Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1727: Undead ancestor

Time flies, and soon after another two months, there are still more than seven months away from the end of the undead.

After more than two months of enlightenment, the speedy deduction of the brains and groping the structure of the ancestral array, but the power of the ancestral array is terrible, Ye Chenfeng dare not act rashly, still patiently control the brain brain deduction, looking for The best break opportunity.

And studied the demons of the Yaozu method for more than two months, and found the opportunity to break the battle.

However, they found the opportunity to break the battle. They tried to break the battle, but they were attacked by the ancestral pattern. In the twinkling of an eye, the three demon-like demons were destroyed and turned into a **** skeleton. .

"Mom, this is two months, and it is still impossible to break this big array!" After a long delay, the Kirin Wang said with some annoyance.

"Undead ancestors inheritance, do you think it is so easy to get?" The gods of the genius of the genius glanced at the impatience of the unicorn king, coldly said.

"Yes, the undead ancestor is the most powerful ancestor of our demon family. His inheritance is so easy to get. This inheritance is fake, let alone the ancestral dynasty. It is impossible to belong to you!" Peacock King is opposite.

"Hey, this demon bird flag must be the king, who dares to kill the innocent!" Kirin Wang coldly screamed, overbearing.

"Yes? Then we will see, who belongs to the demon bird flag!" The Peacock King did not fear the Kirin King, and said nothing.

There is no rhythm of the gods, although she did not speak, but she firmly pointed her eyes, her determination to rob the demon bird flag.

It can be said that the demon bird flag determines their destiny. Whoever gets the demon bird flag, they can use the power of the demon bird flag to force the other two demon kings, the most chaotic in the virtual gods In the case of a unified demon domain.

When the three demon kings were in a tit-for-tat, waiting for the ancestral ruins to be robbed, and robbing the best of the heavenly sacred demon birds, the brains that were deducted over and over again finally found the best opportunity to break the battle.

"Magic, help me!"

Finding the best opportunity to break the battle, Ye Chenfeng slammed the closed eyes and burned the powerful blood, and instantly boosted his strength to the extreme. With the power of the demon, he activated more than 300 ancestors. .

"The Way to the Imperial!"

Next, Ye Chenfeng played the way of the imperial device, and a sword slammed into the ancestral squad. The terrible Jianwei opened a heavy ancestral pattern, and the hard-working ancestors opened a gap.

"Original road tires, robbing undead wings!"

Although the ancestral squad was broken, but Ye Chenfeng did not break into the shackles of the crisis, but summoned the original birthplace, let him break into the ancestral battle, and seize the undead wings of the undead ancestors.


The original birthplace entered the ancestral array and was immediately attacked by a large number of ancestral patterns. However, the original body of the birthplace was extremely hard. The attack on the ancestral pattern could not destroy his body, and he was close to the undead statue.

"Chaotic God Wood, suppressing the ancestral array!"

In order to alleviate the pressure of the original tires, Ye Chenfeng’s mind was moved, summoning the chaotic gods, controlling the chaos, and the gods continued to grow larger, suspended above the ancestral array, extending a large number of five-color roots and breaking into the ancestors. In the array, attacking the ancestral patterns in the ancestral array, forcibly weakening the power of the ancestral array.

With the opportunity of Chaos Shenmu to suppress the ancestral ancestors, the original birthplace appeared next to the undead god, and the hands clasped the undead statue tightly, pulling him up from the ground and bringing out the ancestral array.


The original birthmark brought the undead statue out of the ancestral process, and was violently bombarded by the ancestral pattern. With his indestructible body, he could not bear it and there was a road crack.

Fortunately, Chaos Shenmu constantly helped him to resolve the pressure, and Ye Chenfeng hand-held the magic sword, fierce attack outside the ancestors.

Finally, the original road tires paid a small price, and brought out the ancestral array of undead gods with strong ancestral atmosphere.

"Black God Stone, this statue is actually made of black stone, it is too extravagant!"

