Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1734: Test

"Starry Sky...!"

With the open cover, Ye Chenfeng did not see the bones of the undead ancestors, but saw a black starry sky.

Hesitating for a moment, Ye Chenfeng retracted the chaotic **** wood, and the body moved, and flew into the starry sky inside the stone sarcophagus, disappearing in front of everyone.

After that, the open lid was closed again and the space was restored to calm.

"Morning wind!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng was swallowed up by black stone sarcophagus, and the summer butterfly and other people were tight inside, nervously said.

"Don't worry, if I don't guess, the morning breeze should be recognized by the undead ancestors, qualified to enter the skeleton of the stone scorpion, and get the most precious inheritance treasure he left!" said the **** prince.

"Well, I didn't expect the inheritance of the undead ancestors, and finally fell into a human hand!" Peacock Wang shook his head and said: "Let's go, there should be more than one chance here. Let's go to other places and try our luck. Maybe there is an unexpected harvest."


The people left the original birthmarks outside the stone scorpion guards, broke open and banned, and walked into a long and narrow corridor, looking for other opportunities left by the undead ancestors.

"Chaos Shenmu, the blood of Hongmeng, did not expect these two treasures to appear on one person, even I have some envy of your chance."

In the eyes of Ye Chenfeng, the white light flashed. Now he appeared under a huge, but severely damaged tomb. A majestic face emerged in the stone monument in front of the ancient tomb, watching the Ye Chenfeng.

"The younger generation meets the undead ancestors!"

Looking at the stone monuments that are dozens of feet high, I slammed three gongs and said respectfully.

"Primary, I will give you a chance now. If you can pass my test, I will give you my most precious undead inheritance and the life and death disk I got on the Starry Road! But if it fails, you will Lose everything, including your life." Undead ancestors said: "I wonder if you are willing to accept my test?"

"The younger generation is willing!" Ye Chenfeng said without hesitation.

"You can rest assured that I will not bully you. I will suppress my own power to the realm of being equal to you. As long as you can beat me, even through my test!"

"Predecessors want to see the power of Hongmeng blood and chaos Shenmu!" Ye Chenfeng did not feel a bit murderous from the undead ancestors, guessing his intentions.

"You are very smart, I really want to see, the first **** of the universe, the power of the first god!" Undead ancestors nodded and said: "Okay, you are ready, ready to accept Test."

"You don't have to prepare, you can start now!" Ye Chenfeng did not summon the sword, and said awkwardly.

"Good, then you are careful!"

Speaking, the tall stone monument reflects the radiance of the sky, and a black figure flies out of the stone tablet, transforming a black **** bird, as lightning strikes Ye Chenfeng.

"Hong Meng blood, burning!"

The undead ancestors turned into a dead bird, and Ye Chenfeng decisively burned the blood of Hongmeng, and hardened his own strength to one star, and tripled his power. He waved his fist and greeted him.

A fist banged out, the air in front of him violently fluctuated, and the terrible fists dragged the long tail of power, and the amazing bombardment was on the dead bird.


Two powerful forces collided together, undulating the trepidation of the entire space.

"Great power, Hongmeng blood is not ordinary!"

Feeling that the power of Ye Chenfeng is comparable to that of the superior ancestors, the eyes of the undead ancestors are bright, the black wings are fanned, the degree is raised to the limit, and the illusory afterimage is illusory in midair. The attack turned to Ye Chenfeng.

In the face of the unscrupulous demon sorcerer's unpredictable attack, Ye Chenfeng closed his eyes and controlled the deliberate deduction of his mind, deducing his attacking trajectory and blasting a terrible fist to fully attack.

One person, one bird, and a fragrant time, no one can help.


The rotten bird shouted and suddenly changed into the strongest form of combat, carrying an amazing demon attack to Ye Chenfeng.

"St. Spirit Soul, Hey!"

The undead ancestors attacked, the holy sword spirit flew out of the leaves of the morning wind, and in the midair, a blood-red sword mansions were transformed, and a sword smashed to the undead ancestors.

"St. Spirit Soul, I did not expect to be a holy sword spirit with your age!"

hard regrets the holy sword spirit attack, the undead ancestors are quite surprised, but the attack form of his attacking power is amazing, easily resisting the holy sword spirit attack, interweaving a wing exhibition, smashing Ye Chenfeng .

"Chaotic Promise!"

Overwhelming wingspans are coming, and the four holy road maps show the body of Ye Chenfeng. He deducts the Tao to the extreme, and transforms the chaotic **** wood, which has evolved without a great welcoming.


The two great gods bombarded together, suddenly bursting out of the earth-shattering blasting sound, terrible and terrible, directly tore the wings of the wings show, attacked the undead ancestors.

Under the chaotic attack of the supreme magical power, the body of the undead ancestors appeared a fissure, and the body appeared a little out of control.

"A sword is godless!"

Ye Chenfeng summoned the holy sword spirit, holding the holy sword spirit, and stabbing a sword that robbed the heavens and the earth.

A sword stabbed out, the void suddenly darkened, and the terrible swordsmanship was like a meteor that cut through the night. The thorns that were invincible were on the body of the undead ancestors, and directly penetrated his body.

"Chaotic God Wood, give me broken!"

Next, Ye Chenfeng summoned the chaotic **** wood, slamming on the body of the undead ancestors, and the terrible attack directly shattered his broken body.

"Don't die!"

When Ye Chenfeng still won his own victory, the undead ancestors showed their undead power and instantly recovered their physical injuries.

"It's not bad, you have the blood of Hongmeng, Chaos Shenmu, you are almost invincible in the same realm!" Restoring the original undead ancestors nodded and said: "Primary, this contest you won, but you dare not pick up I am the strongest one. If you can pick it up, I will send you another treasure."


Ye Chenfeng nodded and will depict more than 500 ancestral patterns, and the magic sword that nearly reached the power of the ancestors was summoned.

"Be careful!"

Looking at the sword in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, the eyes of the undead ancestors shine brightly, and a dominating force that makes Ye Chenfeng suffocate burst into his body.

When he pushed his own doctrine to the extreme, he morphed into a lifelike immortal bird, flapping its wings, smashing the space, and the terrible power seemed to destroy this world.


The dead bird screamed in the sky, and the immortal Zuwei ravaged the entire space, letting Ye Chenfeng’s heart tremble.

In the face of this invincible blow by the undead ancestors, Ye Chenfeng raised his own strength to the extreme, maximizing the meaning of the Tao, and exerting the imperial weapon to raise the attack power of the magic sword to the extreme.

"Chaotic Promise!"

A sword stabbed out, and Chaos Shenmu emerged from his body, maximizing his combat power and turning into a non-dead bird.


The two major attacks collided together and suddenly smashed the space in the square. The terrible energy torrents flowed down like a waterfall, destroying the whole world.


Although Ye Chenfeng has an undead winged body, it is still hurt by the power of this stock. It is like the continual breakage of the sacred sacred device, and a lot of blood is sprayed in his mouth.

"The Pearl of Life, Fix!"

Looking at the destruction of Ye Chenfeng, he constantly controls the power of the soul of the birth of the soul, repairs his body, borrows the chaotic **** wood, does not die and defends his wings, and does the final resistance.

In the end, Ye Chenfeng was tens of thousands of meters away from the horrible energy flood, resisting the invincible blow of the undead ancestors.

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