Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1750: 青鸾皇,神魔傀儡

"Ye Chenfeng, you don't want to be arrogant, you really think that we are like you, like the 穹天族, since you don't know how to be good, then you will die!"

Tianzhidao said with a sly look, took out two seals in the jade box, with a lot of ancient prints on the surface.

When he sprayed blood into two ancient seals, the two ancient seals were instantly broken, releasing a powerful summoning power and reaching the depths of the Qingtian people's forbidden land.

Next, two terrible breaths rushed out in the forbidden land of the Qingtian people. One wing stretched over 100 meters, the whole body was covered with blue-green feathers, the crown was suspended overhead, and the whole body was filled with powerful and beautiful Fans of huge wings appeared.

And after the Qing Emperor, followed by a height of three feet, like a moving mountain, with a long red fire, holding a steel fork of the demon.

"I didn't expect your Qingtian to have these cards, but they can't kill me!"

Although in the sense of the brain, Ye Chenfeng feels that the Qinghuang Emperor and the Devil are both semi-ancestor, but Chaos Shenmu swallows the semi-ancestor tree demon, which becomes extremely powerful, and the Chaos Shenmu is completely rooted. In the Qingtian ancestral land, the force of the ancestral land can be forcibly attacked without fear of the attack of the emperor and the demon.

"Green Emperor, Demon, kill me for him!"

Tianzhi Dao looked at the fierce light and looked at Ye Chenfeng, and gave orders to the Qingtian people to rely on the murder.


The Qing dynasty Huang Yangtian shouts, the terrible sound penetrates the nine days and ten places, it violently fans the blue-green wings, rolled up the endless winds swept to Ye Chenfeng.

In the moment when the Qing Emperor attacked, the demon lifted the steel fork and burst out hundreds of billions of kilograms of power. He danced fast and intertwined with an amazing cross-sharp, piercing the space, and the hole penetrated Ye Chenfeng. I want to stab him to death.

In the face of the attack of the Qing Emperor and the demon, Ye Chenfeng stood in the air and motionless. When the cross of the endless wind rushed, the chaotic **** rooted in the ancestral land became infinitely large, swaying five colors. The crown of the tree, releasing the chaotic five elements of light, broke the attack of the Qing Emperor and the demon.

The offensive was broken, and the Qing Emperor and the Demon continued to attack, and they rushed to Ye Chenfeng, and wanted to kill him.

But the Chaos Shenmu is too powerful, and it is impossible for the Qinghuang Emperor and the Demon to attack, and it is impossible to smash the defense of Chaos Shenmu, and it is impossible to harm Ye Chenfeng.

"Qingtianzu, kill me!"

See the horrible chaos of the gods, the heavens and the road, the celestial face changes slightly, both communicate with the Qingtian ancestral land, want to use the Qingtian ancestors to kill Ye Chenfeng.

But the Qingtian ancestral land has long been controlled by Chaos Shenmu, so they can't communicate, and they can't control the Qingtian ancestral land.

"How can this be the case, Chaos Shenmu really is so bad!"

Tianzhidao is unacceptable, and the fact that Qingtianzu is easily controlled by Chaos Shenmu constantly mobilizes Qingtian masters and attacks together.

The chaos of Shenmu’s defense is impregnable, and the chaos of Shenmu mobilizes the strength of the Qingtian ancestral lands to form a strong ancestral wall, weakening the attack of the Qingtian genius, and gathering the power of the people, still unable to break through the defense, the crisis Ye Chenfeng.

When Chaos Shenmu resisted the Qing Emperor, Tianzhidao and other people attacked, the power of Qingtian ancestral land was continuously lost, and a large number of ancestral rhymes were swallowed up. The power of the original birthplace rose steadily, and there was a faint half-grandfather. Reach the true ancestral environment.

If the original birth can reach the ancestral level, control the life and death disk, enough to easily destroy the Qingtian.

"God, close attack!"

The offensive was constantly resisted by Chaos Shenmu. Tianzhidao immediately ordered the mountain-like demon. He held the steel fork and stepped into the ancestral land where the ancestors died suddenly. Regardless of his own safety, he attacked Chaos Shenmu.

"The candle dragon predecessor, come out!"

When the demon attacked melee, Ye Chenfeng summoned the demon candle dragon.

