Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1772: 龙少天

"This, this is the legendary Zulongzhu!"

"How come you have this treasure!"

Looking at Zu Longzhu in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, the middle-aged man widened his eyes and revealed an incredible color.

Zhulongzhu is one of the dragon's heavy treasures. It is a dragon ball that was cultivated to the ancestors of the ancestors and has been cultivating countless years of refining, but it was lost tens of millions of years ago.

The middle-aged man did not think that this dragon was looking for the precious treasures of countless years, but in the hands of Ye Chenfeng.

"How, you follow me for a thousand years, I will give this ancestral dragon to you!" Ye Chenfeng looked stunned, and the middle-aged man with a hot color in his eyes said with a temptation.

Zhulongzhu is precious, but it is not a dragon for Ye Chenfeng. This treasure is of limited use to him. It is far less important than accepting middle-aged men.

"Good!" Looking at Zu Longzhu, the middle-aged man took a deep breath: "I follow you for thousands of years, keep you safe, I hope that after the millennium you can fulfill your promise, and I am free."

"Reassured, I will say it!" Ye Chenfeng said vowedly: "Okay, now you swear by the heavens, after the oath, this ancestral dragon is yours."


The middle-aged man nodded and made a vow in the public.

"Okay, this ancestral dragon is for you!" After the middle-aged man made the vow, Ye Chenfeng gave him the dragon ball.

He is not afraid that the middle-aged man will be distracted after he gets Zulongzhu. If he finds that the middle-aged man is in a bad mood, he will let Shinto take his hand and kill him.

"Now, tell me what you are calling, why is it in the fifth floor of this 乾kun?"

"My name is Long Shaotian. I was a lord of the Tianlong tribe. Now I am practicing to the peak of the Samsung ancestors. Ten thousand years ago, I went out once and was shackled by a great genius and became his contract. Beast..." Long Shaotian said his own experience in the past.

"That said, this Qiankun is the treasure of the day's great power?" Ye Chenfeng brows slightly wrinkled.

"Well, this Qiankun is the treasure of the Tianzu, but he has been in trouble for a while, and I have been detained here. I didn't expect this treasure to finally fall into your hands!" Long Shaotian Nodded.

"There are few days in the dragon, do you know how many layers of space there are?" Ye Chenfeng continued to ask.

"This Qiankun environment should have six layers of space, but that day the big man has been suppressing me on the fifth floor, I have not been to the sixth floor!" Long Shaotian said.

"It seems that you want to open the sixth floor of Qiankun, you need the strength of the Taoist realm!" Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself: "Long Shaotian, this dragon marrow, and a superb Tongtian Shengdan give you, hope You have already broken through to the realm of the four-star demon."

"Zhulong pith, the best product of the heavenly Dan!"

Looking at the ancestral medulla and medicinal herbs that Ye Chenfeng gave him, Long Shaotian squinted his eyes, showing a shocking color.

The ancestral medulla is placed on the dragon, I am afraid that the four patriarchs will fight for it, and Ye Chenfeng gave him without hesitation, which shocked him and was moved.

"I will break through as soon as possible!"

Long Shaotian nodded and swallowed a whole bottle of dark red ancestral medulla, ready for further repair.

"Shendao virgins, candle dragon predecessors, small mosquitoes... everyone comes to the fifth floor of Qiankun!"

Ye Chenfeng’s idea was sent to the fifth floor of Qiankun, and they were given a lot of dragons and Tongtian Shengdan, so that they could practice in the fifth layer of the 30-fold time flow. A higher level of impact.

"This breath, the peak of the ancestral power!"

Although the sacred injury is extremely serious, it greatly affects his strength, but he feels the scent of his body. Long Shaotian trembles. He has no doubt about the strength of the sacredness of the gods. shelter.

"Fairy, I did not expect that this space treasure level is so high, not only has 30 times the time flow space, but also bred a fairy, maybe following you, can really cure the old man's body hurt!" The group was sucked into the stomach and suddenly felt comfortable.

