Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1701: Azure Cloud, 殒

"Good, Ye Chenfeng, I really didn't expect you to push me into this situation. Well, since you want to see my ultimate card, then I will fulfill you!"

Azure clouds wiped the blood from the corners of the mouth, and looked at Ye Chenfeng with blood-red eyes, said coldly.

He never dreamed that he would be suppressed by Ye Chenfeng, and his mind moved to inspire his biggest secret.

A light-like symbol that breeds mysterious ancestors floats on his forehead. When the blue cloud inspires a drop of blood and melts into the light symbol that appears on the forehead, a powerful ancestral force rushes in the light. Come out, water it into his body, and instantly boost his strength to the four-star god.

"Ye Chenfeng, the game can be over!"

The realm of the **** level, the gap between each level is very large, and the ancestor is merged. Azure Cloud not only suppresses the physical injury, but also the belief that his decline is instantaneous. He is completely confident and has the strength of his four-star gods. It is easy to crush the leaf morning wind.

"Zhu Fu, this day Qingyun really has the card to reverse the Qiankun!"

Looking at the ancestors floating on the forehead of Azure Cloud, Yue Yeming’s face instantly gloomy and secretly worried about Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, on the bottom of the story, we still can't compare with the gods. I didn't expect the gods to give Tianqingyun the first place. He even gave him an incalculable ancestor. It seems that Ye Xiong The hope of winning is not great!" Ling Yuxin sighed softly.

"Not necessarily, I think Ye Xiong still has a chance to win!"

Yue Yeming stared at the calm morning leaf, and shook his head and said.

"Why, do you think that Ye Xi and his cards are not used?" Ling Yuxin asked.

"When you look at Ye Xiong's appearance, there is no panic at all, which shows that it is still under his control!" Yue Yeming said slowly: "Maybe the game will be more exciting."

"Four stars, this is what you really rely on!"

Although Ye Chenfeng used all the cards, he still had an insurmountable strength gap with Tianqingyun, but there was no fluster in Ye Chenfeng’s face.


Looking at the face of Ye Chenfeng's calm face, Azure Cloud felt a little uneasy in his inexplicable feelings, no longer hesitating, holding a eight-claw gun and stabbing Ye Chenfeng.

"Chaotic God Wood, Broken!"

Azure cloud man and gun together, the thorns of Ye Chenfeng immediately control the Chaos Shenmu ushered up, the swaying five-color canopy and the black guns of the torn space violently repelled in midair.

"I would like to see how much your treasure can withstand me!"

The stunned shot was resisted by Chaos Shenmu. The whole body of Azure Cloud swung up. The limit of the thorns out of the guns, attacking the chaotic gods, relying on the powerful strength, suppressing the offensive of chaos.

Under the full attack of Azure Cloud, Chaos Shenmu was defeated by his stabbing. At this time, the Qiankun sword array merged with the holy sword spirit, falling from the void and heading to the head of Azure Cloud.

"God Magic Heaven!"

Azure Cloud punched out, and the terrible fist smashed everything, and the punch resisted the attack of Qiankun Jianzheng.

Next, he used the magical power of the gods to continually explode, and when he shook the chaotic gods, he forced the defeat of Ye Chenfeng.

"Severe, Azure Cloud uses the last card, the attack is really terrible!"

Looking at the attack of Ye Chenfeng against the Azure Cloud, the footsteps of the swords are constantly dodging. Many people feel that the trend of Ye Chenfeng has gone, and the stones hanging in the hearts of the gods of the heavenly people have also fallen.

In their view, the Azure Cloud in the realm of the four-star **** is already in an invincible position. In addition, he still holds a ancestral ancestral pattern. Ye Chenfeng is no longer against the sky, and he has no possibility to turn the tide.

"God and the gods, breaking the sky!"

Azure cloud bursts and screams, the terrible guns swept the space of a circle, such as the torrential space torrent, bombarded Ye Chenfeng.


In the sound of a piercing rupture, the space where Ye Chenfeng exerted a hundred bans broke, and the terrible smash hit the morning wind, madly destroying his body.

"It's over, this final is over!"

Looking at the early morning of Ye Chenfeng’s annihilation, almost everyone felt that Ye Chenfeng was unable to return to heaven.

Even Yue Yeming, Ling Yuxin and others, I feel that Ye Chenfeng’s chances of winning are not great.

Suddenly, the chaotic space maps endless red light, the holy sword spirit limit, the hard life tears the space torrent, and Ye Chenfeng relies on strong defense and chaos Shenmu to resist the day. Qingyun launched a shot.

"Not bad, you are more and more surprised me, but the overall situation of this game has been set, you are destined to be a loser!"

Looking at the top of the head, Chaos Shenmu, the scarred Ye Chenfeng, Azure Cloud reveals the color of the scorpion, holding the eight-killer guns and continuing to attack Ye Chenfeng, not giving him a chance to breathe.

"Want to beat me, next life!"

"The Soul!"

In a critical moment, Ye Chenfeng displayed his last means, burning 10,000 years of life in an instant, and hardened his own strength to the extreme of the Samsung Road, and his strength was infinitely close to the Azure Cloud.

The strength of the skyrocketing, Ye Chenfeng's physical strength has also increased, completely making up for the gap in strength, it can be said that the current Ye Chenfeng, has not weakened azure clouds.

"Well, is this the spiritual life of the spiritual family?"

Feeling the power of life in the morning of Ye Chenfeng and the strength of the skyrocketing sky, Azure Cloud brows a glimpse, revealing the color of the accident, the unexpected Ling Chenfeng will be destroyed by the spiritual life.

"Azure Cloud, now you dare to say that you are better than me?"

The strength is skyrocketing, and Ye Chenfeng reveals a hegemonic smile, saying arrogantly.

"I said, it doesn't matter if you have a day-to-day approach, you will lose no doubt!"

Azure Cloud didn’t think that there were so many secrets in Ye Chenfeng’s body. The idea was a move, using the biggest killer in his body, depicting the ancestral figure of the ancestral ancestral pattern, preparing for a blow to end the battle.

"Go to hell!"

Azure Cloud sprayed a few mouthfuls of blood into the Zutu, activated the ancestral pattern, and launched the most deadly blow to Ye Chenfeng.

"Who is not sure!"

"Magic, wake up!"

"The Way to the Imperial!"

It is like a black dragon-like ancestral pattern with amazement of the ancestral ancestors. Ye Chenfeng awakens the demon spirit and uses the imperial way. It instantly stimulates the strongest attack of the demon sword and injects the whole body's power into the seal. In the magic sword, a sword greeted.


A sword smashed out, and the ancestral pattern of the ancestral sacs broke out with the power of the ancestral ancestral sorcerer, and the power of the enchanted sword itself completely exceeded the final card of the Azure Cloud.


The two ancestral battles collided together, and the ancestral ancestors of Azure Cloud were instantly broken.


Azure clouds glared at the horrified eyes, watching the magical swordsmanship of the extreme, and made a desperate voice.

He can't believe that Ye Chenfeng actually holds the card that broke the ancestral ancestral pattern.

When he wanted to dodge, it was too late. The terrible sword of the demon slammed into the ground. A sword broke his body defense and cut off his half body.

Following, Ye Chenfeng, who has the ultimate strength of the Samsung Road God, appeared in front of him before the rescue of the white-haired old man. He was filled with nearly eight billion kilograms of strength and slammed his fist on his head. He blew his head, smashed his soul, and killed the most popular Azure cloud on the spot.

ps: public number: ylty83

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