"The turbid bones!"

Looking at the fierce attack of the chaos of the gods, the magical candle dragon immediately recognized his identity and made a horror.

"Predecessors, that gods have no life, now he is just a slap in the air!" Ye Chenfeng said.

"Hey!" The devil's candle in the eyes of the dragon shot a thick and fierce color: "You are so bold, you dare to kill my brother, use his body to do it, I will step here today. , revenge for my brother."

Speaking, the angry **** magic candle dragon holds the invincible sword, kills the ancestral land controlled by Chaos Shenmu, attacks to Tianzhidao and others, wants to kill them and hate.


When the gods of the magic candle were killed, the Qing Emperor immediately screamed and shouted, and the moment changed into the strongest form of battle, holding a pair of double knives burning with the fire of the green scorpion, and screaming at God. The magic candle dragon, with him fiercely killed outside the ancestral home.

"God Burning!"

Although the magical candle dragon is powerful and has unparalleled combat power, the Qing Emperor has the strength of a semi-grandfather. Under its fierce attack, the magical candle dragon is dangerous and has to exert great damage to the damage and enhance its strength. , and the fierce battle with the Qing Emperor.

However, even if the magic candle dragon is used to burn God, it still can't resist the fierce attack of the Qing Emperor. Seeing that he was hit hard by the Qing Emperor, Ye Chenfeng used all the cards to upgrade his strength to the extreme. Control the life and death disk attack to the Qing Emperor.


The life and death disk bursts with a terrible force of life and death, destroying the attack of the Qing Emperor and destroying its fierce attack.

"A sword is godless!"

Next, Ye Chenfeng's whole body and the magic sword are combined to activate more than 800 ancestral patterns. One sword captures the brilliance of the heavens and the earth, and a sword is extinct, with an invincible sword, a sword stabbed. The green king is on the body.

The defense of the Qing dynasty is extremely terrible, but it still cannot withstand the attack of the sword.

A deep sword mark appeared on the chest of the Qing Emperor, and a large amount of blood sprang up like a fountain.


Catch the opportunity of the Qingyi Emperor's intention to be injured. The magical candle dragon bursts out hundreds of billions of kilograms of strength. He holds the invincible sword and squats on the body of the Qing Emperor. The terrible knife will directly direct the Qinghuang Emperor. Falling from the air to the ground.


Continuously hit hard, completely angered the Qing Emperor, it screamed in the sky, burned a powerful demon, and raised its own degree to the extreme, in the midair, illusion of a dazzling afterimage, to Ye Chen The wind and the gods of the candle are fiercely counterattacked.

"Predecessors, you go to kill the power of the Qingtian people, this Qinghuang emperor gave me!"

In the face of the unpredictable spirit of the Qing Emperor, Ye Chenfeng summoned the undead wings, and raised his own degree to the extreme, and the Qing Emperor was fiercely killed in midair.

"The clan of the heavens, let me send you back to the West!"

The blood of the demon candle dragon violently screams, holding the invincible sword to the face of the heavens.


The wheel of the blue sky, which was shot by Tianzhidao, was opened by the gods, and the terrible knife slammed into the body of Tianzhidao. It shocked him to swell and blood was sprayed out.

A knife hurts the heavens and the road, the magical candle dragon wins the pursuit, wields the fierce attack of the invincible sword, and madly kills the blue sky.

And the degree is raised to the extreme, and Ye Chenfeng, who is fiercely killed by the Qing Emperor, summoned the Peacock King, the Lord of the Northern Muse, the Chaos God Beast, the Golden Blood Dragon Lion, the Fire Kirin, and attacked the Qingtian Nationality together. Can, attack them with destruction.

"God, come back!"

The situation is completely out of control, and the dangerous heavenly road wants to be summoned by the gods who are fiercely killed by Chaos, and against the magic candle dragon and others.


But this time, the dying ancestral land broke tens of thousands of five-color roots, formed a tree-rooted prison, directly trapped the gods, and could not rescue Tianzhidao and others.

Looking at the power of the Qingtian people, they were killed by the angry gods, the candle dragons, and so on. They tried their best to resist the fierce attack of Ye Qingfeng, but they spurted a blood, and they were smashed by the green dragons. He fell from the air and was hit hard.

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