Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1752: The Humanitarian League Incident

Time is like a shuttle, very soon, ten years have passed.

As time went by, the chaotic Tianyu gradually recovered its calmness, but the Tianzu did not give up the pursuit of Ye Chenfeng.

"God predecessors, North Ming predecessors, we are gone, you take care!"

Hidden in the demon domain for ten years of cultivation, Ye Chenfeng completely consolidates the horizon of the two-star road, and in the territory of Qiankun, it has penetrated the vain word, and cultivated the five avenues to a terrible degree.

At this time, the days when the tomb of Taixu was opened were getting closer and closer, and Ye Chenfeng was preparing to go to the battlefield outside the field.

"Morning wind, we will give you the spirit fish, please protect her safety!" The king of God is not willing to look at the beautiful and lovely spirit fish, whispering softly.

"Reassured, my gods, we must return safely!"

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng bid farewell to the gods, the Lord of the North, and others, and left the demon domain through the ancient transmission array, and went to the extraterrestrial battlefield that connected the virtual world.

In the past ten years, the past two hundred years have passed.

In these two hundred years, the spirit fish, the summer butterfly, and the **** doubles broke through to the realm of the gods. The magical candle dragon refining the power of the turbid bones, breaking through to the six-star god, the peacock king refining the zander Also cultivated to the peak of the five-star demon god.

Chaotic beast, Jin Qinglong blood lion swallowed a lot of demon, the speed of the upgrade, the equivalent of the Samsung demon.

At this time, the power that Ye Chenfeng has mastered is unprecedentedly powerful enough to overtake any power in the Tianyu. Even if he is in the virtual world, his strength cannot be underestimated.

Into the extraterrestrial battlefield, Ye Chenfeng, summer butterfly, and spiritual fish all turned into a physical appearance, concealed the strength, drove the warship, and flew in the direction of the tomb of Taixu at an extremely fast speed.

"Morning wind, who is the graveyard of the tomb of Taixu?"

The summer butterfly cuddling in the arms of Ye Chenfeng, looking at the stars in the sky, asked softly.

"The tomb of Taixu has existed for countless years. So far, no one has ever discovered his true secret. If I don't have a map of the tomb of Taixu, I dare not smash this danger!" Ye Chenfeng Gently licking the soft body of the summer butterfly.

"Morning wind, will the map in your hand be fake?" asked the summer butterfly.

"There is this possibility!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "When we enter the tomb of Taixu, if we confirm that the map is false, then we will turn around the tomb of Taixu."

The extraterritorial battlefield was extremely vast. Ye Chenfeng drove the warship for several months and came to the periphery of the tomb of Taixu, which was covered with heavy fog and flowing with terrible torrents and starry gravel.

"I didn't expect the location of the Tomb of Tomb is exposed!"

Beyond the Tomb of Taixu, the soul released by Ye Chenfeng felt that many masters were hiding nearby. Obviously, the position of the Tomb of Tomb was exposed, attracting a lot of masters to plot the tomb of Taixu.

However, decades have passed, and the space around the tomb of Taixu has been relatively stable. If you are careful, you can now try to enter the tomb of Taixu.

When Ye Chenfeng took out the communications array and tried to contact Van Gogh, two huge warships flew in and stopped in front of the Ye Chenfeng warship, suddenly launching a fierce attack on the warship. Want to destroy the warship, kill Ye Chenfeng and others.

"Looking for death!"

Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that the two warships attacked indiscriminately, and suddenly they were angry. With the summer butterfly, the spirit fish flew out of the fiercely trembled warship, attacking two wars with hanging magic flags. ferry.

Ye Chenfeng is holding hundreds of millions of pounds of weight. The Fangtian paintings of the lower class of the heavenly sacred rituals have erupted hundreds of millions of pounds of force, smashing the gunfire from a blast of land and appearing on a huge warship.

"Fang Tianhuai, give me a break!"

Ye Chenfeng screamed and screamed, Fang Tian's paintings continued to grow bigger, and the mountain-like shadows were smashed. The smashing of the warship defense directly split the huge bow of the ship with a huge gap. The terrible power shook the entire warship and trembled.


The warship was attacked, and dozens of Mozu masters flew out of the warship, surrounded by the three groups of Ye Chenfeng.

"You are a big dog, dare to attack my true demon warship, I see you live not..."

A man wearing a black embroidered robes, a pair of white flowers, and a six-star demon realm screamed loudly, but he had not finished his words, and a powerful stun had slammed into his soul. Shattered his head and killed him.

"You really shouldn't provoke me!"

Ye Chenfeng’s eyes showed a strong killing effect, summoned the undead wings, raised his speed to the limit, and attacked dozens of real devil masters.


Under the dead double-winged attack, a master of the real demon has no power to fight back, and turned into a group of blood fog, floating in midair.

Between the blink of an eye, fifty-three true Mozu masters were killed by Ye Chenfeng in a thunderous thunder, leaving only one face pale and shivering, being a completely scared star. can.

Seeing the sharp eyes of Ye Chenfeng locked him, this frightened star of the demon master can not hesitate to burn the blood of the whole body, and exert blood to escape to the stars.


When he escaped with all his strength, a powerful dizziness rushed into his sea of ​​souls, causing his soul to tremble and his brain to be blank.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng appeared in front of him like a teleport, borrowing the brain to search for him.

"Well, the Human Alliance has been destroyed by the Demon World, and the Vatican, the Vatican, and the Bai Man are captured by the Mozu, the Real Mozu, the Dark Lord, and are held in the Stars. Medium!"

The important information was learned from the magical spirit of the Lord, and Ye Chenfeng’s face showed a hint of anger. The five fingers slightly exerted force, directly crushing his head and killing him

"Go, let's save people!"

Although Ye Chenfeng and Fan Long and others have not known each other for a long time, they have a good impression on the brave Van Goon, and he promised to give the ethos a chance, so he learned that Vanu and others had an accident. The news, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to go to the rescue.

The tomb of the virtual gods and demons is too imaginary. It has been stationed on a huge star land closest to the tomb of Taixu, blocking the news, while paying attention to the changes in the space around the tomb of Taixu, while killing unauthorized The power of the tomb near Taixu.

Ye Chenfeng learned from the soul of the one-star demon master. In order to get the tomb of Taixu, the Mozu sent three ancestors, the strongest of which was the three elders of the Mozu, the Samsung Devil. The konjac mountain in the ancestral realm.

In addition to Mount Konjac, the four elders of the Mozu are the two-star ancestors, and the six elders are the one-star ancestors.

The Mozu sent three magical ancestors at once, which showed their attention to the tomb of Taixu. They wanted to uncover the secret of the tomb of Taixu and get the treasure inside.

"How do you save them from the Vatican?"

Ye Chenfeng quietly lurks in the land of the Mozu, thinking about their plans to rescue the Van Gogh.

Once the three ancestors of the Mozu were trapped, even if there were original births, Ye Chenfeng would be fierce.

When Ye Chenfeng thought about the plan, a familiar figure appeared in front of him. When he saw this person, Ye Chenfeng’s plan came from the heart, and his body flashed slightly, and he was close to him like a ghost.

ps: Be a game, please let me know the advertisement below the public number of the tears. If there are more people, the tears will add more! Everyone has a lot of advertisements, and many tears are updated!

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