Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1729: Grab the demon bird flag

"No, the demon bird flag wants to fly away!"

Looking at the swaying space, releasing the terrifying bird's flag of the enchanting bird, there is a big flying away posture. The faces of the three big demon kings have changed greatly, giving up the killing between each other, and controlling the ancestral image to suppress the demon bird flag. I want to grab the demon bird flag.


But the demon bird's flag has the ingenuity, was suppressed by the three great ancestors, and continued to sway the flag, transforming a horrible black bird shadow, attacking the three great ancestors, weakening the three ancestors Like an attack.

"The demon bird flag must be mine!"

The severely injured Qilin King, despite his serious injuries, suddenly plucked up and was very adventurously close to the amazingly powerful Emperor's flag.

In the moment he was close to the demon bird's flag, his biggest quilt blood fat flew out of his body, under the control of his mind, hit the demon bird flag.

"No, he wants to use the Kirin blood lipid to forcefully recognize the main demon bird flag!"

Looking at the move of Qilin Wang, the gods and kings, the peacock king’s face changed slightly, but at this time it was too late to stop. They could only pray that the king of Qilin refused.

However, Kirin blood lipid is a treasure made by the Qilin family with the ancestral blood, which contains a strong ancestral atmosphere. When a large amount of kylin blood lipid is sprayed on the demon bird flag, the offensive of the demon bird flag suddenly becomes Slowly, the swaying hurricane is not attacking the unicorn king, which makes the **** 猿 king, the peacock king's heart fell into the trough.

"You two are waiting for me, waiting for me to recognize the demon bird flag, you must personally twist your head, let you know the end with me!"

There was a tacit connection with the demon bird's flag. The unicorn king showed a sly color, and looked at the **** prince, and the peacock king's eyes became terrible.

"Let's go together, don't let him recognize the main demon bird flag, or you and I will be in danger!"

Feeling the seriousness of the situation, the King of Peacock and the King of Qilin rushed out of the air, causing all the attacks on the King of Kirin, wanting to smash the gap that he has not fully recognized the main demon bird flag, kill him.


The Peacock King and the God of the King are close, and the strong body of Kirin Wang suddenly expands, sending out a horrible roar, such as the raging tsunami, swept the two demon kings, not giving them a chance to be close.

And the big demon hiding in the distance, heard the singular screams of the unicorn king, immediately felt the soul tremble, his head seems to burst open.

"Give me a break!"

With the release of the Qilin King, the King of God has raised his attack power to the peak, and his hands clasped the black gods to the terrible sound.

A stick out, a dozens of stalwart sticks appeared in the chaotic hall, directly tore the terrible whistle, and smashed to the unicorn king.

However, under the attack of the squall of the Eight Dynasties, the power of the **** of the king of the gods plummeted, and it was impossible to criticize the king of Kirin. He was swayed by the red blood.

"Heaven and Five Elements Sword!"

When the Kirin King broke the attack of the King of God, the entire body of the Peacock King turned into a group of speedy deductions, and the lightsaber filled with the five elements of the heavens and the earth flew out.

Every five elements of the lightsaber can smash the lower heavens, and the terrible power makes the big demon legs that are hiding in the distance tremble and quickly flee outside the hall.


The Peacock King exhibited the five-line sword and the Kirin King’s continuous killings in a fierce collision in the void. The terrible power shook the roots and the dragon column appeared a road crack.

When the two men tried their best to kill, the gods king threw out the black **** stick, like a black dragon with a claw and a claw, and attacked the king of Kirin.

Looking at the gods and kings throwing them, the black **** sticks with hundreds of billions of pounds of force stabbed his chest, and the demon bird emperor flag that constantly blended with Qilin blood lipid suddenly issued a long scream, blocking the front of the unicorn king. , to resolve the black **** stick thrown by the gods.

"The lord of the demon bird flag, is he really confessing to the demon bird flag by Kirin blood lipids!"

Seeing the scene in front of you, the Peacock King, the **** of the gods changed his face and felt the seriousness of the situation.

If the Kirin King really surrendered the demon bird flag, it would be a devastating disaster for them. The Kylin King would definitely accept the demon bird flag, destroy them, and break their inheritance.

"God King, Peacock King, I have already said that this demon bird flag must belong to this king!"

Looking at the demon bird's flag in front of him, the Kirin King showed a sly and arrogant smile, arrogantly said.

"Not necessarily!"

Suddenly, a cold voice rang in the chaotic hall, and a sword shadow that surpassed tens of times the speed of light suddenly appeared, and at the speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, it slammed into the sacred king of the unicorn.


Kirin Wang did not expect that someone would appear on the second floor of the castle, holding the instinctive defense of the Red Blood Holy Axe.


The moment he defended, he felt a force beyond his imagination through the red blood holy axe, poured into his arms, shaking his arms with a serious feeling of numbness, the whole body is retreating Tens of meters.

"Do not die, wings!"

A sword stunned the Kirin Wang, who was seriously injured. Ye Chenfeng controlled the fierce fan of the undead wings that had just recognized the Lord, forming a winged scorpion with extremely powerful power and attacking the Kirin King.

Although Ye Chenfeng's current strength, the use of undead winged attack is extremely expensive, but he burns the blood of Hong Meng, he has the inexhaustible power, enough to claim to use the consumption of undead winged attack.

The undead double-wing is an artifact. Although the strength of Ye Chenfeng is still unable to exert the true power of the ancestors, the ancestors are, after all, the ancestors, and the power is more than too much.


Although Kirin Wang has the lord of the demon bird, but he is still wounded by the wings of the unbroken wings, a lot of blood is sprayed in his mouth, blood stains.

"Undead wings, it seems to be the undead wings of the undead ancestors!"

"Who is this person, why do you have undead wings?"

The gods and the peacock king were shocked by the sudden appearance of the scene, watching Ye Chenfeng have undead wings, so that they had a big wave in their hearts.

"Chaotic God Wood, suppressing the demon bird flag!"

When the Kirin King was killed by the unfinished wings, Ye Chenfeng summoned the Chaos God Wood to let it suppress the Emperor's flag.

After repeated transformations, Chaos Shenmu became more and more terrible, especially the devastating death tree of Dacheng, which made Chaos Shenmu own Zuwei, and easily suppressed the demon bird flag.

"Ancestral home, another artifact!"

The scene of the demon bird's flag was easily suppressed by the chaotic **** Mu, the **** of the king, the peacock king was even more shocked.

The ancestors are treasures that only exist in the virtual world. They contain the power of destroying the earth. They can't imagine that the seemingly young Ye Chenfeng actually has two great artifacts.

"The blood of Hongmeng, recognize the Lord!"

The moment when Chaos Shenmu suppressed the demon bird's flag, Ye Chenfeng spurted out a few mouthfuls of Hongmeng's blood and melted into the demon bird's flag.

Although the demon bird flag has previously blended with Qilin blood lipids, the level of Hongmeng's blood far exceeds that of Qilin blood lipids, coupled with the suppression of Chaos Shenmu, and soon, the demon bird's flag is recognized by the blood of Hongmeng, cut off The connection with the Kirin King.

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