Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1770: Innocent Killing

"Predecessors, what are your plans for the future?"

Death self-sealing the soul of the sea, when losing consciousness, Ye Chenfeng summoned an ancient scorpion from the Qiankun environment, sealed him in the ancient shackles, turned to ask the old wound recurrence, hurt the root of life, the fire of life The sacredness of the gods that are constantly extinguished.

"My time is running out, I want to go back to the protoss, and return to my hometown!"

The Shinto sighed in a deep breath, while repairing the broken body, and said weakly.

"If I have a way to heal the old wounds and restore the vitality of my predecessors, will the seniors be willing to follow me to the virtual world?"

The power of the sacredness of the gods Ye Chenfeng witnessed it. If there are two masters of sacredness and death, escorting him, there are only a handful of people who can hurt him.

"Your kindness is my heart, but my physical condition is very clear, almost no medicine to cure!" Shinto shook his head.

"Predecessors, can you see if this bead can heal your body seriously?" Ye Chenfeng moved his mind and took out a source of life.

"This, this is..."

Feeling the power of the living spirit of the source of the soul, the sacred eyes of the gods shine, revealing the color of the accident.

"This should be the source of the birth of the **** of death, reincarnation, life and death. It should be able to heal the serious damage of the seniors and restore the root of the damage!" Ye Chenfeng.

"I didn't think that death is not only refining the source of life and death, but also bred the origin of life!" God does not want to die, watching the source of the birth of the heart in Ye Chenfeng, he showed excitement Color path: "Morning wind, how many of these spiritual beads do you have?"

"I have thirteen, enough for the seniors to heal!" Ye Chenfeng.

"Okay, then you give me three, wait for me to heal the body and protect you!" Shinto took a deep breath and pressed his heart to the excitement.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and did not hesitate to give the three spiritual beads to the gods.

Served a source of life, and Shinto immediately felt a powerful force of life in the body, repairing the roots of his own damage and healing the old wounds that he could not heal for a long time.

"Predecessors, I don't know what is the chance in this tomb of the virtual, I want to take them all away!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the pale face of the pale face, and asked softly.

"Well, I will accompany you to take the chance in the tomb of Taixu!"

The source of the borrowed source of the soul has suppressed the serious old wounds of the body. The sacred voice immediately took Ye Chenfeng to the place of the tomb of Taixu, and took away all the opportunities in the tomb of Taixu.

"It's time to leave!"

There were six major opportunities in the tomb of Taixu, and Ye Chenfeng immediately followed the tomb of Shen Dao to the tomb of Taixu.

"Predecessors, the Mozu people should block the outer space of the Tomb of Taixu, and also ask the seniors to help me solve them!"

Although the strength of Ye Chenfeng is not the same as before, reaching the five-star god, but the power between the gods and the ancestors is too great, and there is a Samsung magic ancestor in the Mozu, bringing him The great threat made him have to turn to God.

"No problem!"

Although the Shendao virtual injury is serious, the deadly camel is bigger than the horse, plus the swallowing of a source of life, the gods have no worries, and do not hesitate to agree.

About a day or so, Ye Chenfeng left the tomb of Taixu with Shendao and appeared outside.

When they leaped into the outer space of the extremely unstable Tomb of the Tomb, they felt the net of the Mozu.

"Hey, the devils in the district still want to turn the sky!"

The deity of God is one of the top masters of the Protoss. How terrible is the strength. He did not put the sacred network of the Mozu in his eyes.


Shendao imaginary hand-swords, a emptiness, a waterfall-like sword mans across the heavens and the earth, with an invincible sword meaning, a sword opened the devil's number of ancestral masters, spending a few months to lay down The sky.

"What is moving!"

Feeling the huge sound coming from the tomb of the Tomb of the Tomb, I have been practicing on the battleship, and patiently waited for the first time of the six great demon ancestors to come over.

"It's you, you finally came out!"

When the three elders of Mount Maoshan saw Ye Chenfeng, they immediately felt that his strength had reached the five-star road, and the deep eyes showed a sense of solitude, murderous.

"You are very patient, waiting for me for so many years!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the six masters of the demon ancestors and smiled and said: "In this case, then the grievance between us will be broken. ."

"It's up to you!"

Although Ye Chenfeng’s cultivation speed is faster than that of Konjac Mountain and others, they still have not put Ye Chenfeng in their eyes.

And the power of Shinto is more than they are too much, plus the sacredness of God seems to be extremely serious, and Konjac and others have not seen him in his eyes.

"Clay chicken!"

The sacred sacred sacred scorpion shot the radiant radiance, and a breath beyond the imagination of the konjac mountain and others was filled in his seriously wounded body. This breath is strong, let the konjac and other six magics The ancestors felt suffocated at the same time, as if their hearts had been pushed into a mountain.

"This breath, the ancestral peak is great!"

Feeling the scent of Shinto, the strongest ancestor of the great elders changed his face. He never imagined that there would be a ancestral peak who could follow Ye Chenfeng to leave the Qiankun.

The strength of the six of them is strong, and he is a master of the four-star demon ancestor. However, the strength of each of the ancestral environments is very high. It can be said that the ancestral peaks want to kill them. The power of blowing dust.

At this time, Konjac Mountain and others have no time to think about how Ye Chenfeng invited a ancestral peak to be a bodyguard. They are now thinking about how to escape.


When they were horrified and fascinated, Shinto took a step and stepped out. The whole space appeared criss-crossed, and an unmatchable sword mang was split in the imaginary body. A momentum of nowhere, I rushed to six people including the Magic Mountain.


In the face of the sacred attack of the Shinto shrine, the konjac and other people did not dare to pick it up and did not hesitate to dodge.

But when they dodge, their pupils shrink into the most dangerous pinholes at the same time.

They saw that a hundred feet long, like a crack in the space, swayed hundreds of miles, with a glaring light to him.

This sword covers a range that is too fast and unimaginable, so that the six people in the Mount of Magic can't dodge, and they can only continually send out a powerful defense against the card.

As the elders of the demon, the defensive cards mastered by the konjac and other people are extraordinary, and the defensive cards of the konjac and the elders of the Mozu have reached the level of the ancestors.

But when the defensive cards were bombarded on the invincible swordsman, which was vain, it was broken like broken glass.


In a moment, the body of the three elders of the Mozu was smashed by the sword of the Tao, and it became a group of blood fog in midair and killed on the spot.

While the three people such as Konjac Mountain escaped from the robbery with great strength, the power of the sword of Shinto is too horrible, or they have been devastated and flew them out.


In the face of unmatchable opponents, the three people who were seriously injured, the konjac mountain, feared and burned the blood of the whole body without hesitation, and used blood to escape to the distance.

"Where to escape!"

The sacred sacred sacred sacred, and three swords were smashed out of the air, and they smashed to the three konjac mountains that escaped.


With a scream of screaming, another great ancestor was killed by the sacred space.

And the konjac mountain and the elder grandfather of the ancestors rely on the powerful life-saving cards, thrillingly resisting the sacred attack of the gods, and seriously injured and escaped.

ps:6 more red envelopes!

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