Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1020: 妖界

The demon family, one of the various ethnic groups in the virtual world, is divided into a phoenix family, a bird family and a beast family.

The number of phoenix family is the least, but the overall strength of the phoenix family is the strongest among the three tribes, especially the phoenix **** of the phoenix family, and the first master of the genius, one foot stepped into the virtual **** Late.

Originally, the Yaozu was very quiet, but because the most mysterious tomb of the universe appeared in the demon world, the demon world had a big chaos. The birds and the beasts of the beasts, the Jinpenghuang and the gods and the emperors both rebelled. It is unknown.

"Call, finally enter the demon world!"

Although the entrance to the demon world was sealed by the gods and the demons, the worms were easily cut through the space wormholes, allowing Ye Chenfeng to enter the demon world without knowing it.

Entering the demon world, Ye Chenfeng immediately concealed the strength, controlled the illusion of the ancestors of the illusion of the enchantment, and the chaotic beast with astringent breath, the peacock king flew to the demon world pool, trying to find the whereabouts of the phoenix god.

"How can I find Phoenix God?"

Ye Chenfeng fluttered while thinking about it. Although he was pregnant with Wutong Shenmu, who had a fatal appeal to the Phoenix God, it was still difficult to find her phoenix **** and gain her trust.

Thinking about it, a huge city pool was printed in their eyes, looking at the huge city pool that appeared in front, Ye Chenfeng three people speeded up and flew past, mixed in the crowd, entered the name of the black demon city The demon city pool.

Although there is chaos in the upper level of the Yaozu, it does not affect the order of the lower level of the demon world. The entire black demon city is orderly, and the demon people on the street do not show the worry and panic.

"Walk, let's find a place to live, and at night we go to the city's main house!"

In order to save time, Ye Chenfeng prepared to explore the city's main government at night, and directly searched the soul of the black demon city to learn valuable information.

"Well, the horrible soul."

When Ye Chenfeng was looking for a place to settle, suddenly a horrible soul shrouded the Black Demon City. This strong soul made Ye Chenfeng feel scared.

"This should be the soul power released by the intermediate virtual god!" Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself, as if he did not sense this horrible soul force, and the Chaos beast, the Peacock King in the Black Demon City, discovered An inn built in the mountains, the environment is elegant, stayed in.

Because there is an intermediate virtual **** near the black demon city, Ye Chenfeng does not want to stun the snake, and does not act immediately, but is ready to explore the law of the soul induction of the intermediate virtual god, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Sure enough, as he guessed, at midnight, this horrible soul power appeared again, shrouded the integration of the Black Demon City, sensing all the suspicious clues.

But late at night, this horrible soul force only appeared once, which made Ye Chenfeng decide to act the next night.

The next night, Ye Chenfeng left the Chaos Beast and the Peacock King in the inn, and the soul power released by the intermediate virtual **** disappeared. As the ghost disappeared in the inn, the control of the Qiankun came quietly and was shrouded in a strong ban. Outside the city hall.

"Avatar, break the ban!"

Ye Chenfeng is afraid of playing the grass and stunned the snake. Instead of forcibly breaking the ban, he summoned the worm, letting him quickly bite the forbidden gap, and quietly entered the quiet city seat, slowly The main courtyard is close.

Beginning to the main courtyard, Ye Chenfeng faintly heard the passage from the main house, the flirtatiousness of the woman, and the dull snoring of a man.

And outside the main house, there are two descendants, carrying a pair of snow-white shoulders, a pair of white and tender feet, wrapped in white silk, full of beautiful women, waiting outside the house.

"This black demon lord is so interested!"

Ye Chenfeng whispered to himself, such as a breeze, easily controlled two people and beautiful women, forcibly erased their soul memories.

Ye Chenfeng just controlled three people, and there was a sudden and weird voice in the house. Soon, a woman wearing a white gauze skirt, her face was ruddy, her hair was messy, and her look was slightly tired. The door came out.

Through the gap in the door, Ye Chenfeng saw a burly body, covered with thick hair, a national character face, a sly man lying on a soft big bed, waiting for the next one Waiting room maid.

"Mom, you can't die, you don't bring me in, sweep my interest, I will smash you and feed the dog!"

After waiting for a while, the black demon lord of the realm of a star sorcerer found that the next person had not been brought in, and suddenly he was angry and angry.

But his voice just fell, he clearly saw that a vague shadow appeared.

Next, the ancient ancestral flag on the ten faces appeared in the room, and the entire room was banned.

"You, who are you?"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng who suddenly came in, the black demon lord had a big internal shock, and immediately spit out a six-sided disc floating above the head, as if the enemy was watching Ye Chenfeng.

"You don't want to be nervous, as long as you cooperate, I promise not to hurt you!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the black demon lord who was ready to launch an attack, with a faint smile, step by step.

"You give me death!"

Ye Chenfeng went to the attackable range, and the black demon lord did not hesitate to play the six-sided dial, and exerted the mighty killing trick, attacking Ye Chenfeng.

But the difference between him and Ye Chenfeng is too great. Ye Chenfeng gently waved his arm and shattered the six-sided dial of the best-quality celestial device, breaking the attack of the black demon lord. , easily control him.

"You, who are you in the end?" The black demon lord did not think that Ye Chenfeng’s strength was so horrible, blinking his eyes and controlling himself, suddenly nervous, and daring to warn: "I warn you, meridian The virtual **** is nearby. If I have an accident, you will not want to leave."

"Mr. Meridian, the intermediate virtual god?!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "If he unfortunately discovered me, it would only be a bad luck."

Although the intermediate virtual **** is very horrible, it is almost standing in the virtual world, but with the strength and heritage of Ye Chenfeng, it is enough to kill the intermediate god.

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng no longer craps with the black demon city, nonsense, bound his body, one hand pressed on his heavenly cover, borrowing the brain to forcibly search for him.

"Well, Jinpeng ancestors are nearby!"

Ye Chenfeng did not know the information about the Phoenix God in the soul of the Black Demon City, but he accidentally learned that Jinpeng Demon was nearby.

At the beginning of the inheritance of the undead ancestors, Ye Chenfeng once promised not to die, and must smother the seller to seek glory, and rely on the Jinpeng ancestors of the Tianzu to avenge it.

And Jinpeng Yaozu, as the emperor of the fowl family, knows more information.

Think of this, Ye Chenfeng will lock the next goal of Jinpeng demon.


Forcibly erased part of the memory of the black demon lord, Ye Chenfeng threw him into the big bed in unconsciousness, and recovered the ten major ancestors of the banned space. His body flashed slightly and disappeared into the quiet city seat. Back to the inn, meet with the chaotic beast, the peacock king.

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