Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1001: Smuggling Gejia

"Gejia, you are a big dog!"

Zi Lin looked satisfied and walked out of the house. She looked at Ye Chenfeng, who smiled and smiled. She suddenly changed her face and made an angry roar. For example, Jiu Tian’s thunder thundered over Gejiafu and alerted the whole Ge. Family.

Under the horrible way of Zilin’s horrible, Ge Shaojun’s life was broken and he died in panic.

The next moment, I heard the voice of Zilin roaring, more than a dozen Huang Tianzuo and Gejia high-level rushed over to see what happened.

"Old ancestors, what happened?"

Looking at the angry purple Lin, Ge Jia’s family Ge Jingyuan’s heart trembled and immediately stepped forward and asked in fear.

"Your son is a big dog, and dare to offend his ancestors, this ancestor can't spare you Gejia!" Purple Lin is filled with horrible killings, murderous.

"This is... ancestors, is this a misunderstanding, how can the young army dare to offend you?" Ge Jingyuan changed his face and quickly compensated.

"Misunderstanding?" Zilin said with a sigh of relief: "So, do you think that my ancestors are idle, are you sons?"

"No, no, I don't mean this!" Ge Jingyuan, who had sweat on his forehead.

Although the Ge family is the main force of the Beiqiu Tiancheng, it is far worse than the Beiqiu Tianzong and the Huangtian.

The ancestors of Ge’s greatest strength are only five-star ancestors, and there is an insurmountable strength gap between them and Lingguang.

Moreover, the Emperor Tianzu’s ancestors, not only the ancestors of the ancestors, but once angered the ancestors of the ancestors, they will definitely bring disaster to the Ge family, and no one will speak to the Ge family.

"What do you mean!" Zilin said with a hegemony: "Ge Jingyuan, I am coming to you with a dust, not to be angry, today you will not give me a statement, don't blame my ancestors for you. You are welcome."

"Old ancestors, you are suffocating, I will call the young army, the sergeant, let him give the ancestors, and pay less for the Lord." Ge Jingyuan wants to break his head and can’t think of it. How does Ge Shaojun offend the dynasty? The ancestors, just want to find Ge Shaojun, to calm down this matter.

"Don't look for it, Ge Shaojun offended his ancestors, has been killed by his ancestors!" Zilin said indifferently.

"Kill it!"

When I heard Zilin’s words, Ge Jingyuan’s eyes and muscles jumped a bit.

Ge Shaojun is his most beloved son, but also the hope of Gejia's future. Now that he is informed of his murder, Ge Jingyuan has a feeling of being stabbed into the heart by a sword, and can hardly control his emotions.

"Why, do you want to take revenge for your son?"

Zi Lin is a master who is not afraid of fear, catching a stern color in the eyes of Ge Jingyuan, her face is suddenly gloomy.

"No, no, ancestors don't misunderstand, I don't mean this!"

Feeling the majestic momentum of the body of the ancestors of the ancestors, Ge Jingyuan’s heart trembled, and his reason occupied the anger, and quickly explained.

"Old ancestors, I really want to know how the young army has offended you!" Ge Jingyuan took a deep breath and endured the grief of the funeral, whispered.

"Do you want to know?" Zilin said with amazement: "This is very simple, my ancestors will kill you now, and if you go to hell, you can ask him."

"No, no..."

Ge Jingyuan did not think that Lingguangzu was so unreasonable.

If he knew that this would happen today, he would never invite Ling Guangzu and others to come to Gejia to be a guest.

But regret is too late, revenge is even more dare to mention, at this time Ge Jingyuan only wants to calm the anger in the heart of the ancestors as soon as possible, send them to leave.

"Lingguangzu, a junior, as for a big temper?"

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded in the courtyard where the atmosphere was suppressed.

When wearing a numb robes, the skin is dark, and the long white hair is scattered on the shoulders. Every step of the way, the Gejia ancestor Ge, who caused the space to tremble, appeared too deep.

"Old ancestors!"

Looking at the retreat, Ge, who rarely appeared, appeared too deep, and Ge Jingyuan and others sighed with relief.

"What are you doing, what can you do with your ancestors?" Zilin’s sharp-eyed glance at Ge’s five-star ancestral home, said unceremoniously.

"Lingguangzu, I don't want to be an enemy of you, but please raise your hands and spare me Gejia!"

Ge Tai’s deep-eyed muscles twitched and whispered as he pressed his inner anger.

"Let me spare you, too, but you are not going to come up with something, let me get mad?" Zilin lion opened his mouth and prepared to swindle Gejia.

"I don't know what Lingguang ancestors want?" Ge too asked in a low voice.

"Forget it, I don't want to see it in your Ge family. I don't have much to do. I only need three things!" Zilin extended three fingers and reported the names of the three treasures.

When Zilin said the same treasure, Ge Taishen, Ge Jingyuan and others' eyes swayed. Obviously these three treasures are extremely precious, and the power of Gejia cannot be found.

"Sorry for the ancestors of Lingguang, you said that the three treasures I have no family!" Ge too hard to scalp.

"It seems that you don't want to solve the problem. If this is the case, then don't blame the ancestors for killing!" Zilin is extremely murderous and will kill if he doesn't agree.

"Wait for the ancestors of the mausoleum, how do you see this thing, can you calm your anger!"

Ge Taishen is very clear about the destructive power of the ancestral ancestors, and immediately took out a stone road that emits five colors of light.

"Five-color **** stone!" Zilin's eyes suddenly lighted up: "Well, if you give me ten five-color **** stones, I will leave immediately, and I will never find you trouble again."


Ge Taishen did not think that Zilin was so embarrassed that he would open ten five-color **** stones.

Be aware that with the position of Gejia in the Beiqiu Tiancheng, there is only one five-color **** stone, and ten five-color **** stone north hill Tianzong can not be opened.

"Sorry for the ancestors of the mausoleum, I have only one five-color **** stone!" Ge Taishen forced to suppress the inner anger, said lowly.

"Forget it, I don't want to be too embarrassed to you, so, you Gejia quickly open the treasure house, let me and pick a few treasures, we will go." Zilin directly grabbed Ge Taishen's hands The five-color **** stone, Yi Xingshan said.

"Lingguangzu, I have always been the leader of the Emperor Tianzu, and why are you struggling!" Ge Taishen was really crazy by Zilin.

If it wasn’t for the horror of the ancestors of the ancestral ancestors, Ge Taishen had already shot three hundred rounds with him.

"Hey, I have already given you Gejia face. If you don't know anything, then don't blame me for being polite!" Zilin said with some intolerance.

"Well, I took my ancestors and went to the treasure house!" Ge Jingyuan sighed deeply, and said tightly after the bite.

Ge Jingyuan, who has always bullied others and deceived others, did not expect that he would have a day of deceit.

"Old ancestors, a son of dust, this is my treasure house of Gejia, but also please look at my heart of the heart of the family, pick a few treasures!" Ge Jingyuan endured the pain of the heart, lost laughter .

"Know it!" Purple Lin, who was glaring at both eyes, waved his hand and said impatiently: "This, this, and this..."

Zi Lin pointed and pointed out a dozen treasures.

Looking at the treasures that Zilin pointed out, the value was not high, Ge Jingyuan took a sigh of relief.

But then the words of Zilin, almost Ge Jing far back.

"Besides what I just ordered, don't, other things, I took it!"

When finished, Zilin held a few precious Qiankun rings, and under the gaze of Ge Jingyuan's desperate eyes, she took away the millions of collections of Gejia and took them into the Qiankun ring.

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