Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1025: Super God

"How about the morning breeze, have you learned valuable information from the Jinpeng demon soul sea?"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng, who appeared in the Qiankun environment, Shendao and others waited around and asked.

"The Celestials have locked in ten places where Phoenix God may appear." Ye Chenfeng nodded. "In addition, I also got a good news, too god, too imperial is not in the demon world." ."

"Well, at this juncture, too god, too, the Emperor is not there?" Shen Dao said with surprise: "Where did they go?"

"I learned from the Jinpeng demon soul sea, Taishentian, Taihuangtian went outside the domain, looking for the key to enter the tomb of the wilderness!" said Ye Chenfeng.

Are you going to the tomb of the wilderness, do you need special things?" asked the gods and other people's brows.

It is extraordinary to be able to make the gods, and the treasures that Taihuangtian personally seeks. The people are more and more aware of the mystery of the tomb of the wilderness.

"I think they should go outside the domain to find the heart stone!"

Mu Linger, who is like a fairy, slowly walked over and said.

"Ben Xinshi... What is this?"

Ye Chenfeng and others first heard of this heart stone, and they brushed their eyes to the mysterious Mu Linger from outside the domain.

"There is a mysterious power in the tomb of the wilderness, and this power can interfere with the soul and make the soul lost. If there is no heart stone, even if the virtual **** of the world enters the tomb of the wilderness, it will lose itself. Become a killing machine!" Mu Linger revealed to Ye Chenfeng and others an important piece of information about the tomb of the wilderness.

"Linger, how do you know so much about the tomb of the wilderness?" Ye Chenfeng asked with shock.

"This is what my great-grandfather told me!" Mu Linger is like a lark, and the voice is clear and clear: "And on my body, there are six great-hearted stones that my great-grandfather gave me, if you want to, Ye Brother, if you want, I can give you five."

"Really, that's great!"

Ye Chenfeng was overjoyed, but he did not expect that Mu Linger had a heart stone.

"The evil spirits, the predecessors of the virtual gods, the seniors of Henggu, these three heart stones are given to you, then we will enter the tomb of the wilderness!"

Ye Chenfeng took out three heart stones and gave them to the three strongest evil gods, and he left one, and the last one, he prepared to give the Phoenix God.

"For Linger, you still know how much the secret of the tomb of the wilderness!"

Ye Chenfeng did not expect Mu Linger to know the secret of the tomb of the wilderness, and intended to know more valuable information from her mouth.

"I have not entered the tomb of the wilderness, but my great-grandfather, my great-grandmother once entered!" Mu Linger continued: "According to my guess, the tomb of the wilderness should travel in a different universe, just the two worlds, it Appear in this universe."

"The tomb of the wilderness shuttles through different universes!" Ye Chenfeng and others took a sigh of coolness and was shocked by the information revealed by Mu Linger.

"Na Linger, do you know what is the chance in the tomb of the wilderness?" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and asked by the shock of his heart.

"My great-grandfather only told me that the tomb of the wilderness was the chance of Hong and the desert, and the two of them were once the absolute hegemon of the universe. As for what kind of opportunity they left, I am not sure!" Mu Linger Shake his head and said: "But my great-grandfather once left a chance to test me in the tomb of the wilderness. If I can get it, I will inspire my full potential, complete the transformation and return to my universe."

"Your great-grandfather left a test for you in the tomb of the wilderness!" Ye Chenfeng asked with shock: "Linger, what was your great grandfather?"

"Super God!" Mu Linger Road.

"Super God..."

Mu Linger’s words are like heavy weights*, blasting in the heart of Ye Chenfeng and others, leaving them stunned.

In the eyes of Ye Chenfeng and others, God is already the most top-notch existence, and can grasp all the life of the whole universe, and what strength is Super God, they can't imagine.

"Oh, maybe in our eyes, the gods that make every effort to climb, not worth mentioning in some people's eyes!" Shen Daoxu and other people sighed deeply and suffered a lot.

"We still analyze several places where Phoenix God may appear. In any case, we must enter the tomb of the wilderness and get the opportunity of the flood and the wasteland!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and dispelled distracting thoughts. I will tell the ten places where the Phoenix God may appear.

The Northern Sky City is almost destroyed, so the North Sky City has not been considered by Ye Chenfeng and others.

"The more dangerous place, the safest place, the Phoenix God wants to hide himself, I think she is very likely to choose the most people!"

"So flying the demon imperial city, the possibility of walking the beast city is relatively large!" Lived countless years, the experience of the extremely rich God Henggu analysis.

"I think this is also possible in the demon sea. It is easier to hide in the sea. The phoenix **** is hidden in the demon sea. The people of the Tianzu want to find her is impossible!"

"No, I don't think Phoenix God will be reconciled. She will definitely pay attention to the every move of the Tianzu, so I agree with the analysis of Henggu's predecessors. She may be hidden in the Flying Monster City or the Beast City! "Ye Chenfeng pondered a bit, and added the road.

"In any case, God is too god, too emperor is not there, we can safely and boldly look for the Phoenix God, it is better to go to the two big cities to try their luck first, if you can't find the Phoenix God, we will go to the demon sea!" God said.

"Yes, but let's go to the Beast City or the Flying Demon City?" Zhen Lei sighed and nodded.

"Go to the Beast City!" Ye Chenfeng finally made a decision.


The gods and other people brushed the brush to Ye Chenfeng.

"Jinpeng ancestors are not in the flying demon city, indicating that the celestial family should turn over the flying demon city, even if the phoenix **** is really hidden in the flying demon city, then she is very likely to be scared away Big, so the possibility of leaving the beast city is greater!"

"But relative to the Flying Demon City, the danger of taking the Beast City is also great, the Tianzu should have a lot of virtual gods in the dark surveillance!" Ye Chenfeng analyzed.

"Okay, then let's go to the Beast City first. As long as it is too godly, the Emperor is not in the sky, with our present strength, there is a chance to counter the heavens!"

Refining some of the five-color **** stones, almost tearing the bottleneck of the realm, breaking through to the evil spirits in the late days of the gods.

"Yeah. Everyone will refine the Shenshi cultivation as soon as possible, and strive to enter the tomb of the wilderness, everyone's strength can go further!"

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng left the Qiankun territory and quietly left the mountain where Liao was uninhabited. He changed his body shape, converges his breath, and flies in the direction of the Beast City.

After more than ten days, Ye Chenfeng successfully came to the high and high, and stood outside the city with two mighty beasts, and dared to be a warrior. , entered the imperial city of the Orc - in the beastly city.

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