Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1792: Mysterious girl

"Death, where are you going!"

When Ye Chenfeng walked to the rented ancient courtyard, suddenly an angry roar sounded in the noisy streets.

The six fierce gods, the man with the wolf head on his arm, rudely pushed the pedestrians on the street, chasing a little girl with a shabby clothes and a dirty face.

Ye Chenfeng didn’t want to gossip, but when he looked at the little girl who was running in panic, the brow slightly twitched, and noticed a slight anomaly, immediately controlling the brain to radiate the past.

"Well, what is this constitution!"

When the powerful soul penetrated into the little girl's body, Ye Chenfeng discovered that she was chaotic in her body, and she could not perceive her physical condition, and she could not feel her virtual reality, which surprised Ye Chenfeng.

"Don't be afraid, come over!"

Looking closer and closer, the very mysterious little girl, Ye Chenfeng waved at her and waved, whispering.

When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s shouting, the panicked girl hesitated, and ran to Ye Chenfeng, hiding behind him, clutching his arm and seeking shelter.

"Mom's dead girl, here I see where you are going!"

The six fierce and sinister men surrounded Ye Chenfeng, and one of them reached out to the little girl with a big hair and grabbed the little girl.


A crisp slap in the air.

The big man who caught the mysterious little girl was slammed out by Ye Chenfeng. He made a beautiful arc in the air, and fell heavily on the ground. A lot of blood was sprayed in his mouth.

"Mom, I will dare to fight people who are black wolves. I see you have eaten a bear and a leopard!"

Five vicious men, seeing their companions being slap in the air by Ye Chenfeng, suddenly angered, and summoned the best real spirits, attacking Ye Chenfeng.


The five best real spirits hit, and Ye Chenfeng immediately blasted a punch. More than 200 billion kilograms of power broke out instantly, such as a meandering meteor, bombarded in the five best real spirits.


The sound of a crisp cracking sounded.

Under the attack of Ye Chenfeng, the five best real spirits were broken, and the whole space was shaken by Ye Chenfeng’s fist.

"I count to three, who doesn't roll, who I kill!"

A fist smashed the five best real spirits, and Ye Chenfeng’s sharp, electric scorpion glanced at five fierce faces, and the fierce man who was shaking inside, coldly warning.

"Let's go!"

Feeling the killings revealed in the dawn of Ye Chenfeng, the five fierce men were timid, and did not dare to stay for a long time. With their seriously injured companions, they were quite embarrassed to escape.

"Okay, don't be afraid!" After driving away six vicious men, Ye Chenfeng cast his gaze on the dirty girl: "What is your name, do you have family?"

"I don't have a name, no family!" Mysterious little girl squinted her eyes, looked at Ye Chenfeng, and shook her head.

"Would you like to follow me?"

A lot of little girls are close at hand, Ye Chenfeng suddenly feels like she is like a mist, even he is somewhat incomprehensible, and suddenly feels that this little girl is very simple, whispered.

"If you can give me something to eat, don't let me be hungry, I will follow you!" said the little girl.

"No problem, as long as you are with me, even if you want to eat ancestral meat, I will get it for you!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said.

"I don't like to eat meat. I only like to eat sacred crystals. The higher the level, the more I like it!" The little girl shook her head.

"Eat the crystal!" Ye Chenfeng was slightly surprised. He was the first person to see the Holy Crystal.

Be aware that the crystal is extremely strong, and the firmness of the top grade is more than the general heavenly device. The best crystal is almost equivalent to the hardness of the best heavenly device.

"Well, big brother, can you give me a holy crystal to eat?" The little girl ordered a little head.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and took out a top grade, and handed it to the little girl.

Looking at the hands of Ye Chenfeng, the egg-sized top grade Shengjing, the little girl’s eyes immediately turned into a crescent shape, directly grabbed the crystal, opened his mouth, and bit the majority.

"She can really eat the Holy Crystal!"

Looking at the hard and incomparable, comparable to the top grade of the sacred celestial sacred sacred crystal, in the mouth of the little girl is like a sweet and delicious bread, Ye Chenfeng feels that he is extremely unusual, and there is absolutely hidden secret in the body.

"Big brother, don't you know if you still have it?"

I have eaten a top grade, and the little girl said it.

"Yes, there is a big brother here, there is something, how much you want to eat, how much you eat!" Ye Chen Fengcai said with a rough atmosphere, took out five best sacred crystals and handed it to the little girl.

"Thank you big brother, I will be with you in the future!"

The little girl took over the most refined and more sturdy of the best, and she ate it with relish, and a happy smile on her face.

"I will call you a stranger in the future!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the simple girl, whispering.


The little girl nodded and said, cleverly, as if she trusted Ye Chenfeng and followed him to the ancient court.

Walking and walking, Ye Chenfeng's brow wrinkled a bit, his powerful soul found that the six fierce gods who had just been scared away by themselves appeared again.

And following them, there are four people, one of whom has reached the peak of the six-star road.

"Help the Lord, that kid injured me and saved the dead girl!"

The murderous man and his party stopped Ye Chenfeng in an unmanned street, and said with a look.

"Who are you, why are you doing nothing, and I will be right with my black wolf!"

A man wearing a black robes, arms with two colored wolf heads, tall and straight, with a cold, whispered.

"If you don't want to die, just let me go!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the black robe man in the main realm of Six Star Road, said coldly.

"Mom, you are a big dog, you dare to marry me, the black wolf will help the Lord, I see you..."

The words were not finished, the fierce man who insulted Ye Chenfeng was pierced by Ye Chenfeng, smashed his soul, and fell in a pool of blood to kill Huang Quan.

"Who is you?"

Feeling the impetuousness of Ye Chenfeng, the black robe man’s face changed slightly, his face was dignified.

"Who am I, you still don't know!" Ye Chenfeng said arrogantly: "If you don't want to disappear in the ancient city, how far you can go."

"A big tone, you know who the background of my black wolf is?"

Although Ye Chenfeng's strength is extraordinary, but the black robe man is not afraid, annoyed.

"Who is it?"

Ye Chenfeng smiled and said.

"We are Wei's people, Wei Erye is our master!" The black robe man said with high anger.

"Wei Erye? Wei Penghong?" Ye Chenfeng smiled. I didn't expect Wei Shitong to have warned Wei Penghong and his son, and their people provoked themselves.

"It's good! Give us this dead girl with the acquaintance, otherwise I won't be able to eat it!" The black robe man said arrogantly.

"You let Wei Penghong come and see if he can help me!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"Mom, what do you think, I also want to see Wei Erye." Another fierce big man swears.


His voice just fell, Ye Chenfeng pointed out another finger, broke his head and killed him.

"You, you..."

The black robe man did not expect Ye Chenfeng to be so courageous, killing people without a word, and suddenly sweating on his forehead.

"My patience is limited, either let Wei Penghong come to save you, or give me to die!"

Ye Chenfeng’s momentum suddenly became fierce. The killing of blood and bones filled his body unreservedly, and slammed into the black robe man’s body, giving them a feeling of facing death. The line of defense was completely destroyed.

"You, you give me waiting, wait for Wei Erye, Wei Gongzi is here, have you look good!"

Feeling the terrible breath of Ye Chenfeng, the black robe man knows to kick the iron plate, stretches out the trembling hand, takes out the communication beads, and communicates to Wei Penghong in public, but he contacted several times and only contacted him. Wei Hengyi, please come to support him.

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