of Kunlun!" The sky couldn't frown, revealing the color of the accident.

In the virtual world, there are only two holy places in the Terran, namely the Feather Palace and the Kunlun Holy Land. However, the two holy places of the Terran are extremely strong, and they stand for countless years without falling, but if Ling Yuxin is the Holy Land of Kunlun The saint is absolutely special.

When Tianqingyun talked about Ling Yuxin, the last match of today began.

"It’s your misfortune to run into me, because I won’t pity the jade!”

Speaking, Emperor Wutian broke out with amazing power, holding hundreds of millions of pounds of Fangtian paintings, and attacking Ling Yuxin with terrible physical strength.

"Reverse Sky Bow!"

The emperor has a shocking temperament, Ling Yuxin immediately summoned the treasure of the palace of the Tiangong Palace, the anti-sky bow of the middle class of the heavenly treasure, and the powerful morality opened the bowstring and shot it. A meteor-like light arrow shot to the Emperor.


The anti-sky light arrow hit, and the imperial pupil immediately shrank into the most dangerous pinhole shape. He waved Fang Tian's fierce scorpion and smashed the attack against the sky.

After an arrow, Ling Yuxin continued to pull the anti-sky bow, shooting a stream of stars and arrows, shooting the Emperor, wanting to borrow the power of the anti-sky bow, restraining the emperor, seeking the opportunity to defeat him.

There was a continuous attack by the Skylight, and the Emperor's Heavenly Offensive was greatly suppressed. Although he vigorously waved Fang Tianhua to smash the attack of the Skylight, the powerful anti-Tianwei still shocked him. Retreat.

"God Magic!"

When I came up, I was tempted by Ling Yuxin to rebel against the sky. The Emperor was irritated by the sky, no longer possessed the Tibetan Mastiff, and the Emperor’s inheritance was transformed into the most powerful body and spirit of the Emperor. At the same time as the body has skyrocketed, the physical strength has also risen steadily, and it has quickly increased to 30 billion jin.

"Xuantian Shendian, breaking the sky!"

Change into a powerful demon hegemony, the emperor leaps high, the square painting in his hand maps the radiance of the sky, a squat, a deep ditch in the chaotic space, a terrible shadow The momentum is like a broken bamboo, smashing the arrow against the sky, and screaming at Ling Yuxin.

"Reverse Sky!"

The spirit of Ling Yuxin’s whole body evolved at a rapid speed. Her slender hands twirled quickly and constantly smashed the mark of the anti-sky, attacking the stunned shadow, and ruining the emperor. s attack.

"It's so powerful, it's really strong to have the strength to break into the 100th World War II finals!"

There is a scene in which Ling Yu’s heart is strong and the Emperor’s attack is broken. Many people are surprised by the amazing strength of the rain.

"Morning Wind Brother, do you say that Rain Heart Sister can win?"

The spirit fish squinted at the big eyes and looked at the lingering heart of the big hair, and asked softly.


Ye Chenfeng once had a hand with Emperor Wutian, knowing how terrible his strength is. It can be said that if there is no Yue Yeming, Ling Yuxin appears, and with his strength at that time, only the life-threatening technique has a chance. Counter him.

"Abandoned stone, strength amplitude!"

The attack was once again broken, completely angering the Emperor, and he immediately merged with the Zhongpin Tongtian Shengbao Waste Stone, which doubled the power and the first level, and broke the power of more than 60 billion jins. I am greeted by Ling Yuxin.

The strength of Emperor Wutian’s strength has once again soared, which has brought great danger to Ling Yuxin, so that she has to push the anti-Scorpio to the extreme, holding the colorful flying dragonfly to fully attack.


The two men tried their best to kill in the fighting platform, and the terrible impact force continued to form a devastating impact, swaying in the fighting platform.

"Reverse Sky Bow, Three Kills!"

The two men fought fiercely for more than half an hour, and Ling Yuxin’s offensive was gradually suppressed by the Emperor. She took a deep breath and sprayed three blood into the anti-sky bow, inspiring the strongest of the anti-sky bow. Attack power, three shots in a row, and the ability to penetrate the void of the sky, shooting to the Emperor.

"Xuantian Shendian, Heavenly Punishment!"

The Emperor’s violent screams show the strongest move in the evolution of the Xuantian gods.

Xuantian Shendian is a supernatural power, powerful, and it is very difficult to use the power of the emperor to display the punishment. But when he exerts his full strength, the space of the entire battle platform has changed dramatically. The power of punishment every day swept the entire space, shattering the three arrows that shot him, and attacked Ling Yuxin, who had changed his face.

"Counter-proof, anti-!"

The three-way anti-sky light arrow smashed in an instant, smelling the death threat of Ling Yuxin's rapid operation against the sky, forming a defensive light wall in front of him, resisting the attack of heaven.

But the power of the Xuantian gods is too strong, the punishment of the heavens is unbreakable, and the defensive light wall continuously formed by Ling Yuxin is constantly broken.


The defensive light wall was broken, and Ling Yuxin was bombarded on the body by the power of punishment. The whole body was completely out of control, and fell out of the fighting platform and lost the game.

"Rain Heart!" Yue Yeming's face changed, and instantly appeared under the martial arts stage. He helped the face with pale face and no trace of blood, and asked with care: "You are okay." /

"Do not worry, I am fine!"

Ling Yuxin took a deep breath and squeezed a pale smile, slowly standing up in the moon leaves.

"It's interesting, I didn't expect you to have treasures in your body, and it actually solved most of the attacks."

Looking at the injured Ling Yuxin, the overbearing emperor reveals the color of the accident. If it is not Ling Yuxin and the defensive card, Xuantian God's evolution of the day is enough to take her half life.

"There is no god, the hatred of Yuxin will be reported for her!" Yue Yeming looked sharply at the emperor, coldly said.

"Haha, I am waiting for you!" The emperor screamed loudly.

ps: WeChat public number is about to accumulate over 1000 people, everyone added, accumulated over 1000, plus more! Public number: ylty83

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