Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1038: Get lost

"Linger, let's go!"

Ye Chenfeng released a powerful soul, penetrated into the black tomb, and found that it was empty, without any treasures, and immediately flew away with Mu Linger.

"Wait for Ye Brother!"

Flying and flying, Mu Linger shouted Ye Chenfeng.

"What happened to Linger?"

Looking at the gray eyes and constantly pushing the space rules, Mu Chener asked softly.

"The road we walked seems to be wrong!" Mu Linger suspended in the air: "You wait for me, I try to introduce the rules here."

Speaking, Mu Linger's white hands twisted quickly, and they made a complicated handprint, melted into the space, forcibly deduced the space rules, and searched for the right path.

About a musk time, Mu Linger opened his eyes and pointed to the northwest side: "Ye brother, let's go there."

Mu Linger took Ye Chenfeng and slowly flew to the northwest of the death cemetery.

How long did it take to fly, Mu Linger stopped again and deducted it to determine the flight direction.

"Tomb Tower, another tomb tower!"

After more than three hours of flight, the second three-story tomb tower with a strong sense of death appeared, blocking the way the two went.

"It turned out to be a tomb tower. The power of this tomb tower interfered with my deduction of the space rules here." Looking at the tomb tower in front of him, Mu Linger’s brow was slightly wrinkled and said faintly.

"If this is the case, then I will break this tomb!"

Although Phoenix God, Shendaoxu and others are practicing in the Qiankun environment, Ye Chenfeng’s combat power has plummeted. He still does not hesitate to control the Shenjian sword attack to the three-tiered tomb tower. One sword will be strange. The tomb tower is smashed.


The tomb tower was broken, and the power of horrible death was filled. Five and a half meters long, the gods that danced the tentacles climbed out of the grave, and the fierce screams were sent to Ye Chenfeng.

"Thousands of evil, the tower of the gods, protect the spirit!"

Ye Chenfeng quickly let Mu Linger retreat to the kilometer, summoning two great artifacts, protecting her, holding the sword and swallowing the sky, and rushing to the five extremely ferocious worms with them. Fierce killing.

When wearing the best ancestor magic dragon fighting, Ye Chenfeng's defensive power is greatly improved, but the attack of five worms is too strange, the power is comparable to the tentacles of the pseudo-virtual artifact or the Ye Chenfeng is not small The troubles left a deep trace on the incomparably hard dragon fighting.

"Chaotic law, melt!"

Unable to resist the attack of five insects, Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts and movements, combined with the chaotic method, promoted his own strength to the ultimate level of virtual reality, and cast a mirror image, instantly transforming the three mirrors, and his Attack together.

But in the blink of an eye, the three mirrors were torn apart by the antennae of the gods.

"Two original birth tires!"

The mirror is broken, and Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the two original birthmarks that stepped into the half-step virtual state, holding the best artifacts to help them defend their enemies.

Although there are two original birthmarks, Ye Chenfeng is still in danger and is completely suppressed by five ferocious worms.

"Ye Ge, the weakness of the insect that is on your left, six inches in the abdomen!"

Ye Chenfeng brought two original birthmarks, and when five fierce insects were violently killed, Mu Linger’s voice passed into his ears.

"Shenjian swallows the sky, go!"

Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrink, locking the weakness of the left-side worm, and the arm bursts nearly five trillion jins. The sword is swallowed, and a sword pierces its weakness.

Next, Ye Chenfeng smashed the gods, and smashed the body of the deadly worm that killed him.

There was a killing of a worm, and Ye Chenfeng’s pressure dropped sharply. He held two virtual swords and continued to fight with the remaining four gods.

Soon, Mu Linger discovered a fatal weakness of a god, and told Ye Chenfeng that he killed the second insect in one fell swoop.

After more than an hour, with the help of Mu Linger, Ye Chenfeng, who was not hurt, successfully killed five of the gods and got five precious and precious demon.

But the two original birthmarks were attacked by the gods, and they were covered with scars, which greatly affected their combat power.

"This parasite is too horrible. If it is not Linger's help, it is really difficult to kill them!" Ye Chenfeng took away five of the demon, and said with a heart.

"Well, this grave is also empty!"

The speed of deduction of the brain, when infiltrated into the tomb, Ye Chenfeng found that the tomb is still empty, without any treasures and opportunities.

"Ye brother, let's go south!"

Without the tomb tower interference, Mu Linger quickly introduced a new direction, with Ye Chenfeng continuing to shuttle through the dead cemetery.

Time goes by.

Ye Chenfeng followed Mu Linger in the dead cemetery for three days, crushing five tomb towers, killing 18 horrible gods, and found them under a five-story tomb. A fake virtual artifact half moon sword and a fist-sized, very pure five-color **** stone.

But as time went by, Mu Linger’s face, which seemed to be getting deeper and deeper into the cemetery, showed a thick, dignified color, and the movement speed became slower and slower. Finally, she found that she was lost.

"What's the reason?"

Looking at the sudden stop flight, Mu Linger with a dignified face, Ye Chenfeng flew to her side and asked softly.

"I have a problem with this road, we should get lost!" Mu Linger's eyes returned to normal, looking at the surrounding environment, whispered.

"Get lost?" Ye Chenfeng's brow slightly wrinkled.

"Well, if I didn't feel wrong, let's go ahead, we should have arrived at the tomb that we broke first!" Mu Linger nodded. "We have been away for so long, it is likely to A big circle."

Sure enough, as Mu Linger felt, they didn’t take long, they found the tomb that was first broken.

"Where is the problem!"

Make sure you are really lost. Mu Linger’s brows are tightly screwed together, sitting cross-legged, and deducting the rules of space while recalling.

At the time of Mu Linger's deduction, Ye Chenfeng sat on her side with her knees and controlled the brain.

When Ye Chenfeng and Mu Linger deduced the space rules in the dead cemetery, looking for the way to leave the dead cemetery, Tai Shentian and his party crossed the black mountain forest and came outside the death cemetery.

"Well, the mirror of death is broken, it seems that they have entered the death cemetery!"

No matter whether it is too **** or too emperor, they have entered the tomb of the wilderness in the ancient times, and they have a good understanding of the surrounding terrain. Looking at the broken mirror of death, they immediately guessed that Ye Chenfeng and his party have already Enter into the death cemetery with different spatial rules.

"Hey, wait for them to catch up with them, this God will set them up!" In the phoenix god, the evil gods who ate a big loss in the hands of the gods screamed coldly, said Senran.

"Go, let's go to the death cemetery!"

Tai Shen Tian flashes the power of the rules to restore the normal state, and Tai Emperor Tian with the Tianzu, the demon sacred god, walked into the death cemetery, slowly to the speed of the cemetery rules Ye Chen The wind is close.

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