Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1709: The heart of the sky

"Four elders, are they really Huangtian people?"

There was a quiet departure from the room where Ye Chenfeng had rested. He was asked by Ye Chenfeng to smash half of his cheeks, and the Qingtian disciples whose mouths continued to flow out of blood were suspected.

"The ancient emperor is not someone who can have it. He has the ancient emperor to prove that his identity is no problem!" Qingtian nationality said with some fear.

"What should we do now?" The Qingtian disciples were worried and asked: "Would you like to inform the patriarch?"

"It is not a trivial matter that the Emperor's direct disciples come to Tianyu. You must inform the patriarch and ask him to decide!" Qingtian can say seriously.

"Four elders, when you are a patriarch, can you not mention that we are in conflict with him?" Three Qingtian disciples pleaded.

If you let Tianzhidao know that they have offended the direct disciples of the Emperor, they will never spare them.

"Hey, you!" The four elders shook their heads and said, "I can't say it, but you'd better pray, he won't bother you."

The night passed quickly.

A rest for the night, the next morning, Ye Chenfeng left the inn and continued to wander around the eternal Tiangong.

When they wandered around the Eternal Heavenly Palace, the Qingtians sent a lot of people to protect them, in case they didn't have long-term eyes to disturb their Yaxing.

Walking for a day, Ye Chenfeng, who was in a good mood, returned to the inn and met the four elders of Qingtian.

In addition to the four elders of the Qingtian nationality, they also unexpectedly saw a familiar person, that is the first day of the Qingtian people.

"Two good Yaxing, in the next cloud, meet two!"

When wearing a white robe, the unconventional Tianyun stood up and showed a faint smile.

"Tianyun, the first talent of the Qingtian!"

Looking at Tianyun who lost to Yue Yeming at the beginning, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile.

"This is just a false name, not a son!" Tianyun said modestly, but his face still could not help but reveal a trace of pride.

"This is what you said, Tianyu is Tianyu. You can only be considered ordinary in the strength of the Emperor." Ye Chenfeng’s unrequited face makes Tianyun very angry. But dare not attack, can only bite his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

"How can you not be convinced?" Ye Chenfeng gave Tianyun's expression to his eyes and smiled slightly: "So, if you can resist me without punching, I will take back the words."

"The son said, how can Tianyun be the opponent of the son!"

The atmosphere was a bit wrong, and the four elders of the Qingtian family immediately stood up and played round.

"Can't you say that? I don't believe in the first celestial celestial celestial genius, and I have no courage to resist my punch!" Ye Chenfeng did not care.

"Since the son is interested, the cloud will accompany you that day!"

Tianyun is the eighth place in the battlefield that just ended. I also want to see the strength of the direct disciples of the Huangtian people.

"This is like a man!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled and suddenly took a step, stepping through a large piece of hard floor and punching a punch at Tianyun.

A fist banged out, and the air in front of Ye Chenfeng continued to make a burst of air. The power of his fist bursting made Tianyun have a feeling of suffocation.

When Ye Chenfeng’s fist bombarded the palms in front of Tianyun’s body, Ye Chenfeng instantly merged with the barren stone, and the amplitude doubled the power. More than 40 billion kilograms of force shattered the defense of Tianyun. He slammed into his arms and punched him out with a punch, smashing a stone wall in the distance depicting the golden dragon.

"The first day of the Qingtian people is just like this, it is really disappointing!"

A fist hits the sky, and Ye Chenfeng reveals the sarcasm, disdainfully said.

"The son of the gods, my Qingtian service!"

The Qingtian four elders did not expect Ye Chenfeng's strength to be so terrible, and Tianyun could not resist his attack, his face changed slightly, and he said in awe.

"Well, don't be flattering, I ask you, when will the eternal heavenly feast be held?" Ye Chenfeng asked without a trace of affection.

"The day after tomorrow!" said the four elders in awe.

"Well, I will go to the Eternal Heaven Palace with you to see how the first force of this virtual domain is!"

When finished, Ye Chenfeng took the smooth hand of the summer butterfly and returned to the room to rest under the gaze of Tianyun.

Two days are fleeting.

Early morning, Ye Chenfeng, the summer butterfly followed the four elders of Qingtian, Tianyun and others, took the chariot driven by Qinglan and went to the eternal Tiangong.

At this time, Tianyun seems to have forgotten the unhappiness of the previous day. He is constantly close to Ye Chenfeng, but what he gets is that Ye Chenfeng ruthlessly hits again and again, which makes him quite annoyed and depressed.

The virtual domain is extremely vast, and there are countless ancestral gates. In order to please the sky, almost all the sects of the Zongmen came to congratulate with the gift.

This includes the ethereal Tianzong.

This time, the ethereal Tianzong lord’s moon is dazzling with snow, and the blue is coming to congratulate.

Because of the Qiankun ring given by Jianling, Yue Xuan, Xue Yiyi all broke through to the main realm of a star, and the elders of the elders are only one step away from the one-star Taoist.

It can be said that in the short period of more than ten years, the ethereal Tianzong has undergone tremendous changes, and the strength of Zongmen has greatly increased.

"The ethereal days are coming!"

A high voice rang in the eternal heavenly palace. Yue Xuan and others, under the guidance of an eternal Tiangong disciple, came to the magnificent hall to meet the extremely inflated ambition of the ambition and congratulated him on breaking into the realm of one star.

"Cang Gongzhu, Congratulations on breaking through to the realm of the gods, the overall strength of my virtual domain is stronger!" Yue Hyun will bring the heavy gift to the ground, congratulations.

"I love to listen to this, I don't know if the Lord Sovereign is telling the truth!" The sky reveals a deep smile, deliberately said.

"Sentences of the lungs!" The moon's face changed slightly, and it smelled a bit of hostility: "I am fascinated by the celestial celestial beings, and naturally hope that the eternal heavenly palace is getting stronger and stronger."

"Well, then I believe what you said!" Cang said with a smile, and cast his gaze at the glamorous but beautiful unparalleled snow: "The Lord of the Moon, I have a ruthless invitation, I wonder if you are willing to promise me?"

"Cang Gongzhu please say that as long as I can do it, I promise you!"

Yue Xuan knows that the sky is somewhat dissatisfied with the rapid development of Tianzong in the past few years, constantly circling, eliminating the lure of hostility.

"I like the snow of your favorite, I want to let her do it, I wonder if you are willing?" The sky opened the door to see the mountain.


The voice of the sky has just fallen, the moon is dazzling, and the snow is awkward.

Snow is a face of a thick anger, if it is not too horrible, she has scruples, her face turned her face early.

"How, don't you?" Cangxiao smiled and said: "The moon lord still kept his voice voicing, and promised me that this would be a remorse. It seems that the Lord of the Moon still did not put my eternal heaven in the eye. In that, I am playing as a monkey."


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