Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1715: 妖域

"Who is causing such destructive power in the ethereal mountains!"

Feeling the vibration of the ethereal fairy mountain, the moon dazzle, the wind blue, the snow 沭君, the snow 萱 萱 and so on came to the depths of the mountains of the Snow Palace for the first time, and saw the fiercely fighting Ye Chenfeng and Yue Lan 沁.

"Well, the three divisions, the lords are coming, let's stop."

Rely on the absolute strength, continuous resolution of the lucrative attack of the moon blue, Ye Chenfeng talked and laughed.


The unfinished moon blue nodded and stopped the attack, and Ye Chenfeng fell in front of Yue Xuan and others.

"Morning wind sees the moonlord, the wind elders, the snow patriarch, the snow master..."

Although Ye Chenfeng’s strength is far beyond that of Yuexuan and others, he is still very respectful of Yuexuan and respectfully marches forward.

"Morning wind, you are the morning breeze!"

Yue Hyun and others browed, showing a deep shock.

"I am afraid to bring bad influence to the ethereal Tianzong, and the small mosquitoes are easy to come back!" Ye Chenfeng explained softly.

"When you come back, just come back!" Yue Xuan said excitedly: "Morning wind, let's go to the floating temple to speak."

When finished, Yue Xuan and others immediately put Ye Chenfeng, the summer butterfly into the floating temple, and ordered the people to block the floating temple, in order to prevent the news of the return of Ye Chenfeng.

"Morning wind, thank you for everything you have done for me." Without you, there is no such thing as the ethereal Tianzong!"

"The Sovereign is too polite, this is what I should do!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly: "To the Sovereign, I have a gift for you."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng took out three ringes of Qiankun and handed it to Yuexuan.

"This is..."

When the moon releases the soul and penetrates into the three Qiankun rings, the eyes are rounded and suddenly stunned.

"This is what I got when I ransacked the Treasure Hall of the Eternal Heavenly Palace. But most of the resources are useless to me. I will give it to the Lord of the Moon. With these resources, the ethereal Tianzong should have the opportunity to become the first force in the virtual domain." The morning breeze said slowly.

"Morning wind, your kindness to the ethereal Tianzong, we really don't know how to repay!" Yue Xuan and others are grateful to the heart.

"There is no need to repay. Maybe in the near future, I really hope that the place where Tianzong can help!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"Well, no matter what, I am floating in the sky, I support you!" Yue Xuan patted his chest to ensure that.

Ye Chenfeng, the news of the secret return of the summer butterfly was blocked by Yuexuan, because at this time the Tianyu is in the midst of something trouble, Ye Chenfeng did not leave, stayed in the ethereal Tianzong, and concentrated on retreating to see the virtual monument. Continue to enhance the combat power.

Ye Chenfeng hides in the ethereal Tianzong retreat, the Emperor Tianzu, the master of the gods of the gods appear in the virtual domain, the world to trace the whereabouts of Ye Chenfeng, want to make him oyster.

But no one knows the trend of Ye Chenfeng, let them turn over the virtual domain, and they have not found Ye Chenfeng. However, the situation of the virtual domain and even the Tianyu is more and more tense. Many Zongmen directly blocked the mountain gate.

Time flies, and twenty years have passed.

For the past 20 years, the four-story space of Qiankun has flowed for four hundred years.

For four hundred years of submerging, Ye Chenfeng refining a large number of precious Tongtian Shengdan, but still failed to take the last step, breaking through to the realm of Taoism, and did not break through to the heavenly environment.

But it has been through the vain for hundreds of years, and Ye Chenfeng has made a qualitative breakthrough in the understanding of Tao.

The five avenues of his cultivation have become the holy road map. The holy sword spirit is even more succinct, the combat power has increased dozens of times, and the chaos is perfected, which enhances the power of this move.

Chaotic beast, Jin Qinglong blood lion, worming worm, fire unicorn cultivation to the ultimate ancestor of the ultimate, equivalent to the six-star demon master.

And the power of the gods, the magical fish, the summer butterfly, the meditation, the blood, the black prince, etc. have also been greatly enhanced.

The thick and thin magic candle dragon once again broke through the realm, reaching the four-star god, the spiritual fish broke through to the Samsung road master, the summer butterfly broke through to the six-star master, and the ten-party broke through to the one-star master. Heipeng emperor broke into the Samsung magic master, although **** has not broken through the realm, but he is only one step away from breaking through the stars and ghosts.

I feel that relying solely on submersible, I am afraid I can't break through the last step. Ye Chenfeng stopped practicing, left the Qiankun, and prepared to ask the moon to ask the demon domain coordinates and go to the demon domain.

And the reason why he went to the demon domain is because with the improvement of the strength, the chaotic beast remembers everything, knows who his enemies are, and wants to revenge in the demon domain.

"Morning wind, in the last two decades, the situation of the virtual domain including the entire Tianyu is very tense. God God, the Emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom looks for you like crazy, I advise you not to show up recently, so as not to appear Accident." Yue dazzle serious martyrdom.

"Moon Lord, do you know the coordinates of the demon domain? I want to go to the demon domain!"

God Tianzu, the Emperor Tianzu is a dominant force in the virtual gods. After all, there are not only ancestors but also the best virtual masters in the universe. Ye Chenfeng does not want to have a conflict with them. Go to the demon domain.

"You have to go to the demon domain? The demon domain is not too flat for more than a hundred years. Now it is dangerous to go to the demon domain!" Yue Xuan said seriously.

"Why, is the demon domain fighting in life?" Ye Chenfeng said with some surprise.

"Well, the demon domain has been fighting for hundreds of years, and there are rumors that the demon domain is fighting with the demon community. The dragon is because of the infighting, blocking the whole family, but as for the real reason of the infighting, I It's not clear." Yue Hyun nodded.

"That is now into the demon domain, is not very trouble!" Ye Chenfeng brow slightly wrinkled.

"Well, it's a bit of a hassle!" Yue Xuan said: "I heard that the gates of the demon domain have long been blocked. It is not easy to get in."

"Monarch, you can tell me the exact location of the demon domain, I want to find a way!" Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, if you really want to go, then I will tell you the exact location of the demon domain!"

Thinking of the secret of Ye Chenfeng, Yue Xuan did not persuade him, and gave him the location of the demon domain and a map of Tianyu.

"Thank you for the Lord!"

Under the location of the demon domain, Ye Chenfeng chatted with Yue Hyun for a while and left.

After about three days, Ye Chenfeng said goodbye to the moon, and Xue Yiqi and others, quietly left the ethereal Tianzong, and controlled the illusion of the sacred figure, and passed through the space wormhole again and again. , came to the demon domain outside the blockade domain door.

"Avatar, swallowing wormholes!"

Ye Chenfeng tried several times, and now relies on brute force to open the domain door, summoning the worm, let it force a bite out of a space wormhole.

As the worms evolve, their ability to emptiness becomes stronger and stronger. Through its continuous efforts, it bites through a space wormhole and enters the self-blocking demon with Ye Chenfeng. .

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