Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1006: Destroy the source

"No, what is this?"

The two souls of the soul-sucking brain were swallowed up, and the thundering **** who tried to reshape the flesh made a desperate roar and fought to attack the two sons.

But under the suppression of the three evil spirits, such as the evil spirits, the resilience of the thunder and the gods is getting weaker and weaker. The source of the surging sky is suppressed, and it is impossible to pose a threat to the two soul-sucking brains. And hurt.

Slowly, the soul-sucking brain erodes the brain consciousness of the thundering god, and he gradually loses himself.

"Not bad, two soul-sucking brains can still control the virtual god!"

Feeling the thunder and sorrow of the soul, the soul that is seriously injured can't resist the erosion of the two soul-sucking brains. Ye Chenfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and his thoughts moved to the thunder and sorrow.

"Three predecessors, help me protect the law, I want to devour the origin of this day, shock half-step virtual reality!"

As the situation of the virtual world becomes more and more complicated, Ye Chenfeng clearly feels the lack of strength. If he can break through the half-step virtual reality, then burn the blood of Hongmeng, and integrate the spirit of the gods and the chaotic method. He can completely fight against the intermediate god.

"Ye Chenfeng, can I absorb the origin of the heavens here to cultivate?" Zilin asked with a sullen look.

She knows the benefits of cultivation in the origins of the celestial beings, where she has a chance to attack the half-virtual state.

"Reading your performance this time is good, you will practice here with me!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng took out two chaotic gods with half-domain meaning, and gave it to the excited Zilin, and will be stuck in the ancestral home of the ancestors, chaotic beast, peacock king, summer The butterfly, the spirit fish and other people all summoned them out, letting them swallow the origin of the sky and impact the higher realm.

"Killing the source, melting!"

Ye Chenfeng opened the whole body's acupoints and swallowed the origin of the heavens. He took out the remaining five killings of the previous period, and all of them melted into the body, and fully attacked the half-step virtual state.

When Ye Chenfeng and others suppressed the thunder and sorrow, and swallowed the origin of the heavens, the entire northern Qiu Tianzong fell into chaos.

The ancestors of the North Hill were dead, the huge haze was over, and Qiu Yunchuan had no intention of holding a celebration.

When he told the Emperor Tianzong about what happened to the Northern Qiu Tianzong, it also caused quite a stir in the Huangtian.

The origin of the Tianzu is very important to the Tianzu. It cannot be lost. Once the origin of the Tianzu is destroyed, it will directly affect the ancestral ancestors of the Huangtian people, greatly affecting the foundation of the Emperor.

"Yunchuan, are you sure that the death of Beiqiu is related to the Emperor?" The Emperor of the Emperor of the Tianzuo whispered through the subpoena.

"This is the ancestor of the ancestors of the ancestors. They guessed in the place where the ancestors died, and found traces left by the virtual sword." Qiu Yunchuan sighed.

"Tangling ancestors and a dust, why don't they send me a message?" The elders meditated and felt suspicious.

"Lingguangzu and a dusty master said that they have the incarnation of the emperor's patriarch and took the initiative to guard the origin of the celestial family!" Qiu Yunchuan said.

"Stupid, you are cheated!" The Emperor of the Emperor Tianzu suddenly changed his face: "If I did not guess wrong, the two of them are the murderers of the North Hill."

"This is this, this is impossible!" Qiu Yunchuan's eyes stunned and directly stupid.

"How precious is the patriarch's body avatar, how can he be rewarded to the ancestors and the dust, they should be deliberately fooling you, so close to the origin of the celestial family!" The emperor elders analyzed.

"That, that elder, what should I do now?" Qiu Yunchuan was a little embarrassed, and the six gods had no way.

"The speedy blockade of the North Hill Tianzong, informs the thunder of the gods, let him be careful, there is a thunder and sorrow, they should have no chance to destroy the origin of my celestial being in a short time!" Huang Tianda elders ordered: " As long as it can delay for three days, my royal family can come to the virtual world."

"Okay, this is the only way!" Qiu Yunchuan nodded mechanically, took out the communication beads, and sent a message to Zhenlei.