Looking at the undead statue, the demon floated again to seal the magic sword, and turned around for two weeks around the undead, and said with amazement.

"Black stone, the best spar to create the artifact!"

In the mind of the gods, there is an introduction about the black **** stone. The black **** stone is an extremely precious spar in the virtual world. It not only contains powerful energy, but also is hard and incomparable. It is one of the main materials for building the artifact.

"I didn't expect you to have such insights, know the black **** stone!" The devil said with amazement: "With such a **** stone, if you get the virtual world, I am afraid I can exchange a lot of good baby, let alone There is a bunch of wings of the rank of the ancestors on the black stone. Your luck is so good."

"Do not die!"

Ye Chenfeng slowly walked under the tall undead, biting his fingers, and dripping a few drops of blood into the unbroken wings, trying to recognize him.

Suddenly, the undead gods shot hundreds of millions of lines of light in the eyes of the two scorpions, and the holes penetrated into the morning air, so that the pores of Ye Chenfeng’s body stood upright in an instant, instinctively defending.

But the moment he defended, the two wings did not die, such as two black sky wheels, scratched the space, and turned to Ye Chenfeng, wanting to smash Ye Chenfeng's body.

At the critical moment, Ye Chenfeng crushed the life-saving symbol given to him by the immortal bird, forming a strange force in front of him, and resolved the attack of the undead wing.

"Chaos God, suppression!"

Ye Chenfeng did not retreat. Under the protection of the life preserver, he summoned the chaotic **** wood and suppressed the undead god. Then he continually spewed the blood of Hongmeng, blended into the unbroken wings, and tried to recognize him. .

"The blood of Hongmeng, you have the blood of Hongmeng!"

Suddenly, a thick voice rang in the sea of ​​Ye Chenfeng. In the next moment, there was a soul shadow in the soul of the sea, with a bird's head and a feeling of unmatched feeling.

"You are not dead ancestors!"

Peeping into the invincible soul in the sea of ​​souls, Ye Chenfeng is not panicking, he has no fear of any soul.

"I didn't expect you to know my ancestors!" Undead ancestors said: "It seems that you are not a nameless person. Can you tell me where the blood of the torrents of your body comes from?"

"This is what my father gave me!" Ye Chenfeng meditated, or told the truth.

Because the undead ancestor is dead, there is only one sorrowful soul. He is not worried that the undead ancestors will spread his secrets, and he has a feeling that perhaps the blood of Hongmeng can impress the undead ancestors and let him Give the inheritance to yourself.

"Your father...what did he get from the blood of Hongmeng!" Undead ancestors continued to ask.

"Starry Road!" Ye Chenfeng.

"Starry Road! Really there!"

The time of the birth of the undead ancestor is extremely long. Not only does he know the ancient road of the sky, but he has also been there, but he is not lucky. He has not got the blood of Hongmeng, Chaos, and other things, but he has gotten life and death. The disk and the source of life and death.

But by borrowing the life and death and the source of life and death, he created his own inheritance and became the absolute hegemon of the Yaozu.

"Primary, in addition to the blood of Hongmeng, what did your father get from the Starry Road?" Undead ancestors asked for a strong interest in Ye Chenfeng and his mysterious father.

"Chaos Shenmu!" Ye Chenfeng.

"Chaotic Shenmu, the first **** of the universe!" Undead ancestors produced a strong soul wave: "Wait, the chaotic **** wood you said is the five-color **** wood that suppresses my sculpture outside."

"Yes, it is it!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"Hung Meng's blood, Chaos Shenmu even appeared on a person at the same time, is it..." Undead ancestors fell into deep contemplation: "Junior, if you promise me something, I will not die." To you."

"Is the predecessor wanting to avenge you!" Ye Chenfeng.

"Yes, as long as you swear to avenge me, the hand-knife Jinpeng that hypocrite, I will not give you the wings!" Undead ancestors nodded.

"Okay, deal!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded and made an oath in the public to make an oath.

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