Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1707: Re-casting ghosts

The stars are splendid, glittering, and looking at them, endless.

Mirroring and driving the Emperor's warships, sailing rapidly in the endless starry sky, gradually meeting a huge warship.

Looking at the battle flag hanging on the battleship in the distance, the mirror image of Ye Chenfeng’s wisdom reveals a cold smile, and the imperial family of warships rushed past.

"The Seven Elders, the Imperial Ships are approaching us!"

The gods and masters who drove the warships discovered that the Huangtian warships were coming at a speed, showing the color of the accident. The first time the news was told to the seven elders.

"The Emperor of the Imperial Family? Didn't they return to the virtual world earlier?"

When sitting in a luxury cabin, the seven elders who are enjoying two delicate and pleasant women’s massages have opened their eyes and revealed the color of the accident.

"It's not good for the seven elders, the Imperial Ship will hit us!"

When the seven elders showed their incomprehensible color, he received another important message and stood up in a soft rocking chair.

When the seven elders and other people rushed on the deck, Ye Chenfeng’s mirrored body slammed into the battleship and the terrible impact directly broke the defense of the Qingtian warship, crashing the bow and many The body of the Qingtian master who can't dodge.

"Ye Chenfeng!"

When the seven elders and others rushed to mid-air, he saw Ye Chenfeng’s figure in the shipwrecked ship of the Emperor’s family. He suddenly became angry and printed a terrible big-handed hand. The past.


Ye Chenfeng's mirrored body was caught by the big hand, and then it was broken.

"Mirroring, mirroring again! Ye Chenfeng, I don't kill you, don't swear!"

After Ye Chenfeng’s calculation, the seven elders who destroyed the ship exploded their lungs and roared in the endless starry sky.


At the same time, Ye Chenfeng, hiding in the Qiankun environment, showed a cold smile.

"God, I hope you are satisfied with this gift!"

Ye Chenfeng whispered to himself, continuing to refine and kill the stone and the original birthplace that the Emperor had acquired.

If you can refine these two treasures, Ye Chenfeng's strength will be greatly improved, especially the original tires with endless potential, which will become his important killer in the future.

Time is like a shuttle, and three years have passed.

In the past three years, Ye Chenfeng has spent sixty years in the four-story space of Qiankun.

In these sixty years, Ye Chenfeng completely refines the barren stone and the original birthplace, and let him learn the power of the two great treasures of the Emperor, especially the original birthplace, which gives him unlimited imagination. .

"How do you improve the strength of the original tires?"

Ye Chenfeng constantly searches for the memory of the soul in the brain, looking for information about the original birthplace.

Searching for more than a day, Ye Chenfeng hopes to find a way to improve the strength of the original tires in the memory of the soul of the mind.

"Integration of the Tianmai or Zumai, can accelerate the improvement of the original tire strength!"

Ye Chenfeng’s eyes are bright, and the original birthplace has come to the ancestral vein of the four-story space of Qiankun, trying to integrate the original birthplace with the ancestral veins.

When the original birthplace fully opened all the holes, and the madness swallowed, the strength of the ancestral veins in the four-story space of Qiankun was extremely lost, while the strength of the original road tires climbed.

However, when the original road tires were madly swallowed, the spirituality of the four-story space in the Qiankun area disappeared rapidly, and many rare spiritual things growing in the space appeared to wither, so that Ye Chenfeng did not dare to let the original birthplace continue to be swallowed, so as to avoid Damage to rare spirits.

"It is time to return to Tianyu, find the eternal Tiangong, Qingtian, and the Tiantians!"

Determining the ancestral pulse can speed up the growth of the original treadmill. Ye Chenfeng played the attention of several forces who wanted to cure him in the dead, and plundered their ancestors.


A light and shadow cut through the starry sky and flew in the direction of the sky at a very fast speed. However, because the battlefield outside the sky is too wide, it takes more than a year to fly back to the sky domain at the speed of Ye Chenfeng.

When Ye Chenfeng flew in the direction of Tianyu, he saw a black warship in front of him and immediately speeded up and flew over.

"The ghost ship!"

Looking at the battle flag hanging on the battleship, Ye Chenfeng’s mouth was slightly upturned, speeding up and flying over.


According to the absolute speed to catch up with the ghost ship, Ye Chenfeng slammed a punch and broke the defense of the ghost ship. He entered the inside and alerted the ghost masters in the battleship. Appeared on the deck, surrounded by the arrogant Ye Chenfeng.

"Ye Chenfeng!" Looking at the man wearing a white martial arts uniform, the man who had lost his temper, the ghost priest who had lost the hand of Ye Chenfeng immediately recognized him: "How come you are here?"

"What, is it unexpected?" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly: "Why can't I be here, it's you, it's been a long time since I left the Battle City. It seems that you have a plan."

"Ye Chenfeng, my ghost family thinks that they have not offended you, and you are better not to hit the attention of my ghosts!"

The body is thin, wearing a robes, his eyes are deep in his cheeks, and his body is full of deadly ghosts, and the ghosts of a star and ghost realm are low.

"Why, are you scared now?" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly: "When you are surrounded by the Tianzu, the Mozu, and want to cause me to die, don't you think about the consequences?"

"Ye Chenfeng, you really think that my ghosts are afraid of you!" said the ghostly emperor.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's go together!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mind was moved, summoning the original birthmark, and he said overbearingly.

"Original road tires, how do you have original tires!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng's original birthplace, ghosts, ghosts and other emperors changed their faces, showing a shocking color.

"Of course it was given to me by Emperor!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said: "As for why he gave me the original birth, you can ask him if you go to hell."

"You, you killed the Emperor!"

Ghosts and the emperor and others have set off a big wave in their hearts. I can’t believe what I heard, and my heart is deeply disturbed.


When Ghost Shaodi and other people showed panic, a shrill sound broke out. Ye Chenfeng, along with the original road tires, attacked the ghosts and other emperors.

The overall strength of the ghosts is not strong, and their strongest patriarch ghosts are only one star and ghosts, far from the rivals of the original Taoist tires of Samsung.

The original road tires fluttered on the sky and painted them fiercely, and they flew them out and were hit hard.

"Ghosts, like a man, fight me!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the sprouting retreat, and the ghost-minister who wanted to escape, screamed and slammed the sword.

When Ye Chenfeng merged with the **** blood beads, the waste rock, and the mixed pearls, his strength instantly reached the two-star god, and the fierce attack smashed the ghost and the emperor to retreat.

"Ye Chenfeng, my ghost family really does not want to be an enemy of you, but also please raise your hands and spare us, as long as you are willing to let us, my ghosts guarantee that from now on, no longer provoke you!" /

Playing again with Ye Chenfeng, Ghost Shaodi discovered that he has grown to the point where he can look up, and he has no war in his heart. He has to ask for mercy in order to survive.

"Not interested!"

Ye Chenfeng said coldly and ruthlessly, and instantly activated more than 300 ancestral patterns, fiercely smashed, smashed the weapon of the ghostly Emperor, and a sword split him into two halves.

When Ye Chenfeng killed the ghosts and the emperor, the original road tires relied on absolute strength, suppressed the ghost map, and killed the ghosts.

The two strongest ghosts were killed, and they were scared to other masters of the ghost family.


At this time, Ye Chenfeng summoned all the helpers and attacked the ghost master.

A ruthless killing was staged on a ghost ship. Under the **** attack of the gods, the dragons and the masters, all the ghost masters died and died.

ps: The picture of the mother of the weekend, the mother of the sky, the friend who wants to see plus the WeChat public number: ylty83

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