But at this time, the thunder and **** of the thunder have already been suppressed, and Qiu Yunchuan cannot be contacted at all.

"The fierce, the murderer is really them!"

There is no connection between the thunder and the gods, and Qiu Yunchuan feels the seriousness of the situation. Once again, he contacted the emperor of the Emperor and told him the situation.

"Give me all the power, go to the source, no matter how much the price, but also to protect the source!" Huang Tianzu elders ordered the death.


Qiu Yunchuan didn't know what kind of enemy he was going to face, but at this moment he knew that he had no choice. Once they guarded the countless years of the Tianzu origin, the Emperor would definitely kill him.

"Who are you, why come to my North Hill Tianzong trouble!"

Qiu Yunchuan gathered the Tianqiu Tianzong of the North Qiu, the Mozu and other forces, when they came to the origin of the Tianzu, they discovered that the guardian was outside the prohibition and disguised the identity of the Tao.

"Closer, die!"

The shrine that sits on the ground vainly opened the closed eyes, a golden dragon broke his body, and opened the **** mouth and attacked Qiu Yunchuan and others.

"This, is this the supreme magic of the Kunlun Holy Land to the Kowloon!"

Attacked by a golden dragon, many of the celestial beings who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, the Mozu can recognize it. This is very likely to be the Kowloon ruin of the Kunlun Holy Land, and it has doubts about the sacred identity.


The emperor was slammed, and the whole ground was violently shaking. In the blink of an eye, dozens of heavenly and demon geniuses fell and died on the spot.

"The Sovereign, this person is very likely to be the virtual power of the Kunlun Holy Land. We are not opponents. It is no different to continue to be close to death!" The Northern Elder Tianzong elder appeared in Qiu Yunchuan who retreated several kilometers away. The sound is dignified.

"Everyone quickly shot, blocked here, waiting for the emperor's virtual **** to come!" Qiu Yunchuan bit his teeth, and immediately made a sound command.

Soon, the layered array of bans floated in midair, blocking the space around the origin of the celestial being.

"Death, half-step evil spirits, war demon, candle dragon predecessors, quickly come out to swallow the origin of the sky!"

Identity exposure, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the death gods and other people in the realm of the virtual world, and the magic candle dragon, and let the two original birth tires, the chaotic law together, swallow the origin of the heavens.

Under the collective efforts of the people, the power contained in the origin of the Tianzuo has rapidly declined, and a precious ancient wood and grass that grows in the original place has rapidly withered.

"Avatar worms, swallowing space wormholes quickly!"

Identity is exposed, Ye Chenfeng guesses that the Huangtian will definitely send a virtual god, but at this moment, he does not want to have a direct conflict with the celestial god, and immediately let the worms devour the space wormhole.

Time goes by.

Ye Chenfeng and others have swallowed up the origin of the three-day celestial beings, and swallowed one-tenth of the original source.

At this time, the soul of Ye Chenfeng who stayed outside noticed that three horrible breaths came to the Beiqiu Mountains, and he guessed that the gods of the gods had arrived.

"You, speed as I shoot, destroy the origin of this day!"

The appearance of the celestial gods, Ye Chenfeng immediately awakened everyone, summoned back to the Tao, and attacked the origin of the celestial being.

The origin of the Tianzu was swallowed up by Ye Chenfeng and others. It was a serious deficit. Now it has been attacked by everyone, and immediately suffered a devastating blow. There are signs of an outbreak.

Looking at the origin of the celestial explosion, Ye Chenfeng took out a lot of spar with destructive power and threw it into the origin of the celestial being.

At this time, the three virtual gods appeared, just as they smashed the ban on the origin of the celestial beings, and when they took Ye Chenfeng and others, Ye Chenfeng detonated all the ruined spar in the origin of the celestial being. In the territory of Qiankun, he flew into the space wormhole where the worms were cut through.


A series of earth-shattering explosions sounded,

The tens of thousands of annihilation spar explosions detonated the origin of the celestial beings, and the horrible power collapsed into the space of dozens of miles, just like the end of the world.

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