"Predecessors, you can rest assured to heal here, if the source of the birth is not enough, I still have!" Ye Chenfeng said generously.


The Shinto nodded, and found a place rich in scent, swallowing scent, refining the origin of the soul, and healing the old wounds.

Give the gods the candle dragon, the summer butterfly and other people a lot of Tongtian Shengdan, Ye Chenfeng is also preparing to bury here for a period of time, refining the ancestral dragon, further enhance the physical strength, wait for the outside world calm, then Find a place to exchange the stone.


Ye Chenfeng drank a small mouthful of ancestral dragons, and immediately felt that there was a dragon in the body, constantly roaring, and the powerful ancestral power filled his body and opened his tough meridians.

But his body is too strong, and the violent ancestors can't hurt him.

"Nine transformations, change, refining!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and quickly turned into a transformation of the gods. The refining of the dragon's marrow with powerful ancestral power, tempered the body and impacted the celestial double mirror.

Nine transformations change, the more difficult it is to practice, the more energy you need.

Fortunately, the ancestral marrow is full of anti-days, and Ye Chenfeng is fully refining, and his physical strength is constantly improving.

Time is like a shuttle, and soon, the outside world has passed for three years, and the fifth floor space of Qiankun has passed for ninety years.

"Fairchild, this Xinghai terrain is complex, hiding a lot of unknown dangers, we should not go deeper, so as not to have trouble!"

An old man in a gray robes and a double-spotted white, followed by a smocked coat, tall and tall, with long legs and long legs, surrounded by a young woman in a pale yellow mask, looking around All around, cautiously said.

"Two grandfathers, have you protected, can the danger in the Xinghai still threaten me? I want to go deep into a few hundred nautical miles, I have a feeling, there is a big chance in front, I can't miss it!" Young and beautiful woman warms He smiled and said persistently.

"Oh, that's okay, then we will go deep into two hundred nautical miles, and we will leave immediately if we get the chance!" The gray-clothed old man sighed softly and summoned an ancient flag with flowing mysterious lines. Followed by the woman in the dress, protecting her from going deep into the Xinghai.


Suddenly, a ferocious roar sounded deep in the stars, and strong sound waves fluctuated with the violent tumbling of the cold water.

The next moment, a body length of more than ten meters, the body appears dark red lines, the dorsal fins like a knife, a black shark with a sharp fangs appeared, and the speed of the rushed to the gray old man .

"Upper ancestors, this black shark is a superior ancestor!"

The strength of the old man in the gray clothing is strong, and it only reaches the territory of a star, and is far from the opponent of the black shark.

The color skirt women's strength is weaker, only the five-star road to the realm, facing the star-level king of the monster black shark, the two immediately encountered danger.

"Fairchild, you go first, I will resist this black shark attack, and we will be in the Xinghai foreign exchange for a while!" Holding the ancient flag, shaking and attacking the formation, the gray-coated old man who resisted the black shark attack anxiously urged .

"But two grandfathers..."

"Nothing is wrong, if you don't go, we can't go anywhere!"

The strength of the black shark is above the old man in the gray coat, plus in the sea, its fighting power is stronger, facing its fierce attack, the old man in the gray coat is dangerous and screams.


When the old man in the gray coat shouted, when the distraction was made, the black shark, like a lightning bolt that smashed the sea, slammed into the gray old man, and the terrible attack directly tore the attack of the ancient flag. The gray-coated old man flew out and the blood stained the sea.

"Two Grandpa!"

When looking at the old man in gray, there is danger. The woman in the dress is biting her teeth and gives up running away alone, trying to rescue herself.

At this moment, her beautiful big eyes suddenly grew bigger and bigger. She was shocked to see that a strange figure appeared behind the fierce black shark, grabbed the tail of the black shark and burst into a terrible sky. Force, directly toss the upper ancestor black shark into two halves, blood mad spray on the spot.

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