Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1009: Three dangerous places

"Hey, give up so soon?"

"If you don't give up, they really think of themselves as a nine-star doctor!"

Under an hour, I went back to the Ye Chenfeng trio in the main hall. Hu Lao and others did not believe that they had cured the Situ old master so quickly, and ridiculed them.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Situ's homeowner is no longer a problem, and you are waiting to give me ten heads!"

Ye Chenfeng sat quietly on a chair of the Taishi. He poured a cup of Lingcha from his own heart and said with a light drink.

"Haha, you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you say big words!" Hu, who is highly respected, laughed: "If you can heal Situ's home, I, I..."

Hu’s old words have not finished yet. He saw two familiar figures slowly coming in. The sarcasm was suddenly stuck in the eyes of the blind man, and his face was red and stunned.

"I am what I am... If I heal the Situ old master, what do you want?" Ye Chenfeng put down the teacup in his hand, revealing a faint smile.

"The old master, he really healed you!" A doctor with extraordinary means widened his eyes and said incredulously.

You know, the six of them tried their best to cure the Situ owner, but Ye Chenfeng only took him less than an hour to heal him.

"He is really a nine-star physician!" Six thoughts in his mind have revealed an incredible thought.

"Well, the three doctors were shocked and healed the old man!" Situ's home owner nodded.

However, when he thought of the healing process, his eyes couldn’t help but jump wildly. The memory that couldn’t be looked back could not be dispelled, let him go crazy, and wished that Zilin would be worth a thousand.

"Now, how many of you should fulfill your promise and give me a slap in the face!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the six stunned doctors.

"This is..."

It’s not uncomfortable for them to smash their heads than to kill them, but it’s impossible to deny them in the eyes of the public. Adding Ye Chenfeng’s evil doors, they are overwhelmed.

"Why, do you want to play?" Ye Chenfeng sneered aloud: "You can know the consequences of jealousy."

"It turns out that our fault is that we don't know Taishan offended you. Can you exalt your hands and spare us? We promise that in the future, wherever you will appear, we will shun back!" A doctor of Hefa Tongyan was soft. .

"If I don't agree?" Ye Chenfeng slowly drank the Lingcha Tao.

"Although you are highly skilled, we are not mortal, I hope you don't push us, otherwise..."

Hu Lao’s threat has not been finished yet, and the war demon suddenly appeared beside him, waiting for him to make a second reaction, stepping on his ankle, and the power of more than 100 billion kilograms directly shattered his Ankles, he turned him to the ground.

Next, the war demon took another step and stepped on Hu’s legs. The terrible force directly staggered his legs. The huge pain almost made Hu Lao’s pain faint.

"Would you like to gamble and lose, who wants to go back, don't blame us!" Ye Chenfeng glanced at Hu Lao, who was holding his legs and painfully mourning, showing a hegemonic side, a cold warning.

"Good, let's go down!"

Looking at the horror of Hu Lao, and the means of warfare and cruelty, the five doctors who were not strong in their medical skills were afraid of it, kneeling on the ground, licking ten heads, and smashing Hu Lao Wandering.

"Let's go, let's go to the library!"

Learn from the dog's eyes to see the low six people, Ye Chenfeng came to the Situ family library, and with Zilin, the war magic together to look at the library of more than 100,000 ancient books, looking for the origin of the Mozu inheritance may appear s position.

Although Ye Chenfeng's three souls are powerful, there are too many ancient books in the library, and the three spent a whole day without reading.

"Father, what do you say about the three of them? Is it really just for reading?"

Looking at the three people who quickly rummaged through the ancient books in the library, Situ’s family shook his head and asked inexplicably.

"I can't see the three of them. I hope they have no intentions for my Situ family. Otherwise, if they want to solve them, they may have to pay a lot of money!"

Thinking of what Zilin did, Situ’s old master was a little crazy, but Ye Chenfeng’s three people were so mysterious that he could not act rashly and could only bite his teeth and swallow.

After nearly three days of rummaging, Ye Chenfeng rummaged over more than 100,000 ancient books. Through analysis and scrutiny, he identified three dangerous places that may appear in the Mozu inheritance.

There is only there, in order to better cover the inheritance of the Mozu, not to be discovered by outsiders.

"Let's go, let's go to the three dangerous places to try our luck. If there is no Mozu inheritance in these three dangerous places, then we will think of other ways!"

The target was determined. Ye Chenfeng left the library and was ready to leave the Situ family and go directly to the Magic Sea to search for three dangerous places.

"Three, you no longer live for a few more days, so that we can do our best to be the landlord!"

Situ’s family saw Ye Chenfeng’s three men saying that they were leaving and deliberately reserved.

"No, we have other things, we will not stay in your house!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and took Zilin, and the war demon left.

“Notify Hu Lao quickly and tell him that the three people have left!”

Thinking of what Zilin did to himself, Situ’s eyes showed a strong killing in his eyes and whispered.


Situ’s family nodded and took out the communication beads. He told Hu’s whereabouts of Ye Chenfeng that he did not read the kindness of Ye Chenfeng.

Leaving the Situ Family House, Ye Chenfeng immediately came to the beach and was ready to enter the Magic Sea.

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul perception perceives more than a dozen powerful Mozu masters hidden in the Devil’s Sea, and near the beach, Ye Chenfeng also found Hu’s breath.

"You are so bold, you dare to ambush me!"

Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrank, and the deep squats shot a smother.

"Since you don't know how to live, let me send you to hell!"

The soul of Ye Chenfeng’s brain burst instantly, forming a horrible dizziness. He sneaked into the sea of ​​murderers in the magic sea. The terrible dizziness instantly tore their souls and killed them. .

"I will shoot for a while, don't be merciful, I want them three lives." Hu Lao, who lost his face, showed his hustle and bustle.

But his voice just fell, and several black men standing beside him suddenly bleed in seven holes, falling softly on the ground, and died.

"This is..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hu was scared and his brain was blank.

After that, he felt a soul beyond his imagination rushed into his soul, tearing his soul and killing him.

When Hu Lao and others were killed, Ye Chenfeng’s fingers flicked, and two sharp swordsmanships cut through the sky, and the speed quickly flew to the Situ family.


The forbidden mask shrouded in the Situ Family House, and the father and son of Situ, who was drinking tea in the main hall, shrank and saw two light swords.

Before they made the second reaction, the two lightsabers pierced the heads of both of them and killed them.

"Go, let's go to the magic sea!"

Resolved the nasty flies, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate, with purple and war magic, entered the magic sea, went to the first dangerous place in the magic sea, Wan Yaoxia.

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