Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1780: All rolling

"How scared? This is just beginning, the play is still behind!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and put away the magic sword, which inspired all the strength of the body, and used his own flesh and blood to crush a devastating attack and attacked the crowd.

He wants to use the blood of the Emperor and the masters of the Baili family to sharpen himself and resolve the resistance of the body.

"Give me broken!"

Ye Chenfeng slammed a bang, and the power of more than 600 billion jin broke out. He punched the three great sacred sacred sacred sects and bombarded the two masters in front of him.

Although the Baili family can walk sideways in Zixing City, they are too far and far to face the real master.


The two masters of the Baili family did not even mourn their voices, and they were blown up by the fists of Ye Chenfeng and turned into blood.

"Give me death!"

In the chaos, the elders of Emperor Qi spit out a dark golden symbol, and incorporated a large amount of blood into the Fu, which inspired Fu Yu to become a dark golden lightsaber, surpassing the speed of several times the speed of light, 斩To Ye Chenfeng.

Looking at the dark golden light sword on the head of Ye Chenfeng, Ye Chenfeng, who was fiercely smothered, immediately turned back, rolling strength and morality gathered in his right fist, punched out, space burst, terrible fist directly Broken this dark golden lightsaber.

"This, how is this possible!"

Ye Chenfeng’s combat power is completely beyond the imagination of the Emperor of the Seventh Emperor. He can’t believe that Ye Chenfeng’s use of flesh-and-blood fists can smash the power of the dark gold symbol that is comparable to the best of the heavenly sacred level.

When the Emperor of the Seventh Emperor was shocked, Ye Chenfeng was attacked by the rushing sea, and it was turned into a shadow in midair, with a mountain-like oppression, appearing in front of the Emperor of the Seventh Emperor who was desperately dodging. .

Ye Chenfeng is close to the body, smelling a dangerous atmosphere, and the elders of the Emperor, who are full of hair and straight, make a full-scale attack.

But Chen Chenfeng is filled with 600 billion jins of strength. With strong physical strength, it shattered the attack launched by the Emperor of the Seventh Emperor. It was like a broken bamboo punching the chest of the Emperor of the Seventh Emperor, holding it. The source of his power, the Holy Spirit.

"The Holy Spirit, burst!"

The moment when the Holy Spirit was held by Ye Chenfeng, the elders of the Emperor, who knew that they had no way to live, broke the Holy Spirit and used their own life to launch a final blow to Ye Chenfeng.

The Emperor of the Seventh Emperor is a five-star god. He blew himself up to the horror of the power of the Holy Spirit. The void has been blown up by a huge gap. There are also many masters of the eternal family who are dodging, and this is destroyed. The force smashed the body and died.

"Home, homeowner, do you say that kid is dead?"

Looking at the intensifying storm of destruction, I was dodging in the distance, and the stunned master of the Baili family rolled and asked.

"So a terrible attack, even if he is not dead, I am afraid there will be only half a life left!" Baili River took a deep breath.

When everyone thought that Ye Chenfeng had been slammed by the Emperor of the Seventh Emperor, when he was in the air, a lonely man walked out of the Destruction Center and appeared in front of everyone.

"This, how is this possible, how can he be unscathed!"

Looking at the ancient armor, Ye Chenfeng, who looked calm, was shocked by everyone present.

"祖,祖甲, he is wearing a ancestral armor!"

The Emperor of the Sixth Emperor in the crowd looked at the surface of the body of Ye Chenfeng, and the trenches of the mysterious pattern, revealing the feelings of the ghosts and the screams of disappointment.


The artifacts in the eyes of the Baili family are tantamount to the gods, and the armor of the ranks of the ancestors is circulated in the legend. It can be said that Ye Chenfeng owns the ancestors and has been invincible. Even if you gather the power of everyone, you can't kill him.

"Ye, Ye Gongzi, it was the fault of my hundred-year-old family. As long as you are willing to raise your hands and spare me a hundred-year-old family, I am willing to give you all the collections of my hundred-year-old family!" /

Looking at the ancestral armor, the mighty Ye Chenfeng completely destroyed the psychological defense line of the Baili River. He had to lower his noble head and beg for help in the tone of pleading.

"Kill you, your collection of the Baili family is not mine!" Ye Chenfeng said indifferently, there is no slight mood swing on the face of cold and proud.

"This is..."

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng does not want to let go of the Baili family, the Baili River is panicking.


When the Baili family was shrouded in haze, a broken sound like a blue sky rang.

The original temperament hand-held ancestor arch bow, shot through the largest arrogant ancestral ancestors of the Baili family, the powerful force fluctuates with the violent tremor of the whole void, just like the end of the world.

Shooting through the ancestral ancestors, the original road tires were a flash, and they did not enter the depths of the ancestral land. They opened all the holes in the whole body, madly swallowed the ancestral veins in the ancestral land, and increased their own strength.

"Ye Xiaoer, you are going to be arrogant, and against my royal family, you will die!"

The elders of Emperor Liu took a precious remedy, stabilized his body and glared at Ye Chenfeng.

"It doesn't matter, I am waiting for your revenge of the Emperor!" Ye Chenfeng said fearlessly, his body flashed slightly, and a dazzling afterimage in the air suddenly appeared in front of the emperor. A punch hit him.

"What are you doing, fight with him!"

The Holy Spirit was burned, and the power of the semi-ancestor broke out against the attack of Ye Chenfeng. The elders of the Emperor Six screamed in the blood of the body and snarled loudly.

"Is it useful?"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and broke out the power of 600 billion kilograms. He used his own body to crush the two major powers who came across the whole force.

Along with a scream of screams.

Whether the Huangtian masters or the masters of the Baili family, they were all crushed into pieces by the terrible body of Ye Chenfeng, turned into a group of blood fog, and died on the spot.

For a time, the blood of the entire Baili family flowed into the river, blood, broken limbs scattered all over the place, and suddenly became a human purgatory.

"How, how can this be, this is not true!"

Hidden in the distance, the shivering Baili Yunxiu looked at the scene in front of him and fell into despair and remorse.

She didn't expect her own calculations to provoke the disaster of the Baili family.


Just in the cloud, the body is getting more and more shaking, and when the spirit is about to collapse, she sees the Baili River being hit by Ye Chenfeng. The whole body is being hit and hit, hitting the three ancestral flags. In the formation of the ban, it turned into a scene of blood fog, and fell directly to the ground.

"Ye Chenfeng, you are the executioner, I will not let you go!"

The spirit of Baili Yunxiu completely collapsed. She made a scream of screaming, chose to blew herself in remorse and despair, and ended her life.

But the death of Baili Yunxiu can't be extremely violent. Ye Chenfeng is like an invincible **** of war, killing wildly, harvesting the life of the Emperor and the masters of the Baili family.

Looking at nearly a thousand Baili family, the Emperor of the Imperial Heaven was killed by Ye Chenfeng, and the **** mouth, the extremely wounded Emperor of the Sixth Emperor, but in desperation, took the hardest step, spanning half The ancestral environment has broken through to the realm of Tianzu.

ps: Public number, everyone helps with advertising, thank you! Yty83

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